If you want to understand the mentality of Uganda leaders, drive on Uganda 
roads, visit any Uganda town, Kampala streets or visit Uganda town bus and taxi 
terminals. Certainly many of these locations, are quite different from 
politicians homes who always prefer high-sounding names i.e. Muyenga, Buziga, 
Ntinda, even if the place might lack proper sewerage facilities or a proper 
road one powerful man in a banana republic. 

In nature, common sense and rationalism are combined to come to social and 
system organisation among higher primates i.e. human beings. That is not among 
Ugandan political class!

The implications are deeper, for an African Politician, driving in a traffic 
jam or passing by a filthy town or village, can’t see anything and in that 
respect if is a powerful politician, has nothing to do to rectify the situation.

There is more to this fact, IMPROVISING by these types. A politician will on 
that basis get ten policemen to follow him through a traffic jam. Or will make 
sure he becomes a minister to acquire a four will drive, to beat the pot holed 
road to his village or squeeze himself through the commons. I am amazed by this 
behaviour structure!

The above is a scientific study!

It has been raining, and you can imagine; a mangoes, passion fruits, bread or 
taxi drivers parking in the middle of huge excrement flow, sending a terrible 
stinking foul smell and that is okay for UTODA and this government. 

You might blame KCC however, government policy is such that KCC will not have a 
mechanical engineering section but rather procure services – as the case might 
be in Global Fund or any other NRM government social services sector.

Uganda, has no known motor and vehicle industrial establishment to either meet 
her transportation needs or replace the existing, despite an over 20-year 
advent of Japanese made mini-buses. Mini buses are a precursor to a modern 
Uganda transportation system. It’s millennium disaster resulting into 
dismantling of (colonialism) Uganda Railways (UR) and Uganda Transport 
Corporations (UTC) by NRM. 

Welcome come to Uganda government transport policy.

Individuals alleged to be Uganda Taxi Operators Association (UTODA) utilised 
the gap to capture the trend above. Subsequently launching the most primitive 
transport system ever, in Uganda’s modern history. UTODA today, is a limited 
company of, which usefulness as an association for taxi drivers is more 
political and profit maximisation than meeting the country’s socio-economic and 
health needs. Ask any taxi driver if they know who and what UTODA is, few even 
know the proprietary of that entity and what it stands for!  UTODA is a dreaded 
entity by all taxi drivers and discussing or mention of UTODA appears to send 
shivers among them.

Yet, taxi drivers operate in the filthiest, congested and most toxic 
environment ever known in Uganda. Taxi and bus drivers are the most 
psychologically and sociologically affected labour force in Uganda. Politicians 
predominantly own taxis and buses. 

Drivers and conductors, wake up at 05.00 a.m. and get off their jobs at 11.00 
p.m., implying they work more than 15 hours a day. It is a negative trend for 
family men and a sole reason why taxi drives, are the source of the gravest 
Uganda modern social ills; like drug use, excessive alcohol intake and violent 
behaviour. Taxi drivers have a higher incidence of violence among them, than 
any other working group in Uganda.

In a sentence taxi drivers have lost all human dignity forced or indirectly 
brought on them.

The recent presidential and parliamentary election not a single drive dared 
mention any other party other than National Resistance Movement - you can 
imagine the primitivism despite the oppressive conditions these people work in!

As bodaboda, taxi drivers are expected to shout political slogans even though 
they get nothing from the state.

Scientific driving regulations, a person driving a public service vehicle will 
be working only working 4 – 5 consecutive hours and resting for 1 – 2 hours 
before resuming work afresh. That is in civilised societies that care about the 
health of their own people.

 Uganda taxi drivers have to take to his boss between 50,000 to 70,000 shs 
daily and on top of that pay taxi fees raging from between 4500 per route and 
monthly fee of 20,000 in addition to taking care of fuel and mechanical needs. 

Funny enough when motor vehicles particularly matatu and buses slaughter 
people, Uganda police interpret it as over speeding overlooking the very 
origins of the problem – forcing taxi and buses driver working into such 
terrible omnivorous conditions as illustrated above.

Given that Kampala is a wetland, basic hydrological engineering study shows the 
city would be utilising water transport on Lubigi and Nalukolongo, Mayanja, 
even on garbage filled Nakivubo channel as alternative transport system. 

Further still, these river systems could be providing huge amounts of electric 
hydropower, designed at Kyambogo or in the worst scenario at Makerere 
University. The revolutionary could not see that but they are revolutionising.

It should also be noted paved roads and motor vehicles tyre friction generates 
a lot of pollution in these water bodies. Vehicles tyres are made of very toxic 
petro-chemicals. The pollutants accumulating in water, has an irreversible 
negative effect on marine ecology. 

