I challenge the National Resistance Army/Movement to engage the
International Criminal Court to investigate atrocities committed in Luwero.
Taking envoys to visit graves is not enough if the culprits are not brought
to book.

There were rebels in West Nile under Moses Ali fighting upc government, but
there are no mass graves. There were FEDEMU and VUMBULA rebels in Mukono,
Bugerere and UFM in Bujuko forest, but there are no mass graves as in
Luwero. Why?

The true nature of the so-called liberation war in Luwero is emerging.
People coming from Luwero are tired of being used and mocking their dead!
Mass graves in Luwero is someone’s work and soon or later justice will take
its course.

If people were against the acts of rebel forces of the national resistance
movement would they survive in Luwero jungles? Let NRA tell us what happened
to such people who refused to join NRA/NRM! UPC youth wingers a good number
of them Baganda in Luwero, where are they and who killed them? Certainly
armed forces under the UPC government would not have killed their own

The time has come, for all of us people in Luwero to wake up and start
writing about what actually happened in Luwero under NRA/NRM insurgence.
Fear to reveal what exactly happened is serious self-deception and mantel
governments will continue to use to project own agendas.

Is Luwero any better than it was before NRA/ NRM insurgence? Cotton and
coffee shambas, families, homesteads and the entire infrastructure were
destroyed. More than seven coffee haulers and cotton ginneries were
destroyed. Nothing in the 20 years has been done there!

NRA/ NRM prides itself in how they put on UPC colours to confuse the
citizens. What happened to the confused citizens?

Luwero people should form committees, enlist with the international criminal
court (ICC) to reinvestigate how people were killed in Luwero. There is
already a wealthy of information to start with and combatants, who were
fooled and because of their social disposition were sidelined, are a good
source of information about NRA/M. ambushes so effectively used, victims
where not only soldiers but also innocent civilians like medical and public
servants. The intention was to paralyse the state.

If UPC killed so many people why not release the Nagenda Commission of
Inquiry report in Luwero atrocities? Is the NRA/NRM hiding something?

What happened in Luwero is typical and characteristic of Marxist/Maoist
rebel insurgency. And indeed many families can’t trace their loved one up
to this day in Luwero, who involuntarily joined the rebels.

The world community instead of visiting graves should ask more questions and
what NRA/M did with those who opposed it during that war.

Concerned Luwero citizen - Bwanika



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