Okay that does it let me respond for I am getting allot of this nonsense,both in the forum and private.
First of all Ugandans amaze me, for they respond with out facts. I have been bombarded with responses regarding my article and many start with I did not read this or that, (For the record I posted on Ugandanet both Mwenda's transcript and Mulera's article). So if you did not read Mwenda's transcript or Muniini Mulera's article why do you engage in this discussion based on what I wrote in Monitor alone?
And to the one who said I wrote the article, for I wanted to use a chance to attack Dr. Mulera, that was an 18 wheeler full of crap.
Let me clarify my position.
I as Edward have a right to comment on Mwenda's program and oppose it, that does not mean I support Museveni. You see our minds are so paralyzed that we must only support or Oppose. That is why you see that many Baganda have to today failed to move on for they are doing only one thing, to sing a song Obote hates Buganda. Look on the Mukalabanda or Ekinu technology, they will never change for no single Muganda is willing to think out of the box. What ever you ask Musamize or Ssenyange, his answer will be standard, "Don't you remember 1966? Obote is bad" In fact if Museveni becomes a bad leader, they remind us about Obote. When you look on South Africa, blacks fought apartheid, and in the process they forgot that apartheid is just a part of a problem. The white went and he blacks went into power, you should see the crime in South Africa, and un employment, and guns and on and on. Because all they did was to fight apartheid and never minded about any thing else. They took power and they were not ready.
The movement is bad for Uganda. But as we are fighting bad governance we must fight some other things as well. You see we personalized Uganda's problem to be Obote and to today Obote is gone and Uganda is 20 years back from where Obote left it.
We want freedom of the press in Uganda, but we should not only ask for freedom of press we should ask good journalism as well. I read Mwenda's transcript, and I do not care what he is charged with, but a good reporter never allows to become a part of the story. Mwenda became a part of the story. And of all people Vukoni who is a journalist should know this. If a journalist became a part of the story he looses objectivity. And that is not the freedom of press I want in Uganda.
There are those who have reminded me of the arrogance Museveni uses when giving the speech, yes I know it all but I am not discussing Museveni's style of speech, for Museveni is a president who is going out of office any time, but Mwenda is a reporter who is going to stay in Uganda when the movement is out of office. And he is supposed to report on the next government for that is his job and he is paid to do it. Mwenda is supposed to get the facts from any leader not to tell us his feelings. Now Museveni went to Kololo and yelled to many people including Mwenda. What he should have done is (a) use his journalistic experience to turn Museveni's attack to a constructive program so that we as his listeners learn some thing good from it or (b) if he wanted to attack Museveni personally,  he should have got another journalist to interview him. But we ended up getting a program director ranting his rage on his head of state. And I do not want that in our journalism I am sorry I just do not want it.
And I am willing to remain on this side and alone, for you see when Museveni was fighting in Uganda, he attacked an ambulance carrying patients to Mubende hospital and he killed them, then he went to Kabaale and attacked a Bank of Uganda branch and looted it. Those two actions were enough for me to conclude that Museveni is going to be a bad leader and if you bothered to read my article in Uganda Times, I stated that if you see any aspiring leader who bombs Government infrastructures, know that you are getting a bad leader. The same Ugandans attacking me here today, called me an Obote supporter. Well are you happy today that Museveni is leading Uganda? And as you are flipping from position to position just how many Ugandans have lost their lives?
We need to stop thinking in a bottle, we need to be critical thinkers, support a leader because of what he says and what he can deliver but do not support him because you hate the present leader. The hate Ugandans have on Museveni today, they can not judge bad journalism to the extent that even educated people like Vukoni have failed to look at Mwenda's program objectively.  With out letting their hate of Museveni impair their judgment. And you are making Mulindwa the victim that some of you have even accused me of posting that writing when I am drunk.
Well sober people, I have been here long enough and posting any thing about Museveni was an uphill in this forum. I will maintain course. You go on the hate rage and ask for freedom of press but do not bother about the quality of that press. when the East is in Camps you will turn around and start to think objectively.
Let us continue to build our ZOO which will became a circus and very soon. For with the reasoning I see here Uganda has a very, very long way to go.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:04 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] Mulindwa's Article


I have not seen or read Munini's article and so cannot say anything about it. I read Mulindwa's article and at first had doubt about it aims or message but on further reading i understood that i could no more information than what was written; that we should respect the president and that even in Canada a broadcast station's license would be 'yanked' if you did what Mwenda on the KFM station in Uganda. Presumably the law about respecting the president or prime minister is written so that it has emergency authority to yank licenses as soon as disrespect occurs. Otherwise the case would have to be investigated and a a charged proffered then depending on the outcome, actions would be taken against the radio station or culprit.

I say that this case would not arise in Canada for several reasons: 1) No Canadian leader has stayed in power the way Museveni has stayed in power in Uganda. Hence, the likelihood of such a leader losing the respect of the media would be very low if not nil. 2) No Canadian leader would have made such statement as Museveni has made after the fatal crash of the presidential helicopter in which a neighboring leader has lost his life. 3) In event that the leader involved himself in a controversial issues as Museveni did, a talk show host can be within his right to challenge his administration through his aides as has happened in Mwenda's case. It was a case in which each side was daring the other one way or another. And the listeners would understand the flow and turn of conversation.

So, I think Mulindwa was not clear in his mind when he decided to write the article. It just did not make the kind of sense he was trying to parley to the readers. The conditions in Canada cannot be compared to the conditions in Uganda at this time.

Onegi pa Obol

We all use freedom of speech but we respect the law.
>> I read the transcript of Andrew Mwenda and some of the statements he
>> in that program, Dr Mulera can not make them in Canada waves if he
>> to have a license.
>> I have to be very careful here for Andrew Mwenda's case is soon going

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