This does not mean that I condone Mwenda's unverified allegations. I certainly discourage journalists and talk show hosts from allowing themselves to get angry on air.
Now that Dr Munini Mulera has conceeded, it is about time Vukoni comes out with his apology. He at least owes us that much.
Benefits of a jail term  
August 22, 2005

Dear Tingasiga:

One of the arguments by those who delighted in the temporary closure of 93.3 KFM and the arrest of Daily Monitor journalist and talk show host Andrew M. Mwenda, is that his expressed views had had the potential to trigger war with neighbouring countries.

For example, in her column in the government-owned New Vision last week, Maria Karooro-Okurut, the Woman MP for Bushenyi, claimed that Mwenda's articles detailing Uganda's aborted plans to invade Rwanda might have exacerbated the tensions between Kampala and Kigali.

Andrew M. Mwenda

To buttress her argument, Karooro reminded her readers that the Rwandan genocide had been incited by a hate radio station in Kigali. Presumably the reader was expected to equate Mwenda's commentaries with the radio rants of the Kigali men who urged Bahutu to "go-kill-the-cockroaches" [to murder Batutsi] in 1994.

Karooro was wrong. The fact is that radio broadcasters and print journalists do not start wars. They do not start genocide.

Wars are started by rulers and leaders, by men and women in control of the weapons of violence, either because of outright greed for power or territory, or because of failure to manage potential crises through political means.

The Uganda-Tanzania war of 1978/79 was triggered Marshall Dr Idi Amin Dada's fatal decision to invade Tanzania. Its genesis lay in the political tensions that had arisen from Amin's overthrow of Dr Milton Obote's government in 1971, and Tanzania's support for Obote and other groups that threatened Amin's power.

The Uganda-Congo war of 1997 and 1998, the Uganda-Rwanda battles in Kisangani and the Uganda-Sudan battles were all started by Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his counterparts or their armed surrogate, not by scribes and radio commentators.

The unresolved tensions between Uganda and Rwanda – or more accurately, between Museveni and Rwandan President Paul Kagame – are not the product of journalists and commentators. They are the handiwork of the rulers of Uganda and Rwanda and their courtiers. Pointing out that Kagame and Museveni view each other with utmost suspicion and barely disguised enmity does not amount to inciting war between the two countries.

Mwenda's series on the alleged plans by Uganda to invade Rwanda were a reporter's account of what he had learnt from his sources in Rwanda and Uganda. While I have not sounded them out on this matter, I am fairly certain that the Rwandan rulers learnt absolutely nothing new from Mwenda's writings. They probably gave him some, if not most of the information that he used in his articles.

To be sure, the claim that Mwenda accusing the Uganda government of killing Col. John Garang, the Sudanese Vice President, threatened to ignite violence against Uganda was quite a stretch of the truth. The Sudanese were probably more incensed by President Yoweri Museveni's visit to Yei, reportedly without the knowledge of his counterpart in Khartoum, than Mwenda's angry declaration that Uganda had killed Garang.

And so I repeat my contention that Mwenda's arrest and the closure of 93.3 KFM were completely unjustified and were a classic reaction of anti-democrats to a man who had dared to point a finger at the king.

No anger
This does not mean that I condone Mwenda's unverified allegations. I certainly discourage journalists and talk show hosts from allowing themselves to get angry on air. However, I unequivocally support their right to get angry.

Likewise, whether or not Mwenda got his facts wrong and whether or not he indulged in unfounded speculation about the death of Garang is completely irrelevant in as far as his human right to freely express himself is concerned.

I promote thoroughness and fidelity to the truth. But that is not the issue. To criminalise his faulty claims and his anger is to undermine his right to be wrong. To suggest that his angry outbursts against Museveni and the government are in the same category as the hate broadcasts that have been banned on Canadian radio stations or the broadcasts of the criminals who urged the Bahutu to murder Batutsi in the Rwandan genocide of 1994, is similar to comparing poison with medicine.

Mwenda's angry statements threatened the ego and political fortunes of Mr Museveni. They were not a call to arms.
If there is some good that has come out of the Mwenda saga it is that he seems to have come out of prison more courageous, but calmer in his manner.

Three days ago, Mwenda was a guest on Reporters Roundtable, a Voice of America weekly radio programme where I am a regular panelist. This live programme is hosted by Dr Shaka Ssali.

Positive changes
Three things struck me during the show. First, Mwenda's manner of speaking has metamorphosed from a hurried, breathless rapid fire style to a measured and reflective manner.

Second, he was unapologetic for speaking his mind, and celebrated his luck for finding himself imprisoned with victims of the state whom he had sought to interview for many months without any success.

Apparently he obtained enough material to write an essay that will reveal all about the state's treatment of its prisoners.
Third, he showed a humility that enhanced my respect for him. He was willing to publicly acknowledge that his angry outburst had not served him well. It said a lot about him as a professional and as a person.

If Mwenda continues to check his emotions and maintains his courage and fidelity to the truth, he may very well become one of the finest journalists in Africa. His arrest has catapulted him to an international stardom that he would do well to utilise in the service of the truth and freedom. Humbly, and with courage.


 The Mulindwas Communication Group
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