In praise of inconsistence

If one applies some common sense, Ugandans behavioural patterns are so 
consistent to leave no doubt whatsoever about what they do next. It will 
surprise me the least if Uganda after 2011 is still at the same point as 1964.

more fruits are to be harvested some of us no nothing!

Disorganisation, self-seeking, aggrandisement, incompetence, double-dealing are 
today so entrenched and a norm. And it is through that very structure Uganda 
elites effectively utilities to fool the poor who have reacted contradictorily.

A minister was so sure of his political prowess that on hearing that he was 
voted out collapses. It has been a sock to many but was it really a sock? 

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 10:13:01 PST
From: ””<
Subject: Information and communication in social change

”The methodical rationality assumed and embedded in IT is often incompatible to 
the prevailing norms of organisation in many developing countries. For example, 
many institutions and organisation in Uganda, have no tradition of formal 
planning, and little capacity of organisation on the basis of requirement 
analysis. Strategic decisions are either political therefore not amenable to 
the analysis logic of organisational research., or intuitive, based on the 
talent of managers. Many organisation are so clearly dysfunctional in relation 
to their declared mission, that the call for reform seems totally convincing.”


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        by (mail_out_v28.15.) id r.e7.ef85d (16245);
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Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 04:27:31 -0400
Subject: car mp, ministers

 Ministers named in car scam 

 By Felix Osike and Okello Jabweli 

 A LONG list of 837 debtors, some of them ministers,  MPs and judges, who have 
failed to pay for government  vehicles they acquired under the co-ownership 
scheme, was yesterday tabled in Parliament. 

 The list, presented by the finance committee chairperson, Beatrice Kiraso, has 
names of six serving ministers, nine former ministers, politicians, judges and 
other top civil servants who owe sh395,742,310. 

 The serving ministers who have defaulted include Brig. Moses Ali (6.3m) and 
Maj. Amanya Mushega (3.4m). 

 Ruhakana Rugunda acquired a vehicle for sh13m but has so far paid sh520,000, 
leaving a balance of sh12.5m. Steven Kavuma acquired a vehicle for sh12m but 
has only paid sh4.2m, leaving a balance of sh7.8m. 

 Betty Okwir owes 3.7m while Kirunda Kivenjinja, the Movement director of 
external relations, took a vehicle worth sh5m but has paid only sh400,000, 
leaving a balance of sh4.6m. Former ministers include Kintu Musoke and Kalungu 
East MP;  Dr. Eric Adriko; Charles Alai; Agard Didi; jailed Joseph Ekemu; 
Manuel Pinto; Stephen Chebrot; Besweri Mulondo; Dr. Salim Bachou and Wanjusi 

 Kintu Musoke, a former prime minister, took a car for sh7.5m and has paid only 

 Adriko, a former second deputy premier, has paid only sh668,000 for a car 
valued at sh16.7m. Alai, former state minister for public service, has paid 
only sh600,000 of sh15m. Former state minister for foreign affairs Agard Didi 
has a balance of sh3.7m, having paid only sh3.8m of the sh7.5m. 

 Wasieba has paid only sh1.9m out of sh6.7m while  Ekemu, now serving a jail 
term for embezzling government funds, has only paid sh572,000 out of

 Chebrot has a balance of sh2m while Okwir has sh3.7m. Both have paid more than 
half of the price. 

 Kakuuto MP took a vehicle worth sh12.5m and has only paid sh6.3m while Besweri 
Mulondo, former state minister for natural resources, has paid sh1m for a 
vehicle valued at sh14m. Salim Bachou, former state minister for tourism, is 
yet to pay all the sh6m he owes.  

 The 1997 scheme was intended to have government divest itself from purchasing 
and maintaining vehicles by enabling officers acquire vehicles at a 
concessionary price. 

 \"Government, however, exhibited a high level of double-standards when it 
violated its own policy. The scheme was allowed to fail because officials, 
especially ministers and permanent secretaries, would park them and use 
ministries\' pool vehicles. Others could not afford maintenance costs, others 
sold the vehicles and therefore had no transport,\" Kiraso said. 

 The report said a big number of the defaulters had evaded taxes over time by 
not transferring the vehicles
 into their names.  

 Kivejinja and the serving ministers named are using new government vehicles.   

 By virtue of being MPs, they are also entitled to the controversial 
parliamentary vehicle scheme under which government guaranteed (loaned) each MP 
up to sh48m to acquire a vehicle. 

 Some MPs recently described the scheme as unfair. A number of them threatened 
to block the national budget if the loans were not sliced, angering activists.  

 Kiraso also tabled a similar list of politicians and top civil servants who 
acquired government pool houses and had refused to pay. 

 Some names appear concurrently on the two lists.   Only sh10.9b of a total of 
sh31b expected from the pool houses scheme had been collected by 31, July 2000. 

 The Kiraso committee recommended that defaulters be prosecuted and that the 
Government assess and the charge interest and tax arrears on those who have not 
transferred the cars to private number plates.     