Transport economics, transcend mere point of human daily activities and per se 
survival, which informs the ideological basis of the current NRM government. 
Transport economics is an engine driving modern economies, right from the 
advent of European incursion into overseas lands travelling by boats. 

No! Uganda Africans can lambaste European for having colonised African and that 
is it.

It is surprising therefore, the National Resistance Movement government that 
has so frivolously than any other government, in the history of Uganda, talked 
about industrialisation, has in no concretely terms defined by, which means and 
basis industrialisation will be propelled other than “adding value”. Goat meat 
and vanilla powder from Kasese will sell in Rwanda and Congo since it is costly 
to transport them where the items are most needed!

Value addition as if it is readily given, can easily be eaten away by high 
transport costs, a reason why few Ugandans are found in the fish and flower 
export industry and a good number in old clothes than apparel trade!  

Besides, transport technologies dominating world economies and industrial 
establishment, none of such, has bothered the current government’s economic set 
up, for the past 20 years. Industrialisation goes hand in hand with planning a 
cost effective transport system. Planning space (spatial planning) i.e. 
location of industrial establishment, transportation of bulk cargo, processing 
zones and human settlement became a major academic field in pre-industrial 
Germany, later Britain, Europe and the world, under the guidance of a Germany 
spatial economist Alfred Weber.  

Interestingly, NRM government has spent millions developing what it called war 
roads in northern Ugandan. Of what strategic importance and on what studies 
were these roads made?! These can also be called ideological roads, as a 
measure for quicker transportation of troops in war zones and the southern 
Sudan. This however, is not an NRM innovation but an Alexandrian war invention 
that resulted into modern road construction to transport two wheel chariots. 

Through its autonomous (from Ministry of Works, Housing and Communications) 
road agency formation unit (RAFU), Uganda on the one hand is outsourcing to 
foreign firms virtually all road construction. Once again deskilling Ugandans 
and denying them too, an effective way of adapting to a modern transportation 
system and appended technologies.

In essence, alleged Uganda government’s support of UTODA is disabling 
technological development appended to modern transportation infrastructures. 
Air-conditioned self-service bullet trains, hydraulic buses, taxi cubs riding 
in high-class limousines is not on a Uganda African level!  

Really, there is nothing more revealing about NRM government mental and 
ideological disposition than the pitiful and piggy conditions that rules in 
UTODA managed Old and the so-called New Taxi Parks. The filthy, foul stench, 
potholes and congestion, is a reflection of the most primitive order this 
government has presided over and Ugandans have ever experienced.

I vividly remember Amin’s Nile coaches that operated from Bombo! 

Human health conditions are at stake, for both commuters and labourers in both 
taxi parks and the city. Diesel fumes, dust, urine and human faeces all 
combined with fresh food vendors, shows the level of understanding UTODA 
attaches to what they call taxi and taxi terminal management. 

Once one tries to travel on lake Victoria that wide water body, is filled with 
dust stirred up by minibuses on Kampala’s dirty murmur roads.

Minibuses weigh from about 5000 – 8000 tonnes fully parked African way. With 
fully pumped types solid as rocks you can imagine the impact on the paved and 
non-paved road network. Construction, maintenance and production cost for roads 
is almost leading to the collapse of their entire road sector economy, was it 
not for colonist goodwill and support. 

Minibuses are metals of which usefulness to our environment is more 
catastrophic than being advantageous. Besides the 7000 minibuses are consuming 
and spiting out carcinogenic fossil.  Guzzling fuel ramshackle vessels that do 
not meet any proscribed traffic standards as per Uganda laws cost he country 
way above 100 million dollars annually. Ugandans should rise up and sue UTODA 
for endangering the citizens.

The people of Uganda are footing a bill of over US 160 million dollars on 
fossil fuels yearly. What a burden on the citizens!

The social cost and slum development in Uganda is a function of higher 
transportation costs. My study of all slum dwellers like the Batoro, Baganda, 
Bakiga, Banyankole, Ateso, Balugbara, reflects a population that has shifted 
from villages to come near their workstations. Interestingly so food vendors, 
fish monger, brewers make sure they have a permanent place of abode at their 
workstation usually a shack i.e. where they sell their produce and products. It 
is a factor of higher transport costs.  

Walter Christaller another Germany geographer was obsessed with central places 
i.e. trading centres usefulness in provision of amenities and utilities. This 
though has not bothered this government since they see minibuses and UTODA as a 
harbinger in their so-called industrialisation stance of the nation. So let 
slums be after all bonna bajagagawara!

In my humble submission the government must prevail over UTODA and ban it from 
operating in high-density areas. UTODA is dangerous to the nation state; 
socially, economically and environmentally.

Consultant Bwanika - Nakyesawa Luwero



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