why did the government,the media  tell lies and why was the parlaiment quite 
about it - where is sarah nabakoza

Govt loses 9bn in Nytil-Picfare sale

                   By Wamboga-Mugirya

                   Minister of Finance (Privatisation), Manzi Tumubweine 
yesterday shocked MPs when he revealed that Uganda is
                   to lose US$ 4.9m (over Shs 8.8bn) expected from sale of 
East Africa\'s largest textile factory, NYTIL in Jinja.
                   Manzi, who was giving an account of the 7-year old 
privatisation process at a workshop for MPs at Nile Hotel
                   Conference Centre, said government will not get the money 
because Picfare Ltd which bought NYTIL, has been
                   struck off the registry of companies. 
                   \"As we talk now, there\'s no NYTIL-Picfare Ltd as lenders 
[of money to Picfare] have sold it off to Southern
                   Range of Hong Kong...Government will not get US$4.9m,\" he 
said causing murmurs across the workshop
                   chaired by Alleluya Ikote (Woman MP Pallisa). 
                   Manzi said government has decided to forego the US$4.9m, 
as a hard option so as to retain over 1,000
                   workers and possess NYTIL factory intact.
                   He said Picfare has already been sold to Southern Range, 
while Picfare uprooted old NYTIL equipment and
                   exported it to Rwanda, where they have another textile 
                   NYTIL was this year placed under receivership of 
PriceWaterhouseCoopers by London-based Commonwealth
                   Development Corporation (CDC) following failure to pay US$ 
8.4m (over Shs 14bn). 
                   Manzi, however, said CDC has managed to get out US$3.75m 
(over Shs 5bn) from Picfare but lost a balance
                   of US$ 4m (over Shs 6.2bn) -- which Picfare has failed to 
                   He revealed that a delegation from Busoga recently asked 
government not to close NYTIL as it would deny
                   eastern region huge employment.
                   In his report, \"Privatisation: Policy, Status and 
Wayforward\" Manzi also revealed that government has bagged
                   Shs 220.3bn as net revenue from public enterprises so far 
divested, but has only Shs 68.1bn banked after
                   deducting Shs 152.1bn.
                   Manzi said todate 103 divestitures are complete, 21 of 
them assets sales; 2 (two) concessions, six
                   repossessions, five pre-emptive rights and 37 other share 
sales with a sub-total of 71 divestitures.
                   He said there have been 32 liquidations, strike-offs and 
dissolutions, adding up to 103 (total divestitures).
                   MPs Beatrice Kiraso, chairperson Finance Parliamentary 
Committee and Paul Etyang (Tororo) strongly
                   castigated the way privatisation has been handled leading 
to huge losses in unpaid sales money.
                   Businessman Frank Katusiime and Privatisation Unit (PU) 
Director, Michael Opagi defended it, blaming poor
                   handling on lack of expertise. 

                   November 09, 2000 23:47:13

New Vision (Kampala)
April 29, 2002 

ARMY Commander Maj. Gen. James Kazini has revealed that renegade UPDF Lt.  Col. 
Anthony Kyakabale led the March 17, 2001 attack on Kasese town.

He said Maj. Patrick Muhindo’s former aide identified as Kawuda, and other 
people still at large assisted Kyakabale.

Kazini was on Saturday night speaking as chief guest at hotel Margherita  in 
Kasese at a party hosted for him by the Kasese business community.

The party was to congratulate him upon his promotion to the rank of Major  
General and his appointment as the army commander. He was flanked by the  
Second Division commander, Poteli Kivuna.

The business community was led by its chairman, Costa Wambale, who is  also the 
district chairman for the Uganda National Chamber of Commerce  and Industry.

\"Your vehicles and other property were not burnt by the ADF but by Kyakabale 
assisted by Maj. Muhindo and facilitated by foreign forces,\" Kazini said.

He said a nine-year-old pupil called Kagaba from Mother Care Primary school, 
who was abducted during the attack, had been seen in a neighbouring country 
which he did not name.

Kyakabale, who is under the custody of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in 
Kigali, Rwanda, is on record for having declared war on Uganda.

He is also linked to Col. Kizza Besigye\'s Reform Agenda, a loose political 
organisation calling for change in the Movement government.