 Justice Arthur Oder took a vehicle worth sh300,000 and has only paid sh50.000 
while Justice D. Wangutusi has an outstanding balance of sh878,880 on a vehicle 
worth sh1.8m. 

 Elly Turyamubona, the chairman of the Court Martial Appeal Court,  has only 
paid sh120,000 for a vehicle worth sh3m. 

 Other top ranking officials include the Parliament Sergeant-At-Arms, Mr. Ahmed 
Kagoye, who has only paid sh80,000 for a vehicle worth sh2m. 

 Ends (Back)

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The use of electromagnetic (EM) therapy has not yet hit South Africa except for 
diagnosis and most recently immuno therapy monitoring.  I don\'t want to claim 
much knowledge on what I don\'t know as EM is in another specialty of  
radiology.  It is about proton and electron spining, protons adopt an angular 
spin and therefore a magnetic field. The movement of these spining things  
leads to electricity, while loss of electrons leads to charge. 

Simply I would say, the Indian\'s pins cause a sharp pain which stimulate the 
body\'s defence mechanisms. Sharp pain is an immergency warning, even 
adrenaline is screted before we know what is happening. Most important however 
is that conduction of the pain stimulus is by flow of ions along nerves 
(electrical impulse) and change in the electric charge of cell membrane\'s  
(membrane potential). The latter leads to release of immune chemicals etc, I 
presume. Here, I believe that instead of using pain to stimulate the defence 
mechanism, those chaps are using an electric current or electromagentic waves 
to stimulate the immune system. 

I can only say that for every good drug on the market, over 1000 compounds  
with similar activity were left out, or better put, for every method of 
treatment in  medicine, many methods with similar aims were left out for some 
reason or another.  This could be due to side effects or inadequate results. 

For instance, there are many chemicals that can stimulate the body\'s defence   
mechanisms (or immunity), but only a few are clinically useful in treatment of 
disease. For example, vitamins can only serve to a certain limit as immune 
modifiers, they don\'t feature much when we want to modify the body\'s immunity 
in the treatment of immune diseases such as arthritis and HIV.  Now, when a 
person, medical or non-medical, promotes a vitamin product or EM as the best 
treatment for arthritis or HIV, it reflects irresponsiblity or sheer lack of 
knowledge about the product and medical ethics.  It is this failure to 
understand our limitations that causes confusion and rejection.

I appeal to any one who understands what those chaps are doing to let us 
know.  Mine is a theory.


From:                   \"C O-O\" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:                     <
Subject:                Re: ugnet_: Of  the Walubo-Bwanika models
Date sent:              Wed, 15 Dec 1999 16:13:12 -0500
Send reply to:


With a Tongue in the cheek

You do not have to go to a separate forum. Just do it here so that some of
us observers and none scientists can also have a go at the politics of the

----- Original Message -----
From: <@ 
To: <
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 10:19 AM
Subject: ugnet_: Of the W-B models

 A and B,
 I must thank both of you for providing some variety to the ugnet menu. As a 
person interested in Mathematical modelling, I cannot help smelling a 
mathematical rat in the three postulates so
 succinctly stated in  Andrew\'s  part-post below. Through some different forum 
I would be happy to share, with those it may interest,  some of the mathematics 
that helps to predict the three postulates below.
 -------------------Original Message------------------------------------

 Eletromagnetic (EM) waves are produced when protons move from one energy
 level to another. This differs from Microwaves that are produced when
electrons move from one energy level to another, and also differs from X-rays 
are produced when electrons hit positively charged surface at an angle.

Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 14:23:26 EST
Subject: Re: ugnet_: book on malaria
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Mr Bwanika

you ask:
<<I heard on was it on radio that some scientist what they did with a certain 
insect which was destorying crops was to use genetics and disabling its 
reproductive capacity. It means insects could mate but they could not fertilise 
female insect eggs to reproduce. This area is also very vital for us to 
investigate. That can be a solution to this problem. Mr. Bamwiki might have an 
idea about this. 

 But  I am still interested in discovering how malaria disease itself affects 
the human body and why or if we can find a solution through understanding what 
malaria attacks in the body. Dr Jjemba might have an idea in this matter.  Have 
you got an idea about this south american dr who discovered a vaccine about 
malaria? >>>>

Attempts to control mosquitoes by interfering with their breeding have been 
tried in many ways and research continues.  The \"sterile mate\" approach was 
tried because many insects apparently mate only once in a lifetime.  If a 
number of sterilised males are introduced in a mosquito population then the 
females they mate with won\'t reproduce and the population will plummet.  
Unfortunately insects have an ability to replenish their populations very 
rapidly due to their short lifecycle and the huge numbers of eggs laid per 
female, so in practice these methods are still unconsummated.

For those netters wishing to learn more about malaria a number of excellent 
texts for the general reader are available.You can inquire with your local town 
or University librarian.

If you wish to buy I can suggest:

1.  Prevention and Control of parasitic Disease in Tropical Africa, by Ukoli.  
available at

2. Mosquitoes, malaria and man, by Harrison.  available at

3.  Malawi Giude for Management of Malaria, by the Malawi Ministry of Health, 
also at




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