That is why I am very careful when discussing this issue, for what ever point I try to look at, I get one conclusion, The population in this city was not wanted and steps were taken to make sure it self destruct.
You see what many people fail to understand is that capitalism is nothing but a separation of societies into sectors of haves and have nots. And I have been in New York, a saying goes if you can survive in New York you can survive in any city. But do you know that rich as New York is they have families that live a worse life than Ugandans in Karamoja? When you oppress people and you train them that they are a lower part of society, you end up with a situation you have in this city and I hope the rest of society uses this problem to address the poor societies in Western worlds.
And this is why I think this nightmare was created.
1) The funding of defensive mechanism against the water was stopped by the administration
2) They knew that the storm coming was category 5 when the defense on the city was category 3 and failed to sound a right alarm. They said it would be advisable for people to leave. A Category 5 coming to walls of category 3, should have been reported to the President him self. And a mandatory evacuation should have kicked in. Funded by the Feds.
3) Before, with such a disaster a Governor would call a Premier here and we send them any assistance they want and vice versa, and we have done it several times. But now every assistance has to be cleared by Home land security. That is a federal government agency and trust me you will not go through that crap.
4) Even though the situation is this bad, no one is allowed to fly in help, The Germanys, The Japans, The Israelis, The Canadians, and French are all ready to fly in and home land security has not cleared them yet to now. As far as I know we are the only people who have been allowed this evening my time, to fly in only one 321 Air bus with water and some medical supplies. Only one air craft has been cleared to go and it has left, the same air craft will be used to shuttle between new Orleans and Some airport in Texas that I have forgotten. We have 3 loaded ships we have more than 1000 soldiers ready to go.
Then I go on surprises of how Capitalism works.
Did you know that the army was not sent in until when people started to rob the houses? So the people dying are not important but stealing a Television that is more important to capitalism. Did you know that the house speaker failed to turn up yesterday for he had a pre planed play golf for a fundraise?
And even on the rescued people, we have stories of women who gave birth a day before the storm and when it hit they were evacuated and their babies left. One woman is in Texas and her baby is in Boston.
As you read this we still have women standing on top of houses crying for help almost 6 days. White families have been pulled out and black left, and you wonder why they shoot the evacuating helicopters? And had this occurred in Holy wood or any other high class white suburb, would help have taken this long?
Suppose a Jewish community was hit would have help taken this long? Would George Bush go for a photo Op? Think about that and think about France where Africans are dying in house fire almost every week.
African you are a secondary class and white people will always take you the same way.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [panafricanistforum] A little vigilance, eh?

I agree Aduku.  However, when I look at N.O. I see a
city that is 2/3 Black and less than 29% of that group
actually own property (FEMA won't help them).  When I
see the distrust and disrespect for people of color in
the good ole US of A, I can't help but further wonder
how will we be able to survive if our only hope is in
a government that has continually oppressed us, I
can't help but focus on the situation here.  When I
turn on the news and I see Bush hugging and kissing
two black girls in Mississippi what am I suppose to

How about the future genderfication that will take
place in N.O.?  Are poor blacks being bused to Houston
never to return again back to their homes?  How about
the images coming from N.O. that indicates that only
Black people are looting when white people are there

White people that are in power don't care about us.
It is painful for me to see my people live without
hope. To see pictues of still born babies, the dead
lying in the streets, and other horrors.  Yes, I know
that it is also happening in Iraq, Palenstine, and
Haiti, but it is also happening in N.O.  The world
reacted very fast to the Tsunami victims, but is
gladly taking their time to help poor black people.
Now, how am I suppose to feel about that? 


--- Aduku Addae <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Folks,
> While we focus on that awful situation in Louisiana
> we should still cast occasional glances at Iraq,
> Palestine and Haiti. Unspeakable horrors could be
> visited on these folks while we are distracted by
> the horrific situation in New Orleans. Gotta be
> vigilant all the time!
> Respect,
> Aduku
> ---------------------------------
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