Kazini said ADF terrorists who had been trained in Pakistan, burnt Uganda 
Technical College Kichwamba in 1998. Over 80 students were killed and others 

He said the terrorists were trained by the al- Qlaeda group of suspected terror 
mastermind, Osama Bin Laden.

Kazini was quoting the former ADF chief of records, Haji Sadat Kinobe, who 
surrendered to the UPDF sometime last year. Kinobe was later released but fled 
after being linked to the Kichwamba attack.

Kazini said it took long to defeat the enemy due to corruption in the army, 
such as keeping \'ghost soldiers\' by those who had been deployed in the area.

He thanked the people in Kasese and the Rwenzori region for rallying behind the 
UPDF to defeat ADF.

Sarah Nabakooza charged with the murder

July 24, 1999 


A woman, Sarah Nabakooza, suspected to be an Allied Democratic Front (ADF) 
rebel commander has been charged with the murder 20 Kichwamba Technical College 
students in 1998.

The accused who was holding her baby girl while in the dock, did not take any 
plea when she appeared before Buganda Road court acting chief magistrate, 
Catherine Bamugemereire yesterday.

She was told her offence is only tribal by the High Court. Bamugemereire 
advised Nabakooza to apply for bail in the High Court. She clarified that her 
court would consider granting the accused bail on completion of 360 days on 

\"You will be sentenced to death if the High Court proves you guilty of the 
offence,\" Bamugemereire told the accused.

According to prosecution, Nabakooza and ADF rebels still at large, on June 6, 
1998 at National Technical College, Kichwamba in Kasese district murdered 20 

They are alleged to have poured petrol in the college dormitories and killed 

The deceased are; Sam Mukasa E. Kasajja, Charles Sebugwawo, Charles Sekitto, 
Kakembo, Yusuf Lukyamuzi, Wilson Lule, Charles Kekiko John Bosco Lutala 
Chrysostom Nsimbi and Mayombo, Mukasa, Paulo Lwanga, Robert Lubega, Amirani 
Kule, Nsubuga Fred Sekamatte, Robert Lubega Mark Ddungu and Moses Musoke.

Prosecutor Donato Eponga applied for an adjournment saying inquiries into the 
charges were incomplete.

Case was adjourned to August 20 and Nabakooza was remanded.

Kichwamba Survivor Dies In Mulago

New Vision (Kampala)
June 16, 1998 

Another victim of the Kichwamba Technical Institute massacre died  yesterday 
morning at Mulago Hospital.

Mulago Hospital Director Mr Lawrence Kaggwa said Fred Ntungwa, 21, died  of 
severe burns in the morning hours at the intensive care unit. Six others, with 
whom he was  brought to Mulago Saturday are still in critical condition.

At least 80 students died and over 100 others abducted by the ADF rebels in a 
pre-dawn attack June 8. The remains of ten others have been recovered in 

Prosper Mbabazi, Eric Bizimana, David Birungyi, Johnson Rugaju, Luyimbazi 
Joshua and Kamugisha Bernard are in ward 6A. Medical personnel attending  them 
have limited the number of visitors because the patients are 
stressed and need rest. Mbabazi often breaks into tears at the sight of people 
he knows.

Meanwhile, a medical expert attending Kyotera Member of Parliament, Patrick 
Kiggundu, has said the MP is improving slowly, though still in a coma. 
Kiggundu, Friday sustained head injuries in an accident at Lwera, near Lukaya 
on Kampala-Masaka Highway.

ADF commander speaks out on Kasese attack

August 3, 1998 


The commander of Allied Democratic Force rebels, self- styled Major Henry  
Matovu, yesterday called The Monitor and said they attacked Kasese town centre 
Saturday in order to embarrass President Yoweri Museveni and Brig. James Kazini.

Matovu claimed the rebels killed 43 UPDF soldiers in a surprise night attack on 
Kasese town.

At least 10 civilians, 3 UPDF soldiers, 2 rebels, and two policemen have  been 
reported killed when about 100 ADF rebels attacked Kasese town. Two  lodges, 27 
vehicles were burnt and several properties looted or destroyed.

Matovu said the ADF rebels attacked the army detach when the soldiers were 
asleep. At the time he was talking to The Monitor yesterday, there were sounds 
of celebration in the background, and he said they were \"busy eating chicken\".

