Is Destroying Buganda a Policy?

Prime Minister Prof. Apollo Nsibambi
Vice President Prof. Balibasseka Bukenya
Speaker Edward Ssekandi
Prof. Semakula Kiwanuka
Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya
Hajji Moses Kigongo

Allow me to address you, through this forum on issues that are very disturbing 
in regard to Buganda region. I’ve noted with dismay, the rampant misery and 
poverty your government, is inflicting on Buganda and the Baganda people. 

You should understand, the National Resistance Movement/Army revolutionary war 
was a deliberate destructive venture, executed as such in Luwero and for that 
matter in Buganda. The war was conducted to economically and socially 
incapacitate and cripple the war zone, which bye the way is Buganda. Factories 
were destroyed as well as the social infrastructure-the Baganda were left in 
misery and despondence.

I will request you for first hand information, to go to Luwero, Nakaseke, 
Kiboga and make a head count of; both cattle & crop farms, factories, homes and 
other social infrastructure destroyed and of that, how much had been restored 
in the past 20 years!

We the commons, we see you in your black and dark screened limousines, enjoying 
the fruits of your sacrosanct status in wonderment. 

You have turned a blind eye, when destruction of the, moral, social and 
ecological zone referred to as Buganda is taking place – and this being done 
with you the Baganda, comfortably in government, which is most disturbing.

Baganda war Veterans

I see my childhood friends languishing in villages their lives totally 
destroyed and in a mess.

It will take only six months and less than 150 million shillings to train 
Baganda NRM veterans; in masonry, carpentry, motor mechanics, electronics, 
machine design, technical drawing, shoe/clothe making and design, clay making, 
glass making, building construction and so many other trade.

The Baganda Luwero war veterans, out of desperation are becoming a menace and 
being used especially by NRM Resident District Commissioner to committee crimes 
as they did in the 80’s in Luwero!   

The Baganda veterans forcedly, took over Kasana Luwero playground. They had 
nowhere to do business. Really, building a market or setting up a building 
where these people could rent and do some trade will not cost more than 90 
million shillings.
In Kampala, these some people, basically and totally illiterate are being used 
to grab land i.e. Wakiliga ground clearly meant for a community playground in 
greater Kampala planning scheme! A land, which is a health threat to their 
lives, the market was never planned but just placed there. 

Attempts by former Lord Mayor Ssebanna Kizito, to inform the veterans about the 
illegality of the market as per the Public Health and The town and Country 
Planning Act attracted violence against the person of the mayor. They tried to 
shoot him as documented on Uganda televisions. 

The government, your government responded with chilling silence.

Recently, the same people have been grabbing land, under high power lines where 
they endanger their own lives and those of the general public. Uganda 
electricity distribution had to turn to violent means to uproot them from 

There is another piece of land below Mulago, they have forcedly taken over in 
Kampala, against the protestation of a constitutionary legitimate Urban 
Planning Authority, the Kampala City Council. You and your NRM government are 
very silent above such! Let me ask you, did you really believe that is an 
appropriate place for an unplanned market?

Let me inform you Baganda politicians, such things will never happen in Mbarara 
Town Council for example. Recently Mbarara town council has been clearing and 
cleaning the streets of illegal structures including vehicle parks. 

And for that matter, is the old and new taxi parks in your wisdom termed as 
taxi terminals for human beings?

In Kampala, NRM government will come out to protect criminality, acts of 
violence and directly disorganise organisation, acts that are in direct and 
clearly in contravention of the laws of Uganda. 

On the other hand NRM government will disallow such in Mbarara!

It is flabbergasting that Buganda and Baganda can be taken for fools and you 
high ranking Baganda in government, keep silent against such blatant disrespect 
of the laws, destruction and neglect of your own! 

Why doesn’t NRM government stop the mayor of Mbarara from chasing street 
illegals and illegal construction in Mbarara town but can do the same in 
Kampala? Buganda and the Baganda are being irreparably being destroyed morally 
and physically and you can’t see anything?! 

RDC problem

Why should Kampala in particular have so many RDCs? To whom are these people 
answerable, the parliament, president, to whom? Can you see the problem? In 
Mbarara there was a Musoga RDC who did a lot for that region he was chased away 
by the Banyankore. They never wanted him and how did the executive react?!

The above problem of Baganda veterans is closely linked with these RDCs. We 
know what happened at Bulange in March 2006, at Nakawa, at the corridor 
opposite miniprice in all these cases RDCs are involved. The man that shot in a 
crowd of people came from where and how did the president strict with use of 
guns respond in this matter?

To evict people in the miniprice corridor KCC enforcement would have done it in 
a civilised manner other than two RCDs organising two armies to create what 
seemingly was an organised chaos. The police, not even the military police 
could respond to the primitive use of the army and firearms in the middle of 
the city center, the Capital of the country. 

