Mbabazi the lying bastard is caught in his own lies...entangle your self with 

  Uganda: It Was Incumbent On Us to Deploy in Somalia-Mbabazi
 (Page 2 of 2)   " Well, broadly you could say terrorism, local and globalised. 
You could say fundamentalism too, however after an argument I once had with 
President Jimmy Carter, I am hesitant to use this term. There is nothing wrong 
with fundamentalism, what is wrong is for someone to use fundamental beliefs to 
achieve political objectives, to kill and impose their views on others" he says.
  He clearly sees internal security challenges that wander beyond common crime 
as potential acts of terrorism. So we ask about Uganda's rumored involvement in 
Somalia where fundamentalist Islamist forces are battling a transitional 
government for control of the country. He admits that Ugandan troops are in 
Somalia but only in execution of tasks assigned to Kampala by the 
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
  " We are doing a job for IGAD- we face the same challenges. When IGAD took a 
decision to act we were given the job of protecting the Transitional Government 
and ensuring the training of their security forces. Commonsense commanded that 
we cooperate," he says. He is the first senior government official to admit the 
presence of advance Ugandan troops in Somalia. What about the Democratic 
Republic of Congo long a source of security headaches for the NRM?
  " The threat from Congo is real. There are remnants of Allied Democratic 
Forces, National Army for the Liberation of Uganda, Peoples Redemption Army and 
now the Lords Resistance Army. We have now built a better internal capacity, 
our diplomacy too has been quite effective," he says.
  Congo, which held its first democratic elections in decades, has pitted two 
Ugandan allies, President Joseph Kabila and his rival Jean Pierre Bemba against 
each other. Kampala is looking for a friendly power in Kinshasa to engage in 
its carrot and stick approach to ending the northern Uganda conflict.
  On one hand, the government is talking peace in Juba but has kept open the 
option of a military campaign against the LRA possibly inside Congo where 
presence of the rebels has been reported.
                        Relevant Links            East Africa 
Arms and Military Affairs 
Civil War and Communal Conflict 
  " We remain effectively engaged with regional governments but most 
importantly with the Congolese government. Uganda will be happy to deal with 
the choice of the Congolese people".
  He looks at his watch and the phone, which has been ringing constantly. We 
realize our time is running out, so we ask one last question; What is the 
relationship between his security job and his post as chief of operations of 
the National Resistance Movement by virtue of being Secretary General of the 
  " That's a story for another day" he replies.

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