Those of you who were on Ugandanet in 1996 wil lremember the concerted effort 
and collective determination by a cross-section of Ugandans from around the 
world that culminated in an e-petition to the governement to initiate peace 
talks with the LRA and end the war in the north. For those who joined after 
that, the net-community then asked Prof Charles Olweny (Canada), Prof Geoffrey 
Buga (South Africa) and myself (then in Singapore) to draft the petition and 
have it okayed and signed by willing members of the net.

This we did and, if memory serves me right, a duly signed petition was 
submitted to governement in (or around April 1996), notwithstanding Museveni's 
promise to end the war in 90 days. And as we all know that noble effort was 
misunderstood as being "anti-governement" or being supported by forces that 
were anti-government. And yet our plea was simple: it did not matter who was 
stronger, it did not matter who was right, the truth was that the suffering 
among the people in the war zone was too much and the only way to end it, and 
end it fast was by sitting down to talk. 

Members will therefore excuse my scepticism regarding the Juba talks - 
certainly too little,too late for a whole generation of our compatriots who 
have been born and raised in the captivity of the IDPs.

Best regards,


PS: Compatriot Ochan Otim, you keep records very well, do you by any chance 
have that letter/petition among your saved docs somewhere? I'd like to refresh 
my memory on our thinking at the time.

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