This is the sate of affairs today you are presiding over!

The indifference shown by the executive, in regard to Kampala RDCs behaviourism 
is a clear manifestation of something deeper. Those people on many occasions 
have called on the military people from barracks, implying they have exclusive 
powers only comparable to that of the commander in chief. Who else has ever 
called military men in this country out of barracks under the NRM regime? 

What do RDCs do that can’t be done by local governments?
Most of you are researchers, please catalogue all that has been done by all 
these RDCs in Kampala over time and get educated. I can help if you can’t do 
that you self!

Ask your NRM government to get rid of these RDCs out of Kampala, otherwise the 
negative effects will overwhelm you when NRM is long gone. 

The Bidco problem

What was the scientific basis for cutting down a natural forest on Lake 
Victoria Kalangala Island for Bidco Palm Oil production – was it necessary? I 
will assume, you the professors, the honourable speaker Mr. Ssekandi and a 
doctor of philosphies in agriculture sciences, are principled enough and could 
stop Buganda ecological carnage and rape! 

In Malaysia, a third world country like ours, scientific studies led the 
government there, to cut down their palm oil plantations – the reason why they 
did so are abundant, which you can access and read about on your own on the 

We call Bidco investors, which they are not! Tanzania and Kenya have got long 
beaches where palm oil could have done better, why didn’t Bidco invest into 
those countries or Kenya and Tanzania do not want investments?

The economic reasons, given by your NRM government for palm oil plantation, are 
very narrow, void and only reflect a state of moral panic and stinking 

 Cutting down a natural forest was the way to make the poor people rich?! 

Oils and soaps derived from cottonseeds, sunflower, simsim, maize, cocoa, 
cashew nuts and groundnuts all that can be grown in Buganda region by your 
ignorant Baganda peasants is well known and scientifically documented. 

Why is your NRM government not encouraging increased production, in those 
crops, where the Baganda will benefit massively in terms of increased incomes 
and have a comparative advantage in production, instead of lying to them with 
your entandikwa, micro finance and bonna bagaggaware? 

Ensoga Soga, castor seeds: ricinus communis for long, were massively grown in 
Luwero and Bugerere regions, on prison farms and could be massively planted for 
oil and soap production, with less negative effects on Buganda ecology. Castor 
seeds for long were used to make very cheap soap and oils in this country.

Now, tell me what will engage more people economically?

You will not need to cut down a natural forest, the Baganda would have turned 
into an eco-tourist facility and earn a lot of foreign exchange.  

Socially and economically, more people will be involved in growing those crops 
and will be making much more money, instead of working (2000 people) for the 
one so-called investor. 

In fact, there would be more diverse small-scale factories in the extraction of 
those different oils and soaps.
Karmali (mukwano) in Lango region and Kakira sugar workers in Masindi have 
shown, the best methods of making people rich, by making them participants in 
crop production like sunflower and sugarcane respectively. It is termed, as out 
growers. Uganda- British Tobacco are using out growers for tobacco growing in 
West Nile they did not cut down forests or silly commercialisation arguments. 
Even in Kasese region there are tea out growers!

The Banyoro are fighting for rights to co-own the Kakira sugar factory – what 
is the Baganda political elite fighting for? We demand, a clear explanation of 
your real motives within NRM!   

Industrial location

When Madhvani wanted a golf course in the Murchison park, people protested 
openly. In Buganda a factory will be set up in residential areas and you keep 
quite. A Hill, will be excavated and soil dumped in a valley broking water 
follow as it happened with Nalukologo River, you keep silent and praise NRM! 

All over government ministries, we have planners why not plan industrial 
locations, moreover Jinja is rotting which is a huge industrial location.

Why is Makerere University training planners?

Just move down town and see the chaos, people re just placing unplanned 
buildings anyhow and you’re silent about it. Besides this mode of operation 
above, shows infinitesimal understanding of the issue and relations of 
industrialisations and social development in your government.

Wetlands and Rivers Mayanja/Nsoba/Rubigi

I come to Kampala in 1976 and I vividly remember very well, as a young boy how 
people in rainy seasons used, to catch fish on those rivers. There were huge 
amounts different fishes. There is nothing that has devastated me, than seeing 
all these wetlands, marine ecology gone and the government instead of 
protecting them have gone ahead and even constructed a by-pass along Nsoba 

Some tribes don’t eat fish but many Baganda do and derive a lot of proteins and 
economic livelihood from it.

The truth of the matter is, all over Buganda there are complex river systems 
some disappearing into wetlands some into lakes. The rate of destruction of 
these wetlands, since virtually the majority feed Victoria Lake, will be most 
worrying for the central government and Baganda Policy makers if they cared at 

I will not quote President Museveni’s article on wetland encroachment that was 
published in the New Vision in March 2006! You can look for the article and 
read it your self what was written in that article. 

