Avsändare: Hamis Kaheru <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Hamis Kaheru :

Bwanika is a senior consultant witth intergrated development research and 
consultancy at  idrconsult.com a specialist in planning matters. I am also an 
environmental sciencitist specallising in earial particles. I am also a 
sociologist with spcialising in research methdologies, holding diplomas in 
advanced  courses in evolutionary biology , economics and gender studies.

He was born in Nakyesawa in Luwero now Nakseke district. In the attched photo 
in the middle is Bwanika the man(senior) , on the left is Bwanika II and on the 
right is Bwanika Jr.

How Ugandans Ended into Servitude

There are two remarkable advertisements running in Uganda media these days. One 
is invitation for prequalification for provision of consultancy services for 
the proposed “BEAUTIFICATION” of Entebbe-Kampala road corridor. 

Among others in the advert is the

-       Demolition of unsightly kiosks, stall and latrine replacing them with 
organised ones.
-       Proper and hygienic market premises
-       Patterned grass and tree planting
-       Renovation and painting of road side structures
-       Wise use of wetlands
-       Stop road side trading, jua kali etc,
-       Relocation of billboards
-       Establishment of good agricultural practices.

If the government feels embarrassed with the grotesque scenery along Entebbe 
road corridor, why not relocate Uganda’s Capital City to Mbarara for example? 

Ask what is meant with the “establishment of good agricultural practices” along 
Entebbe –Kampala road? Mulching, irrigation, large scale farming, hybrid 
farming?! Our people should really be worried. Already land along that road had 
been sold off to flower farmers without due regard to environmental concerns. 
The government is very silent about it. 

Flower farms are known for their excessive use of herbicides and pesticides. 

In the Soviet Russia, the state due to its impotence, arrogance and “political 
myopia” could plough miles and miles of land, plant it with Irish potatoes or 
cotton farms, without scientifically analysing the consequence of such acts. 
Diversion of water from Amu Darya and Sry Darya to irrigate cotton fields, 
dramatically led to a near demise of fish rich Aral Sea. It had never recovered 
and the cotton fields turned in salt rocks!

Potatoes could rot in the soil, as there were no mechanised systems to harvest 
the large farms on time. Sometimes, the state could bring in the army recruits 
to harvest 10s of kilometres of potato farms but with miserable success! 
Russians nearly starved and turned to importing wheat from the USA!

Exactly as with the National Resistance Movement Regime in Uganda, the Soviet 
Russian intentions were overtly political and emotions of the ruling class, 
rather than socio-economic   needs and environmental concerns of the society.

Reading through a set of things the Ministry of Works, Communication and 
Housing wanted a consultant to do, I realised they could have been done by a 
district physical planning department in Wakiso. Not least Entebbe 
municipality, which is a planning authority in Entebbe together with their 
counterparts in Kampala City Council, at a low cost to the taxpayer, could do a 
better job. 

In fact such things would not be strange to them as they are today. 

Imagine the gross ignorance i.e. where renovation and painting of roadside 
structures is concerned. How many are they? If it were to be done in a 
better-organised manner, imparting skills into our citizens, certainly there 
would be proper planning, organisation and hygiene. The government as a 
primitive entity that it is, its ad hoc acts, thinking today, of something they 
would have done years ago, compounds the socio-psychology of the ruling class 
in Uganda.

One can’t delink ones upbringing, with ones way of thinking it is a fact of 
cultural sociology.
Rethinking over the issue, I could not fail to laugh at the National Resistance 
Movement mannerism. Entebbe – Kampala road is 38 km. Except for the common 
wealth meeting here in Uganda due next year, the African has never seen a 
necessity to “beautify” and even plan the entire corridor as a major gateway 
out of this country.

“Beautification” is for the foreigners, an act not so important for Ugandans. 
What a colonial mentality?!
Last night Saturday 9th 2006, I went to Karelwe and passed through Wandegeya, 
the conditions at that market place is deplorable. Tears filled my eyes as men, 
women and their children were involved in what appeared to be brisk business-on 
the surface. That was past 8.00 o’clock in the evening. 

I could not comprehend the darkness into the market area, munaku tadobba 
(paraffin tin lamps) gave a faint lease of light behind stalls of merchandise. 
It looked like a midnight street candle prayer. A sea of people tramping into 
the mud knee high was quite disheartening. It had rained heavily in the past 
two days. 

All over this country, it is the same despicable and unsightly scenery. Our 
people have become a social disgrace, at their own peril, a situation they 
surely can’t do nothing about. The majority are extremely poor.

Reports allege powerful politicians and army officers have made efforts to grab 
huge chunks of miles of land along the road including Kisubi school land.

Second advert coming only weeks after the first one, is to construct a road to 
Munyonyo! I’ll look for the details. As norm suggests this one too is to 
construct what is going to become a common wealth road to a multimillion 
Munyonyo resort beach. 

The common wealth people can as well stay in Entebbe so that we can hide our 

So far Nakasero is UTV or a former hospital, has been earmarked for a 90 
million dollar hotel that in addition to Shimoni primary and teacher’s college 
hotel, rated to be in billions of shillings the hill will become a spectacle. 

Here’s where antediluvian emotions override common sensuality and rationalism. 
Nakasero hill will soon have more hotels than the rest of Uganda. 

What more can one say? Even the colonialist never went that far! Revolutionary 
rhetoric and verbosity; self-integrated economy, swine, aah what a 
contradiction! Europeans built schools and hotels in appropriate locations now 
being relocated by revolutionaries to serve their own political egos. 

What is left for Uganda to be called a nation state? Dairy Corporation or 
Uganda Railways? No!

If you were not in the bushes of Luwero, were so many perished for reasons they 
knew nothing about – then you do not share in the booty. 

A new colonialism has started in earnest by a revolution. Once Ugandans were 
discovered to be terribly backward and so primitive to even manage a latrine 
donated and managed by NGOs and CBO foreign funded entities, their ability to 
do anything by themselves has been phased out. 

It is sickening to a shocking degree.

Bwanika Daniel in Kampala

Sociologist, Urban Planner, Environmental Scientist, diploma in Evolutionary 
Biology. Social Activist and Researcher.



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