vTo develop computers programmes for the state

1.      Land registry computer programme
2.      Computerised Driving permits 
3.      National Social Security Fund data base
4.      Voters Register
5.      National Identity cards
6.      Fools, swines, biological substance, past leaders, colonialism, 
revolution, no change, bonna bagaggaware, microfinance, vision, East African 
Community, patriotism, kulembeka, idoits, clone coffee, indutrialisation  etc.

At 01:15 PM 10/10/98 +0100, Bwanika wrote:

To Hon Dr. Nkuuhe Johnson (MP)
To all Members of parliament and state ministers

From: Bwanika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Computer Communication and Information Technology centre -
programme// Machine and Robotics design. (Revised version)

Proposal to the parliament for an Independent Computer communication and 
information technologies Research and Development Centre in hard and
software. Plus applied computer science in machine, information, Electronic
and Robotics design.

This institution should be independent in such a manner that we need to
produce human capital in this field in most possible shortest time, as a
priority area in regard to our technology poverty. This problem is creating
a deep gap between adaptation of the new ways into this country. There what
is called ELECTRONIC COLONIALISM; it\'s empty talk when we argue that we are
developing when in the long run, we will still depend on foreign developed
capital and human expertise to run our industrial base.

There are persons on the ground in Uganda, whom I have talked to who have
the knowledge and understanding of the intricate matters and necessity of
IT and CC. 

The benefit is our economic developmental and organisation wise.

Distribute widely sir to all concerned.


Note: 1 point is equivalent to one study week.
      1 term is equal to 5 month of study work = 4 week per month   * 5
month  = 20 weeks (20 points) 
      Every end of 5 or ten points, an essay or practical work must be
produce but more preferably practical work instead of written exams. The
institution must be self sufficient in all aspects of its life, that is,
can generate it\'s own income and survive within the first two years.

Computer centre - programme for future industrial base Nakasongola Silicon

We need to start developing another node, or place on the northern axis
from which we\'ll be able to attract as much more investment into the
country as the case is in Kampala, Jinja, Mbarara etc. In order to archive
that we need strategic institutions and infrastructure in place, as I\'ll
explain below, as you read on.
The traditional industrial locations mentioned above will of course
increase in their propensity to attract the most traditional as well as
modern industrial investment but only to the detriment of our economic
future. We need to jump-start a new set of trade in Africa, besides the
traditional industry to secure and grant continuity in the industrial

Nakasongola is strategically well placed in Uganda. Now, with strategic
academic institutions in the modern world setting, i.e. a computer research
and development institution, the computer world will spread, as we can see
with the use of the Internet in the region. Which in return can kick-start
the most modern industrial development complex, in this part of the world
and Uganda in general. We have to jump on this chance before the countries
in the region move ahead of us. My choice is Nakasongola. Since there is
direct electricity line, a telephone net work, which can be upgraded to a
single fibre and digital net work. Using the present telephone
infrastructure, and a good road net work, Nakasongola is well placed in the
middle of the country, that we can draw on human resource from all regions.

In my calculations, we have to atleast to start with 150 - 200 students
right from High upper secondary level but also from secondary level
students who have shown a high level of quick adaptation to new ideas
strictly not grades. Some of these people, with consistent instruction and
hard work at the institution, will disperse into the country to kick-start
a whole new set of small-scale industry in computer design and machine on a
small-scale level. Which will grant Uganda a future, secure from expensive
transfer of such related technologies.
These students should be recruited with immediate effect to this school as
a mater of agency to secure a rhythmic industrial development, security of
the country and rapid social transformation. Students must provide for
themselves i.e. food, which should be part of their course i.e. rearing
chicken, goats, and cows for food.  Where there is no water they should
devise means of getting water, using their knowledge in computer studies
for irrigation purposes in crops farming, to help them maximise and
optimise their study utility hours, as a starting point in their journey to
be people well specialised into this area. This point has got two
advantages, that is, they will be people coming into the world, and wholly
dependent of the merge resource they have at their disposal and having
adequately learnt to survive in such conditions. 

All students must be in the age gap of 20 - 30 years.

The TEACHING group should be in ages of 30 - 65 only, since this means only
those who can jump into this situation will be able to take themselves out.
If we cannot get teachers in computer programming we can use university
graduate in this field on condition that they work as a group, to develop
their knowledge. The results are the same. Uganda has a pool of computer,
communication expert spread all over the world. Unless we develop this area
these people will never in our lifetime be able to find a feasible job in
this country.

