M7's lies are getting very convoluted. In this article 'Kony' is supposed to be in
Rwi-Kwangba ( wherever that may be in Sudan ?) and in Garamba (DRC).
This is really BS.. One wonders how much all these actors have been paid.

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
LRA reject Rugunda, set tough conditions
In a curious move that could make the Juba peace talks collapse, the LRA has now rejected the government’s negotiation team, which it accuses of lacking political credibility.
The government team, led by Internal Affairs Minister Ruhakana Rugunda, also features Mr Henry Okello Oryem, state minister for International Affairs, and Col. Leopold Kyanda, among others.
Though President Museveni said this week that he would make an appearance in Juba when the talks resume, rebel leader Joseph Kony told his negotiators that Museveni must show up with a new team or forget about the talks.
The LRA delegation’s lead counsel, Mr Ayena Adongo, told a press conference at the Juba International Airport yesterday that President Museveni must reconstitute the team as a precondition for the talks to go ahead.
The LRA also said the rebels who had assembled in Owiny-ki-Bul had been besieged by the UPDF. They demanded the unconditional withdrawal of all troops from the assembly point. “We maintain that the delegation appointed by the regime in Kampala does not have the mandate to handle the issues in this critical stage of negotiation,” said Adongo, who was flanked by the leader of the LRA’s delegation, Mr Martin Ojul, and one Godfrey Ayoo.
“Although we were astonished by President Museveni’s statements that he is coming to Juba to join the talks, we feel exonerated that this delegation, as we have said before, comprises mainly intelligence officers who cannot make political decisions.
“We therefore expect that Museveni not only leads the delegation, but [also] reconstitute it with people who can take political decisions.”
Adongo and his team had just returned from Ri-Kwangba, where they had a consultative meeting with Kony and his deputy Vincent Otti. Though the delegation’s main brief had been to discuss with Kony possible nominees to the Cessation of Hostilities Monitoring Team (CHMT), it turned out that rejecting the Rugunda team had been the main decision taken.
The LRA High Command, however, appointed Michael Anywar, Ray Achana and Denis Okiror, all combatants, to the CHMT.
Adongo said the LRA delegation would no longer tolerate the government’s use of such words as ‘surrender’ or even ‘soft landing’, saying Museveni’s army had for the last 20 years failed to defeat the LRA.
“We are not going to act according to the whims of the regime in Kampala…we cannot be fixed on a time frame given by the government,” said Adongo. “For Museveni to give us deadlines is an absurdity.”
The UPDF Spokesman, Maj. Felix Kulayigye, said the LRA demands were unacceptable.
“We never dictated who should come from the LRA. They should not dictate who should comprise our delegation. That is some excuse to stall the talks. We even have no reason to besiege Owiny-ki-Bul.”
Kulayigye said Kony was still in his hideout in Garamba, DRC. He said the LRA are provoking the government. “They have now collected their fighters; they can now afford to play games. We are committed to the Juba talks..”
The talks, which kicked off on July 14, are under the auspices of the Government of Southern Sudan.
 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
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