When we try to fight the problems we face in our continent we need to understand the diffrence we are treated especially by the Western nations. And here are issues that really make ones jaw drop.
1) France has made the deaths of Africans a daily joke. Yes we all know France has the worst building standards in Developed nations but just how many refugees have to die to end this night mere and secondly, suppose a single Jewish family died in France do you think a second one would have died in he same fate?
2) You know New Orleans has baffled many of us. To those who do not have much info on this city, it was built under sea level, and why? I have no clue.  From time memorial there has been a system to monitor the movement of the waters around this city. Water pumps and tunnels that pump waters out. In about 1965 there was an almost attack on the same city by the water. The system around it was built to stand a category three, but after the Tsunami attack, plans were made to raise it to a category 5.
But before we even go there, New Orleans is a city of mainly black and poor population. And one of the things that George Bush did recently was to shut down the program that has been monitoring the water raising of New Orleans. In fact those monies were dumped into the running of Home Land Security. barely less than two months ago, the leader of the organization looking at these water levels, made an interview where he stated how very un wise it was to stop this project hat has kept this city dry all this long. The waters of New Orleans must always be monitored as the waters around the Tokyo's new airport, to those who have flown into it.
And here we are with a whole city destroyed and not even a chance to be rebuilt. Many streets have not even shown the power lines yet.
The president can send in as much help as he can, and as late as he has, but did these people really have to die?
Which sends your thoughts to nations like Angola which have been under the Americans all along yet lost the most population, or even The Iraqis that today have died of only being on the edge.
As a person who has been in these forums very long, I wonder why Zimbabwe is the most undemocratic nation and Mugabe must go, but Yoweri Museveni and Paul Kagame who have killed literary millions of people are not an issue.
The diffrence between us and them is that if 53 British die in London bombings they are humans, but as one of their agents commented on my outrage about Bob Astles, Pat Anderson called him a strange person.
Africans wake up and today.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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