The problem with Ayittey's strategy is to keep necessary information out of circulation. And this is the very same crap the West does to us so we need to be very careful as we read his suggestions. Ayittey makes sure he gives you only part of the story and he wants you to depend on that part of the story and then make a continental conclusion.
The West has done that too. Remember when Tony Blair stood up in the house and he regurgitated on how the Taliban's are the worst growers of Popins? You remember when he said if we do not remove then out of power these drugs will be on London streets? Well has the growth been stopped now or it is even greater? The problem is that we can not ask Tony Blair such a question today. Again I will bring back the now known MI6 agent, she claims "I do not know why Tony Blair supported the Bush war" She knows and she loves it all the way for it is an investment to back her life style. She is lying as she lied that the British army are in Kenya to assist in training.
Well take her on that one and ask her why Kenya can not train its army today?
Last night I asked Ayittey about Aiddid, and he told me that my posting was an indication of how ignorant I am on issues and I should not post such nonsense here. Well guess what, The Milli Gazette is running a series on Somalia with such information that Ayittey does not want to be made public. Ayittey tells you the part of the war lords, he does not tell you who created them and for what. If you read the current Milli Gazette current edition you will understand even why Ayidiid was created.
And I say to Ayittey, this discussion can never be serious until when you can start to tell the whole truth. Ayittey start by telling us about the American interest in Somalia oil, talk about American companies like Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillip. Tell us their connection to Siad Barry and then after Aidiid. There is no reason why an intelligent man like you can sit on such information and you tell us that Americans went to Somalia out of a great care to the Somali society which was dying of hunger. That is a lie and you know it old/senile man. A man of your age forget being an African but you should tell the truth Ayittey.
And I ask a simple question who gave a flight to Ayidiid to go to a conference in Ethiopia and you pull such a crap of do not post such nonsense here. Ayittey, Mwananchi is a forum with Western spies, some are white and some are Africans. some of us take a time to checkout information before we post it, so be veeery ware. For the  record after the Americans fell out with Siadi barre they decided to work with Aidiid, a man who killed the American soldiers in Mogadishu, that is why Aidiid was never arrested, he was flown again by Americans to attend a conference in Addis. A meeting whose minutes I have.
So back off Mr. West African professor crap.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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