There was rapturous laughter in the background, which The Monitor could hear on 
phone, and Matovu himself broke into shrill prolonged laughter.

He challenged President Yoweri Museveni, whom he said had said the ADF would be 
finished in three months, to count how many months have since elapsed.

He said Museveni sent Major Semakula with some commandos called \"Mwana-Mwana\" 
to finish the ADF but that they also failed. He bragged that Museveni cannot 
finish ADF with UPDF because, he said, Ugandans are  tired of fighting.

He said the attack was to prove to President Museveni and Brigadier Kazini that 
they are wrong to think ADF is finished.

Acting Chief of Staff Brig. Kazini was sent to the Kasese-Bundibugyo area about 
two months ago to snuff out the ADF rebellion. The rebel commander also said 
that the attack was to prove to Kazini that he can do nothing despite new 
troops and arms he has been given.

Matovu challenged government to explain how the rebels infiltrated up to Kasese 
town and attacked an army encampment and airfield if it\'s true they are 

When The Monitor reminded him that the ADF has dislodged from the mountains, 
Matovu said their withdrawal was merely tactical. He said they simply left the 
camps because they had no investment there to die for but they were not 

\"We had no factories, investments in those camps. They are just bush camps, 
there is no need fighting battles to hold a bush,\" he said.

He claimed they have collaborators within the UPDF who give them intelligence 

He claimed they have killed 100 UPDF soldiers since Brigadier Kazini took up 
2nd Division military command against the ADF in June this year, and that there 
were 43 military casualties in the Kasese attack.

He declared Kasese a \"war zone\" and warned all foreigners to leave. He 
alleged that all the reported dead civilians during the latest attack were men, 
and since the government has said it will give guns to people in the region, 
all men are now rebel targets.

He warned that government should disarm civilians to avoid making them rebel 

However, in a press release issued yesterday, 2nd division commanding officer 
and Acting Chief of Staff, Brigadier James Kazini reassured the public that the 
situation was now under control after repulsing the rebels.

According to the release, six civilians, two policemen and two rebels were 
killed during the attack. Twenty vehicles and 13 rooms of lodges were burnt. 
One KCC project vehicle was damaged. No UPDF casualties were mentioned.

Kazini said the rebels infiltrated from the [Rwenzori] mountains with the aim 
of looting drugs, food items and other essential commodities. He said they 
attempted to attack an army detachment in town but were repulsed. He said the 
rebels were desperate after the army overran their bases. He regretted the 

Other information The Monitor obtained indicates that a woman rebel commanded 
the attack.

According to information from one of the Uganda People\'s Defence Force 
soldiers who engaged the rebels at the front, the woman rebel first commanded 
the rebels in an unsuccessful attack on Kasese High School shortly before they 
turned their wrath on the town.

The soldier said he heard the army guarding the school had repulsed the woman 
commanding the rebels to go to Nyakasanga suburb after their attack.

He said he heard the woman rebel telling her fighters: \"Kati tugende 
Nyakasanga\" (Let us now go to Nyakasanga) after failing to break the UPDF 
defenses at the school. The Kasese airfield, which the rebels attacked, is  in 
Nyakasanga suburb.

On June 7, a female rebel commander was in charge of the deadly attack on 
National Technical Institute Kichwamba in which about 70 students were burnt to 
death and a number of others abducted.

It is not clear whether this was the same woman. By Saturday 10.00 a.m., many 
vehicles were seen being loaded with household properties and heading towards 
Kabarole and Mbarara routes.

Some soldiers at the UPDF officer’s mess told The Monitor that rebels had 
stayed in some lodges in Kasese town two days before the attack. But the rebels 
had left by the time the army reached there.

\"We received information that these people [rebels] have been staying in some 
lodges and even cooking for themselves. But by the time we moved in to check, 
they had left,\" one soldier said.

The 2nd division political commissar said he went to a discotheque at Club 
Mountains in Kasese a few hours before the attack and found their suspicious 

He said he heard some of them in the disco saying. \"Where are the Kasese women 
who have been saying there are no men to dance with? We want to dance with them 
today,\" he quoted them as saying.



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