From: Oba PaAb
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 11:47 AM
Subject: [panafricanistforum] RE: : [Mwananchi] Uganda: The Riddle: Mourning the Death of Uganda 1962 -2011

I do understand James Chikonamombe you are not a Ugandan, but that cannot disqualify you from contributing on the political saga in the country. You are an African, and must have all the rights to do so than some foreign nationals that have had it upon themselves to be African political experts, and we sit like fools allowing them to spew all shorts of garbages that at the end do not only curtail us, but distroy our future as Africans. Say NO to that if you are a committed Africans.
I am not very sure Kaguta "did stabilise the situation [in Uganda] in the mid 80s." I do follow political developments in most if not all Sub-Sahara Africa. In Uganda, since 1979, that late Mwalimu Nyerere decided to kick late Amin from power in the country, war has never stopped and I doubt very much if war will ever stop as long as Kaguta stays on. In the 80s, half of the country was cordoned off, and all shorts of operation against innocent civilians went on sparking a war that is still going on.
Those early mis-step by Kaguta put in place the foundation that now determines the future of not only the country, but that of Kaguta's government itself. Kaguta cannot step down not because he does not want to, but because of the history of his government. He seems very afraid of the political mis-steps. So his clinging to power is out of hopelessness trying to continuously cap an otherwise shall be very explosive political environment. But until when shall he do that? Sooner or later he is going to have to go.
The failures of so called African politicians like Kaguta is, failing to focus on establishing condusive environment for all irrespective of who hails from where. If Kaguta had focus on picking ONLY the political culprits of the pre-1986 era, for punishments, while moving swiftly at the same time in putting the country in order, without looking at those "people" or "Banyanyas", he would have made a difference in the political landscape of Uganda. He failed awfully in doing so, and I am afraid he is going down a fool.
I can write volumes on each and every Sub-Saharan fool of a president, of their stupid political mis-steps. But may not be worth it; a fool must go. If one cannot know naturally what are good for a country and a people as a whole, he/she should not be left to continue in power; he/she just does not know, and must go.
Perpetuating fools in leadership of African country, especially in Sub-Sahara Africa has proved very costly for us. So, lets determine a fool, and see what to do.

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