What Mwenda said
            THIS IS IT: Andrew Mwenda
      Mwenda: (break, adverts)...Coming up we shall be playing the voice of Mr. Yoweri Museveni in his attack on me and I am going to launch a counter attack on him and he may find that I am taking residence at Nakasero, shifting from Kololo and he may be going to take residence in Rwakitura, one of these days.
      Museveni voice: These newspapers, I am the elected leader of Uganda. I therefore have the ultimate mandate to run their affairs. I will no longer tolerate a newspaper which is like a vulture... I will simply close it. Finish. End. Gasiya tu. I have been seeing this young boy, Mwenda, writing about Rwanda, writing about Sudan, writing about UPDF, he must stop. Completely. He is an expert on SPLA, he knows the minutes which took place where... he must stop. And this other paper called Observer, what is being said in the army. This is not how a country is run... Red Pepper also. I thought those were confused young boys busy with naked girls... These newspapers must stop or we shall stop them. If they want to continue doing business in Uganda, they must stop interfering in security matters of the region...
      Mwenda: Now that is President Yoweri Museveni, I am going to answer him. First of all no one is going to stop, at least not me. I am not going to stop. If he closes the newspaper and I am out of a job, I am going to seek his job and will get him out of Nakasero, take him to Rwakitura and I will take residence away from Kololo where he was speaking, where I live...
      Byaruhanga: But Andrew, Andrew... (Mwenda interrupts)
      Mwenda: ... and take residence at Nakasero.
      Byaruhanga: Andrew, you know you can't do that.
      Mwenda: If the man wants me to vie for his job, let him come and close the Monitor.
      Byaruhanga: Well, fine. You continue doing what you are doing and see.
      Pulkol: Moses, Please advise the president that we are running a consti-tutional democracy, not a dictatorship.
      Mwenda: ...a primitive banana republic dictatorship.
      Byaruhanga: yeah, but in a constitutional democracy, you don't go... (Pulkol interrupts)
      Pulkol: In the Constitution, there are institutions like the Courts.
      Mwenda: Does your President know that he has no power to close even a newspaper for one day?
      Byaruhanga: Wait. Wait...
      Mwenda: Aah aah, does he know that he has no legal power?
      Byaruhanga: The President, you just cut him short. He said he has asked the Attorney General to look into this matter. I was at Kololo. You were not there.
      Mwenda: Museveni's problem is, when he is seated in State House there, all of you in the Movement, he says jump you ask how high, shout, how loud. Because you do not challenge him, he is realising...
      Byaruhanga: Andrew Mwenda... he said, I was in Kololo, David Pulkol wasn't there. What he heard maybe was edited. I was there and I heard unedited version and he said he has asked the Attorney General to look into this matter... The Attorney general is the chief legal advisor of the President.
      Mwenda: If he was elected, does that mean that other actors do not have views?
      Byaruhanga: When he is elected, he has a mandate of the interests of the people who elected him.
      Mwenda: Does he know that we can remove him now?
      Mwenda: Does it mean that when people elect him, those who disagree with him should keep quiet?
      Byaruhanga: You also do it legally. But he is saying that don't play around with matters of regional security.
      Mwenda: Why shouldn't we analyse them?
      Byaruhanga: Do you know that the massacre in Rwanda was mitigated by the media? Is that what we are going to?
      Mwenda: Is Museveni saying what we are writing in the Monitor is calling for a genocide?
      Byaruhanga: Well, you are more or less doing so.
      Mwenda: Is Museveni saying that the relations between him and Rwanda are managed at the Monitor, here in Namuwongo?
      Byaruhanga: No, but Uganda exaggerates things which are not there.
      Mwenda: How?
      Byaruhanga: You mislead the country.
      Mwenda: You go and tell him to listen to this show, then he can get some wisdom, because all of you guys sit at State House and say, yes sir, yes sir. Here we say no sir.
      Byaruhanga: No we are not saying yes sir.
      Mwenda: I can tell you, his little threats are completely ignored.
      Byaruhanga: Andrew continue, you will see.
      Mwenda: We will see. This is our country.
      Byaruhanga: Yes, it is also ours. It does not belong to Monitor alone.
      Mwenda: Museveni has a right to kill us. He can close this newspaper, but that...
      Byaruhanga: We have done it before...
      Mwenda: Exactly and he will be paving the way for his down fall. Listen Mobutu ruled Congo for 32 years, Museveni has not yet clocked 20. You know how he died and how he left Congo... If Museveni wants to walk that path, I can tell you he is welcome to walk that path.
      Byaruhanga: No. But the President has a legitimate right to ensure...(interrupted).
      Mwenda: Mwenda should not discuss security in the region, how can you say something like that? I don't want... we run a newspaper and pay taxes which buy his suits, does he know that?
      Okumu: Mwenda, Mwenda, Mwenda.
      Mwenda: You see these African presidents. This man went to University, why can't he behave like an educated person? Why does he behave like a villager?
      Byaruhanga: Andrew, you yourselves are behaving like uneducated people by writing misinformation. And as a State, we must come in...
      Mwenda: How about other intelligence organisations that are willing to deploy millions of dollars? If I, by the way President Museveni knows, if you do not know, that I have access to a lot of intelligence information that I do not use. Now I am going to use it.
      Byaruhanga: Andrew, Andrew...
      Mwenda: But, how can he insult me like that? Museveni has no monopoly of irrationality, do you know that?
      Byaruhanga: For a newspaper like the monitor to come and create instability, we cannot tolerate it.
      Mwenda: How can you How is the Monitor creating instability? I can also slap you in this office.
      Byaruhanga: Laughs... He is the president of this country. Elected by the people.