This institution is not a money making venture, something which must clearly be 
spelt out to every one associated to the institution, but an innovation 
institution which is there to test all ideas, in the computer and communication 
world and stretch human ability in the world of thinking and logic.
Those teachers at Ph.D. level, * who are willing to work at the most least 
reward *, should be allowed their own research ventures, together with the
economic establishment in the region, for example banks, post, 
telecommunication, etc.  Provided 30 - 35 % of their earnings are returned as 
input into the school welfare which should be accounted for in quarterly, half 
year, and annual spending and income reports. Where does the technology being 
used by NMT, Uganda posts, Celtel come from? Does it make and economic sense to 
talk about development if we can\'t even produce the manpower later alone the 
technology used in these fields? 

Students from the institution, who will prove innovative in first year or 
within a period of their course or under a period less than five years and have 
came up with super innovations which can be deemed as socially and economically 
viable and beneficial, should be recruited as researchers and later be awarded 
doctorates at Makerere university. As long as their work can be published, 
documented and used to benefit society. The state must make this possible since 
the best computer programmers, computer programme developers (Bill Gates) I 
have seen here in Europe are actually not university trained or graduates.

The infrastructure needed is as follows:

1). 2 powerful satellite dishes at US 5000 $ to create independence for the
institution from Uganda post limited or any other institution which might
be providing such activities.
2). A digital or fibre optic telephone network/line subsidised by the

3). Three hundred (300) full multimedia computer units at approximately US
300,000 $. This cost must even be lower, well furnished with UNIX, windows
95, NT, COBOL, Visual basic, Computer Aided Design CAD, Object orientated
analysis and design, plus machine language and geographical information
systems (GIS), c ++, mathematics toolkits, Pascal Delphi, imaging etc. 

4). 5 powerful servers with approx. 300 MHz each (speed) at US 6250 $ for
storing and distribution of information as the case is with the Internet.
IBM AS/400 are most preferable, since they are have multiprocessors with
speed exceeding 300 MHZ

5). 12 classrooms to function as computer laboratory, with 25 computer
units each, categorised on the basis of the first two courses.

6).  5 classrooms for machine and robotics design, with all necessary materials 
needed in that field, like cartographic capabilities, machine and
robotic design.  Points 5 and 6 plus student residents can cost about 
20,000,000 million Uganda shillings that is US 20000 dollars, plus locally made 
beds and with some labour in applying the economies of scale. 

7).Thirty milk cows and 50 egg laying hens unknown cost. 

8). Teachers monthly salary about 20 teachers at 20 * 40, 000 = 800,000 /= 
shilling (800 dollars) monthly on condition that the first best students, in 
the first two years should do teaching on an obligatory basis, for atleast one 
year and half as a precondition for research duties. Teachers
should be able to provide themselves on the schools resources, like milk and 
free education for atleast two or three children and medic care.

9). Teachers housing facilities self-contained (2 or 3 rooms and kitchen and 
bathroom - 20 units at 20 * 1,000, 000  = 20,000,000 /= Shs (20,000 dollars) 
10). 1000 old units of old but working computer units, which can help, in 
practising repair and computer design.

11). Twenty-five (25) printers for about US 18750 $ the price might even be
much lower.

A). COMPUTER PROGRAMMING and SYSTEM DESIGN 40 points - with mathematics as
a theoretical base. (Major course for one-year intensive practical studies). 
(Two terms) 
B). Machine designs 10 points and Robotics 10 points. (One term) C). Basic 
sociology theory (Marx Karl social theory, African Social Organisation,
Human practices etc.) 10 points 1/2 term 
D). Basic Ugandan laws 5 points (1/4 term) 
E). Basic Economic theory (micro /macroeconomics) 5 points (ΒΌ term) 
F).  Languages theory studies 5 points (1/4 term) 
G). Extra curriculum activities farming  (growing food and rearing animals
for the institution) throughout the course period.


The institution should be given missions to develop industrial robots, 
computers programmes for the state: for schools, universities, banks and 
hospitals etc., repairing computer units iin the country and should have 
shopping malls run by the school in Gulu, Jinja, Kampala, etc. Mulago and 
Mbarara hospital should contribute in neurological and sensory studies. The 
department of geography at Makerere should contribute cartography and mapping 
techniques. The private sector should be encouraged
in money contribution in return to developing simple automated gadgets. The
civil aviation should be part of this institution in the development of both 
sensing and mapping automated gadgets. 

The courses should not be given, on the traditional system of pass or fail. But 
on merit of working practice ethics and volume of work produced for example, 
computer programmes and development or improvement, articles written on related 
subject, and improvement of the study schemes based on the needs of our people 
in Uganda and Africa in general.

I can help recruit young unemployed computer programmers for teachers

Bwanika, Sweden.



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