The hydrological system in Buganda is unique and fragile, on the one that has 
enabled the most elaborated agricultural production, now in its perpetual 
decline. Today majority rivers systems are either highly polluted or just 
disappearing and you blame climate change! Please!

Go to Kalerwe, Nsoba, Natete, Bwaise and witness the total devastation your 
government has done to the Baganda. The Baganda are now feeding on fish bones, 
mugongo wazi, even Lake Kyoga it is alleged was leased to North Koreans who 
almost over fished it in return, it is alleged for landmines factory.

 I can’t understand, how a government that comes to power claming to be the 
most civilised, turns out to be the most primitive, uncultured and let 
civilised Baganda and Buganda live into such squalid environment.
President Milton Obote and Field Marshall Idi Amin never did such things to 
Buganda and Baganda.

The people are not provided with housing or planned settlements! It is amazing 
that you have kept quite in face of these injustices despite your privileged 
position. Who built Bugolobi flats and Buganda road housing estates?     

Buganda Forests

As far as I understand, in Busoga and Western Uganda, were foreigners have 
tried to plant eucalyptus, spruce and pine forests, people have cut them down 
or the local politicians have vehemently rejected them.

I have done research on spruce and pine forests in Europe under a professor of 
Botany and zoology. I therefore write about something am aware of.

Anyone of you can get first hand information by visiting Katugo on Gulu road 
near Nakasongola and see what I mean. There is a pine forest there and good 
enough nearby before Katugo there is a musizi forest. One will just need to 
walk into those two forest to get a first hand experience of the effects of 
pine /spruce forest in Buganda.

I can’t understand why dry sandy regions are not chosen for spruce and pine 
forest instead of your government leasing off huge tracts of arable virgin 
lands in Mubende, Lake Victoria region, Singo, Luwero to commercial forest 
investors from Europe replacing tropical trees with Pine and spruce forests! 

Pine forests are known for their excretion of acidic substance and their 
negative effects on bio matter in soil profiles. These trees are resistant to 
diseases and therefore have high encroachment potential on other plants. Within 
fifteen years tropical forest will be gone especial in Buganda for the maturity 
rate for these trees is only between 15 –25 years.

Luwunga forest reserve in Kiboga, Namwasa Central forest reserve in Mubende, 
Kikonda forest reserve between Kiboga and Mubende are all leased off for pine 
and eucalyptus tree planting! 

What are you doing in government or you are so powerless to act?

Buganda Towns

Get a glass of water and let it settle for two days and see what Lake Victoria 
piped water has become!

We have been fed on lies how colonists were terrible and liberators good. 
However, every single infrastructure on which a modern state of Uganda rests, 
were created by the same colonialist and is more elaborated in Buganda. Let 
that be power or telephone lines, railway lines, water distribution systems, 
drainage system, - all have been left to rot and therefore left the Baganda and 
Buganda go down with these systems. Its very disheartening that you in NRM 
government, can’t see the decay of what our forefathers Kabaka Muteesa I 
established and built.  

These same fake liberators proud themselves of having liberated Uganda, but 
ever since Masaka was bombed, I put it to you, is there any efforts that had 
ever been made to rebuild it? If not why? It is almost a song how Katongo 
became Katongo and nothing is mentioned about the burnt buildings in Masaka and 
people lives destroyed in the process!

Clonal coffee 

Where did the project end? The Baganda used to earn massively from growing 
indigenous coffee (arabica & robusta), replaced with NRM clonal coffee. Today 
no one talks about clonal coffee yet we know, export of coffee is only just 
going up. One wonders if Buganda as a major coffee growing region had to stop 
from growing coffee to please the government? Without proper marketing system 
of course traditional coffee growing regions have no way they could survive and 
you the Baganda political elite are very silent, while Bunyoro–Kitara and the 
East African Equatorial Development Trust of Pennsylvania in the USA is growing 
and exporting Arabica and Robusta coffee in Bunyoro from Wambaya Coffee farm!   

In Mubende the Germany coffee company is stopping the coffee farmers from 
growing coffee unless they follow what that company imposes on them!

I cannot imagine a decent Muganda woman, sleeping on a plastic or open floor in 
a hospital were she pays through the nose just to produce a nation. It is 
rendering the Baganda and Buganda worthless. Resign or demand a 1962 
constitution for Buganda.

Col. Tom Butime resigned because his people so no needed him to do so, from a 
Government that has marginalised them. Please resign from a corrupt, 
fraudulent, primitive government and save Buganda and Baganda from total 

I am informing you Baganda professors and doctors in NRM government, we will 
use our saving, to start a regular newsletter to all Baganda, pointing to these 
very issues and those very sensitive and more critical ones, I have not 
mentioned here and see how politically you will survive!

Bwanika , Nakyesawa Luwero.



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