      Mwenda: Jesus Christ!
      Okumu: Yeah, But if he is the president of this country does that make him a special human being? You are supposed to lead by certain guidelines.
      Byaruhanga: He must protect the interests of all Ugandans.
      Mwenda: If he wants to behave like Saddam Hussein, let him go to Iraq.
      Byaruhanga: He said don't interfere in security matters.
      Mwenda: You mean Museveni wants to dictate. You tell him that his threats are completely ignored.
      Byaruhanga: he did not say...
      Mwenda: Peace and security is a public good... I think I understand security better than Museveni.
      Byaruhanga: How can you understand security better than Museveni?
      Mwenda: That is what I think. I am a security expert.
      Byaruhanga: It is a wrong opinion.
      Mwenda: Really, does Museveni think that he understands issues of security better than I?
      Byaruhanga: Of course. Don't bring yourself to his level.
      Mwenda: I understand security as a profession better than he does 100 times. What has he read about security?
      Byaruhanga: Andrew, Andrew, please don't bring yourself to the level of the President on matters of security...
      Mwenda: What does Museveni know about security?
      Byaruhanga: He has brought about security in this country.
      Mwenda: Oh, Jesus Christ! You really think laying the whole northern region, a third of the country, in waste, 20 years of war, is how you bring security into a country?
      Byaruhanga: Twenty years of war to bring security in that region.
      Mwenda: Ooh. The man has completely failed to end the war in northern Uganda and you tell me he understands security? He is a complete total failure when it comes to protecting the people of northern Uganda...
      Byaruhanga: You are an expert. In 2006, go and offer yourself...
      Mwenda: Let him resign today, let me become President and you will see what I will do. This country will be better managed and there will be security all over the country. Security will no longer be a tribal good enjoyed by the Bantu in the south. Everybody in Uganda will be entitled to security. We are going to ignore Byaruhanga.
      Byaruhanga: I will just walk out.
      Mwenda: Museveni can never intimidate me. He can only intimidate himself... We are willing to pay Museveni a handsome pension if he decided to go home and rest and stop mismanaging this country. Why does he call me a boy?... Listen to me and you will get the correct security analysis. Listen to the President you will get the wrong one... The President is becoming more of a coward and everyday importing cars that armour plated and bullet proof and you know moving in tanks and mambas, you know, hiding with a mountain of soldiers surrounding him, he thinks that that is security. That is not security. That is cowardice.
      Byaruhanga: Well Andrew. There is no President in the world who has no security.
      Mwenda: But this one's security is Jurassic security. Why does this one move with mounted anti-aircraft guns, AK 47 assault riffles, tanks and mambas, buffels and katyushkas, Jesus Christ?
      Actually Museveni's days as a President are numbered if he goes on a collision course with me... I wish I was 35, I would have contested the next election...
      Byaruhanga: So you are a young boy?
      Mwenda: ... you mismanaged Garang's security. Are you saying it is Monitor that caused the death of Garang or it is your own mismanagement?
      Byaruhanga: Andrew let me answer...
      Mwenda: Aah what caused Garang's death? Garang's security was put in danger by your own government putting him first of all on a junk helicopter, second at night, third passing through Imatong Hills where Kony is... Are you aware that Garang died in Imatong Hills where you have always complained that Kony is?... Are you aware that your Government killed Garang?
      Byaruhanga: Eeh Andrew that is a serious statement you are making... I would rather you withdraw that.
      Mwenda: I can never withdraw it. Police call them, I would say the Government of Uganda, out of incompetence, led to or caused the death of John Garang. They put him on the plane when it was already late. That plane the President said it has the capacity to detect bad weather 100km away. Why couldn't they detect the bad weather 100km away?
      Byaruhanga: Andrew, no no no...
      Mwenda: Okay who flew him late at night?
      Byaruhanga: You are not going to drag me... Mwenda: Who flew him into bad weather?
      Byaruhanga: We have set up an investigation not only Ugandan, but it is an international...
      Mwenda: Let me challenge you. When a plane is taking off from place A going to place B, it is supposed to establish weather at place B. If the weather at place B was bad, why didn't your people here decide not to go?
      Maybe you don't recognise that the Government of Uganda is responsible for the death of Garang. Whether it is by commission or omission, the government of Uganda cannot run away from that responsibility.

      Published on: Sunday, 14th August, 2005
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 8:18 AM
Subject: [Ugnet] Why was KFM closed?

Well, I have seen a number of people celebrate the closure and opening of the radio station. Can someone now give us a concise reason why the station was closed to begin with and why it was reopened?
Angelo Izama was sacked in the process and the radio station fined some 4 million shillings. Is this the price for returning the show on the air?
I am neither supporting nor opposing any of the sides. I just do not have a coherent reason for the actions and reactions. It seems to me we are covering 'under the rug' a lot of valuable issues and lesson here. People have mentioned freedom of the press, respect for the president and Rwanda genocide. My previous email did not allow me to retain most mail due to storage and I had a chance to read the transcript of the Mwenda show that day. I no longer have it because it would have been good to read it again in view of the government reaction.
If you support freedom of the press, you would want to know what 'freedom of press is not absolute' means, wouldn't you? how is it applied and who applies it?
Onegi pa Obol

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