Now, where did this one come from ? Aren't you the one who was posing as someone else a while ago ?

Be that as it may:

1. My name is not John
2. You are a Ugandan by nationality - so what ?
3. My writings make you sick - as if I care ! You don't understand them anyway. 4. So I'm ignorant and a real fool ? Well, it takes one to know one. If you haven't noticed that Mulindwa's postings always contain, as a rule, negative comments about Buganda, Baganda or their Kabaka, then you are either blind or you simply don't understand English (even if it's as poor as Mulindwa's) or you are just ignorant and a real fool.

If you want to join him in this nonsense then bring it on !


From: Joicye nansikombi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda <>
Subject: RE: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 10:01:18 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Mr. John Kasangwawo:

I am a Ugandan by Nationality. But What I have read and read from your writings Make me Sick and Feel that you are among people who have really made Uganda a damping place. Secondly you are among the most ignorant that even if you go to school for 1000 years you will remain a real Fool.
  Sorry for the language but that is the real language you can understand.

jonah kasangwawo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I started reading this and was wondering, when is..., when is he... And
there, in the 2nd paragraph, he did it ! I mean the obligatory adverse
mention of Baganda. Nothing ever changes !

>From: "Edward Mulindwa"
>Reply-To: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda
>CC: Florence Namutebi ,
>Subject: [Ugnet] A GLIMP ON THE UGANDA OF 2015
>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:42:53 -0400
>For a very long time I have stated that we do not need to worry about the
>damage this government has done in our country but the long term effect
>that can not be changed in twenty years. To build a nation it takes very
>many years and building Uganda has been put on hold for twenty years. If
>Iddi Amin planted a business mind to all Ugandans than going to school, and
>he has been out of power for twenty seven years, how long will this
>societal destruction take to reverse the path of this country? Again we
>As we speak there is a tendency of every kid in a Uganda school aiming at
>getting out of Uganda, below I am re posting one of the numerous emails I
>get from home. Remember these are people who do not even know me. When you
>were going to school was your purpose to get out? Although many are
>praising this government but I find it very difficult to find a reason why
>Ugandans of that age prefer to get out and this kid says and I quote
>"Because my goal is to have employment out side my country it is my
>greatest ambition.........." End quote. Of course his ambition is to get
>out for we have kids who are studying but with no jobs being created. Why
>wouldn't you look for greener pastures? And I get at least five of these a
>week. So the question becomes how many are actually writing and how many
>are actually leaving? But remember too that as boys at this age are writing
>these letters, girls are getting married by foreigners and getting out as
>well. So the girls are using their bodies to get out of the mess. Walk in
>any city out here and be amazed of the numbers of Uganda girls. We have
>never been bombarded by Uganda girls as we are today, and the numbers
>continue to grow day by day.
>And what is so interesting is that the people like Baganda who claim to
>have a best government in Uganda, are the ones running the most, not
>Northerners who are in the fake war. Then you wonder, if The Movement has
>given the most powerful positions to Baganda, all these names are in Uganda
>Government as we speak, Professor Nsibambi Apollo, Professor Bukenya
>Baribasseka, Professor Kiwanuka Ssemakula, Dr. Kibirige Ssebunya, Dr. Kiddu
>Makubuya, Hon. Ssekandi Edward, The Kingdom too reinstated, and the list
>continues on and on. Why are Baganda running out of this country this much?
>The Uganda of 2015 scares the wits out of me and should you.
>"No one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping towards >destruction. Therefore everyone, in his own interests, must thrust himself
>vigorously into the intellectual battle. None can stand aside with
>unconcern; the interests of everyone hang on the result." -- Ludwig von
> The Mulindwas Communication Group
>"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
> Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"
>Dear Mr. Mulindwa
> Am a Ugandan citizen aged 23 years a pharmacy techncian by proffessional
>and an Enrolled comprehensive Nurse student hoping to graduate in November
>2007 .I read your articles in Monitor news papers and they are so
>intreseting and thanks alot for remembering us and you write back i pray
>God to reward you abandantly.
>Am seeking for your help Concerning career guidance and advice
>concerning getting employment in your country so that i may start foccusing
>my goals accordingly .Because my goal is to have employment out side my
>country it is my greatest ambition but i do not know how i can go a bout
>this but since we have such peaple like you who are like parents i believed
>i had to seek for advice from them
>Any assistance ,help,advice rendered in whatever way is most welcome and
>most highly appreciated I also take this opportunity to request you if
>you can get me a sponsor from there because things here back home is
>complicated regarding financing myself is concerned Thank you for your
>concern to our mother country UGANDA Hope to hear from you BACK

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