With this kind of brutality experienced by Black South Africans, Its a shame that they in turn embranced the system by modifying it to raise them selves above some others they named: MAKWEREKWERE

James Ssenyange

> This speech is shocking, but I think that it's
> something that should be read carefully to give us
> more insight into the past and the potential future
> of humanity.
> THE FOLLOWING is a speech made by former South
> African President P.W. Botha to his Cabinet. This
> reprint was written by David G. Mailu for the Sunday
> Times, a South African newspaper, dated August 18,
> 1985.
> "Pretoria has been made by the White mind for the
> White man. We are not obliged even the least to try
> to prove to anybody and to the Blacks that we are
> superior people. We have demonstrated that to the
> Blacks in a thousand and one ways. The Republic of
> South Africa that we know of today has not been
> created by wishful thinking. We have created it at
> the expense of intelligence, sweat and blood. Were
> they Afrikaners who tried to eliminate the
> Australian Aborigines? Are they Afrikaners who
> discriminate against Blacks and call them Nigge*rs
> in the States? Were they Afrikaners who started the
> slave trade? Where is the Black man appreciated?
> England discriminates against its Black and their
> "Sus" law is out to discipline the Blacks. Canada,
> France, Russia, and Japan all play their
> discrimination too. Why in the hell then is so much
> noise made about us? Why are they biased against us?
> I am simply trying to prove to you all that there is
> nothing unusual we are doing that the so
> called civilized worlds are not doing. We are
> simply an honest people who have come out aloud with
> a clear philosophy of how we want to live our own
> White life.
> We do not pretend like other Whites that we like
> Blacks. The fact that, Blacks look like human beings
> and act like human beings do not necessarily make
> them sensible human beings. Hedgehogs are not
> porcupines and lizards are not crocodiles simply
> because they look alike. If God wanted us to be
> equal to the Blacks, he would have created> us all
> of a uniform colour and intellect. But he created us
> differently: Whites, Blacks, Yellow, Rulers and the
> ruled. Intellectually, we are superior to the
> Blacks; that has been proven beyond any reasonable
> doubt over the years. I believe that the Afrikaner
> is an honest, God fearing person, who has
> demonstrated practically the right way of being.
> Nevertheless, it is comforting to know that behind
> the scenes, Europe, America, Canada, Australia-and
> all others are behind us in spite of what they say.
> For diplomatic relations, we all know what language
> should be used and where. To prove my point,
> Comrades, does anyone of you know a White
> country without an investment or interest in South
> Africa? Who buys our gold? Who buys our diamonds?
> Who trades with us? Who is helping us develop other
> nuclear weapon? The very truth is that we are their
> people and they are our people. It's a big secret.
> The strength of our economy is backed by America,
> Britain, Germany. It is our strong conviction,
> therefore, that the Black is the raw material for
> the White man. So Brothers and Sisters, let us join
> hands together to fight against this Black devil. I
> appeal to all Afrikaners to come out with any
> creative means of fighting this war. Surely God
> cannot forsake his own people whom we are. By now
> every one of us has seen it practically that the
> Blacks cannot rule themselves. Give them guns and
> they will kill each other. They are good in nothing
> else but making noise, dancing, marrying
> many wives and indulging in sex. Let us all accept
> that the Black man is the symbol of poverty, mental
> inferiority, laziness and emotional incompetence.
> Isn't it plausible? therefore that the White man is
> created to rule the Black man? Come to think of what
> would happen one day if you woke up and on the
> throne sat a Kaff*ir! Can you imagine what would
> happen to our women? Does anyone of you believe that
> the Blacks can rule this country?
> Hence, we have good reasons to let them all-the
> Mandelas-rot in prison, and I think we should be
> commended for having kept them alive in spite of
> what we have at hand with which to finish them off.
> I wish to announce a number of new strategies that
> should be put to use to destroy this Black bug. We
> should now make use of the chemical weapon. Priority
> number one, we should not by all means allow any
> more increases of the Black population lest we be
> choked very soon. I have exciting news that our
> scientists have come with an efficient stuff. I am
> sending out more
> researchers to the field to identify as many venues
> as possible where the chemical weapons could be
> employed to combat any further population increases.
> The hospital is a very strategic opening, for
> example and should be fully utilized. The food
> supply channel should be used. We have eveloped
> excellent slow killing poisons and fertility
> destroyers. Our only fear is in case such stuff came
> in! ! to their hands as they are bound to start
> using it against us if you care to think of the many
> Blacks working for us in our
> However, we are doing the best we can to make sure
> that the stuff remains strictly in our hands.
> Secondly, most Blacks are vulnerable to money
> inducements. I have set aside a special fund to
> exploit this venue. The old trick of divide and rule
> is still very valid today. Our experts should work
> day and night to set the Black man against his
> fellowman. His inferior sense of morals can be
> exploited beautifully. And here is a creature that
> lacks foresight. There is a need for us to combat
> him in long term projections that he cannot suspect.
> The average Black does not plan his life beyond a
> year: that stance, for example,should be exploited.
> My special department is already working round the
> clock to come out with a long-term operation
> blueprint. I am also sending a special request to
> all Afrikaner mothers to double their birth rate. It
> may be necessary too to set up a population boom
> industry by putting up centres where we employ and
> support fully White
> young men and women to produce children for the
> nation. We are also investigating the merit of
> uterus rentals as a possible means of speeding up
> the growth of our population through surrogate
> mothers.
> For the time being, we should also engage a higher
> gear to make sure that Black men are separated from
> their women and fines imposed upon married wives who
> bear illegitimate children.
> I have a committee working on finding better methods
> of inciting Blacks against each other and
> encouraging murders among themselves. Murder cases
> among Blacks should bear very little punishment in
> order to encourage them.
> My scientists have come up with a drug that could be
> smuggled into their brews to effect slow poisoning
> results and fertility destruction. Working through
> drinks and manufacturing of soft drinks geared to
> the Blacks, could promote the channels of reducing
> their population. Ours is not a war that we can use
> the atomic bomb to destroy the Blacks, so we must
> use our intelligence to effect this. The
> person-to-person encounter can be very effective.
> As the records show that the Black man is dying to
> go to bed with the White woman, here is our unique
> opportunity. Our Sex Mercenary Squad should go out
> and camouflage with Apartheid Fighters while doing
> their operations quietly administering slow killing
> poison and fertility destroyers to those Blacks they
> thus befriend.
> We are modifying the Sex Mercenary Squad by
> introducing White men who should go for the militant
> Black woman and any other vulnerable Black woman. We
> have received a new supply of prostitutes from
> Europe and America who are desperate and too keen to
> take up the appointments.
> My latest appeal is that the maternity hospital
> operations should be intensified. We are not paying
> those people to help bring Black babies to this
> world but to eliminate them on the very delivery
> moment. If this department worked very efficiently,
> a great deal could be achieved.
> My Government has set aside a special fund for
> erecting more covert hospitals and clinics to
> promote this programme. Money can do anything for
> you. So while we have it, we should make the best
> use of it. In the meantime my beloved White
> citizens, do not take to heart what the world says,
> and don't be ashamed of being called racists. I do
> not mind being called the architect and King of
> Apartheid. I shall not become a monkey simply
> because someone has called me a monkey. I will still
> remain your bright star...
> His Excellency Botha

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