Wakaliga Market a National Health & Security Risk

Contrary to the laws governing Kampala city and market localisation, the 
so-called veterans established a market at a former garbage dump at Wakiliga, 
on a territory not gazetted for a market. (Once before it was turned into a 
garbage dump) All in direct infringement on urban laws, threatening public 
health and the security of city dwellers!

Past history of Wakaliga, will automatically entail an environmental assessment 
impact report is in place plus a health report from Kampala City Council health 
department. KCC laws in return, will scrutinise the suitability of establishing 
an exclusively fresh food market on that territory, where a site map and 
structure plans will then be approved. 

The veterans and their supportive state agents did none!  

Wakaliga was once a dumping place of all sorts of garbage, Kampala generated. 
These included animal cadaver and medical waste (placentas, used syringes and 
dead foetuses) direct from surrounding medical institutions. Twenty years on, 
is not enough for human habitation of Wakaliga and its surroundings. Indeed if 
this country’s politician were really concerned for public health and welfare, 
it would have cleaned this place first by removing all soils from Wakaliga that 
was generated and cleaned Wakaliga all water sources before an settlements are 
located on the territory.

An elected mayor of Kampala, a top authority on urban issues by virtual of his 
position, was threatened with violence in daylight, captured by radio and 
television stations. The white hall legal department, Uganda parliament, Uganda 
police and the inspector general of government could do nothing! Government an 
announced policy of, one law, two citizens prevailed and the market in two days 
was standing! 

In an amazing indifference, the market is under the National Army logo and 
can’t understand how national institution logos, could be used for an illegal 
public market within a civilian community. Even Idi Amin couldn’t do such a 
thing in Kisenyi.

Repeated warnings from Kampala city council that the market is illegal – has 
fallen on deaf ears – threats of violence and lawlessness rules! 

Top public officials originating southwest, west and northwest use Wakaliga 
road but an ugly scene on the road does not appeal to their urban 
sensibilities. The market as it is, located in an urban region is a score in 
the eye, with primitive structures lack of water and toilet facilities. The 
market is in a wetland implying all nature water sources; will further be 
polluted by garbage generated from there.

Evidence can really be seen from the dark golden like colour water in Mayanja 
River – typifying the increase in nutrient levels in the water.

Who is the law in this country?

Bwanika , Environmental Sceintist.

Nakyesawa , Luwero.  



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