Prime Minister Professor Nsibambi Apollo
Speaker of Parliament Ssekandi Edward
Head of the European delegation in Uganda
European Ambassadors in Uganda
Uganda’s Members of Parliament

Luwero Genocide and ICC

Allow me to address you on genocide in Luwero in this open letter. 

The issues of genocide in Luwero Triangle, will never go away and finally will 
be arbitrated, by the International Criminal Court. 

Amazingly the European Ambassadors in Uganda, who recently visited the mass 
graves could only look and not assist government to apprehend those who 
perpetuated to mass murder of innocent civilian. 

The act of being terribly silent, given the European experiences of Adolf 
Hilter in Germany, Rwanda genocide smacked of an anti democratic stance 
untypical of European culture.

The era of impunity has passed world over and those who committee atrocities 
against peoples of the world, for power and their glory, history judge them 
harshly. In fact Europeans would have understood right away that government’s 
action of inviting them onto the scene of mass killing, was a cry for 

We residents of Luwero who bore the brunt of a primitive war we are kin to see 
the European Community ambassadors in Uganda, who have visited the mass grave 
of our beloved sisters, brothers, friends and parents, encourage criminal 
investigation into the genocide.

Impunity has been the sole impediment to social justice and a grand design by 
politicians, to entrench authoritarianism and inflict misery on to their own 
citizens. Donor fund cutting does not go further for it penalise those it 
intends to support living under unbearable circumstances.

The rule of law should therefore prevail over conformity.

NRM prides itself that thousands of people were massacred and they were there 
to witness the annihilation, helplessly. It is then quite surprising, for over 
20 years, NRM has done nothing to investigate or made any attempts to apprehend 
those who ordered and carried out the massacre!

Rwanda did start criminal proceedings into the genocide, to show and prove to 
the entire world the wrong and right in black and white. Why has Uganda failed 
to do the same?

Those who peddle lies and try to pervert the truth about mass murder in Luwero, 
will have their day in the courts of law. 

Luwero, a piece of land sandwiched between two army barracks Nakasongola in 
Buruli county and Bombo in Bulemezi county, its only where NRM was operating, 
massacres took place and one finds mass graves.

I visited Nakasongola in Buruli in the 80’s, shockingly Nakasongola’s Kanyonyi 
barracks and the entire surrounding in Buruli areas, never saw village to 
village carnage of citizens as the case was in Luwero!

We people coming from Luwero, who lost lots of people in that war, are 
committed to bringing the perpetuators to justice, whatever the cost. We have a 
right to do so. 

The policy of elimination of the people who rejected or opposed the war started 
in Luwero. The concept of savage torture i.e. tying people’s hands (kandoya) 
behind their backs, straining to rapture their chest muscles, started with in 
Luwero. Burning people with molten plastic was exercised in Luwero with such 
merciless savagery. You only need those who went through the experience to 
realise the enormous suffering people went through.   

In this forum, with an intention of getting more information about the murders 
in Luwero, I once posted tens of names, of people who disappeared in Luwero, 
picked from their homes or churches. Some of these people disappeared never to 
be seen again. 

Others, their legs were shattered with bullets since they had a different 
opinion of the war. Can it justice the terrible suffering the people went 
A mass murder is a mass murder it doesn’t matter where s/he comes from. The 
issue of Luwero will never be silenced even if it means all of us dying. 

There are hundreds of parents who can’t tell where their children disappeared 
in Luwero bushes for fear of retribution. There are women who don’t know the 
fate of their husbands.

NRM/A must fully account for the following;

a.      What happened to the people who opposed NRM/A war in Luwero.
b.      Account for all people in Luwero forced to join NRM/A war in Luwero and 
died in combat, who 20 years are still unaccounted for.
c.      To openly show the people of Buganda where all Luwero combatants who 
died in the war are buried.
d.      List names of all civilians those who directly or indirectly died in 
that war and what they died of.
e.      Explain what happened to people who fell victims to NRA disguise as 
Uganda People’s Congress supporters?
f.      Set up an independent investigation by ICC into the murder of 
g.      Release Nagenda commission of inquiry report.

MPs in the 8th parliament should fully understand the implication of the war in 
Luwero or get educated on those issues. Their ineptness into the matter will 
not absolve them from the ugly past in Luwero. 

We need all support for a European lawyer near the International Criminal Court 
in the Hague to take up the issues of Luwero genocide.

For those who want or have a desire to be part of “Bring Luwero Criminals to 
ICC “sign on and post any information relevant to Luwero genocide on Justice 
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