From: J.C. Tuvugishukuri 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; innocent twagiramungu 
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 5:44 PM

Dear Mulindwa,

Thank you for providing an intelligent and well thought out commentary on the 
reaction of the RPF leadership against the arrest warrants issued by the French 
judge Bruguiere. So you should not be surprised if you already watched the 
crazy dog at  That's whow this are even tough people laugh in 
a a very tragic situation. The point is how then Rwandans have to be protected? 
A well-known criminal cannot go ahead running the country?
The RPF government has so stupidly reacted knowing that the arrest warrants 
engage a specific crime that has been committed and the person(s) named in the 
warrant are supposed to respond positively with full  compliancy to the Judge 
with the possibility that the accused (he, she, or they ) may be released if it 
happens that they have nothing to do with the charges. On the contrary, it 
seems to me that with the animosity with which they attacked the French 
government shows up that something dodgy is.  

 I still think the world community cannot allow any involved person to ignore 
the law.  If it does, this should be taken as an invitation to the world 
anarchy. The remedy is to help to get RPF criminals before the Judge. And the 
beauty of that solution is that the Law will be applied to punish all culprits 
no matter who they are! 

With all due respect to the your opinion, there is no doubt that the evidence 
shows that the RPF Top Nazi is responsible for not only the blow up the Falcon 
50 but also of the mass- assassinations of innocent children, women and old 
people for the only reason that they happen to be Hutus.  Instead of being on 
full and proper compliance with the Judge requirements, President Paul Kagame 
and his co-accused did not wait until the investigations take place. However, 
we do know that during the previous years, Muhammar Khadafi, President of Libya 
has accepted the investigation about the supposed involved persons in the blow 
up the French of UTA and US airplanes where more than 400 passengers got 
killed.   I totally agree with your assessment that Paul Kagame and his killers 
should not hesitate to comply with the arrest warrants issued against them and 
if they claim they are innocent, they 'll be released.  What has done the Judge 
has total legal traction. But their reaction of discrediting France will not 
help them. They are obvious superfluous and for sure counterproductive. Why did 
they ramble on with so much hatred in the air?

What they claim doesn't make sense. Time has come when you cannot lie anymore.  
Watch the incoherent way they reacted after they knew they have no longer the 
possibility to remain unpunished. They do have to understand that they can't 
anymore manipulate the information, the law. Do they have available choices? I 
don't think so! Even if Rwandans inside the country say nothing about this 
happening for them a proof that they have suffering for years, and whatever it 
is, they want the bloody fascist Kagame to stand on trial. And their reaction 
in these coming days will be something a little different from what we've heard 
and seen so far. They are terrorised and have no right to express their own 
opinions but to support the Nazis lies.

Who doesn't see that the aftermath of the arrest warrants will be a huge profit 
for all Rwandans? And I'll go even further: people are sick and tired of the 
emotion-based lies/demagogies from the RPF Nazis telling the entire world how 
they stopped genocide, the way they are a very disciplined army! Good boys!  I 
believe the Rwandans, the Burundians, the Congolese people and the people from 
the well-known world community fundamentally yearns for the Peace- the Justice 
and the Reconciliation  - over the RPF willing to assassinate and enslave those 
who are not from their ethnic group.  They want objectivity, not subjectivity.

I do agree with one netter who posted his remarks in a comment on earlier post 
wondering why the United nations has allowed such criminals to go to Darfour. 
Could you imagine the situation where the Nazis may protect Jews? This would be 
an unheard story. Unfortunately, this happens with Rwandans RPF Nazis sent svp 
by the African Union sponsored by the well-known plunderers, supported by 
Holland and United States giving trainings to the criminals. 
There is ample evidence contradict Kagame's pre-trial lawsuit when he decides 
to shot down the embassy and say even that France should be face trial in his 
planed genocide. 
Then again, the facts are really clear that RPF Nazis got awful messed up and 
there certainly are a lot of felon actions against those who are human rights 
advocates. Who will support such decisions to humiliate France knowing that 
France is entirely aside what Kagame claims to be a genocide.
That being said, the French and the Spanish judges are going to run some 
numbers of arrest warrants based on the various proves from different sources 
about RPF crimes. Paul Kagame is also going to have to make a serious gut check 
as to how arrogantly they address to the French diplomats giving them only 24 
hours to leave the country. There is no denying this is the Real face of RPF, 
the Real face of Paul Kagame. Imagine those who are under his dictatorship. 

Some observations note that Paul kagame's credibility was shot with is refusal 
to implement the French 's arrest warrants against his bloody military staffs 
personnel. In fact, in many ways, I don't think the RPF criminals have quite 
met their burden and this is only the beginning when the RPF has to crumple 
even though it will take one or two years!

A growing number of proves and eyewitnesses are nowadays ready to confirm the 
obvious (i.e. that, indeed, the blow up of the Falcon 50 was Kagame's decision) 
Kagame's prosecution and indictment are reinforced by a clear, cogent and 
convincing evidence.

Throughout this case, I've emphasized the pivotal role played by the RPF/UN 
tribunal to minimise the importance of investigating the cause of the blow up 
of the Falcon 50 carrying Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi as they experience 
difficulties to prove the existence of Planers among those victimised Hutu 
ethnic group members. So this incredible attitude of a "democratic leader" 
seems to be outlandish and very bizarre particularly Paul Kagame when he 
opposes the investigation litigation.

After listening to many of my fellow citizens, again, my opinion that, Paul 
Kagame refusing gesture to stand before the judge is a serious mistake that has 
been reinforced in cutting relations with France and therefore the European 
Union. (A proof that Kagame knows he'll be guilty)
Tactically, I don't think his stupid reaction was successful. Where are then 
Kagame's makers? This time, he knows he's under fire as he screws up the lines 
and mangles the diplomatic ways for resolving the crucial issue to accept the 
trial lawsuit at the international tribunal.
You folks, I do thing that this is really what this all boils down to - Paul 
Kagame under no circumstances really figures out that he will face justice as a 
way to eradicate impunity and a way to pigeonhole this coming days as the end 
of the RPF Nazism era. 

Any way, the arrest warrants are, in my understanding, an incredibly tough call 
to those who for many years have been thinking they are aside of impunity.

My dear Edward, let's wait and see. The coming days will be a serious 
nail-biter to the RPF Top Nazis. The more I read about this case, the more my 
mind goes back to different crimes Paul Kagame and his RPF have ordered under 
his command.
No reasonable person can look at the evidence presented and say that Paul 
Kagame is innocent even after his day-to-day arrogant declarations minimizing 
his role in the genocide. However, millions of innocent people, Hutus and 
Tutsis got killed so that he can run the country. Definitely, what goes around 
comes around to the canvass of the Truth. 

The HardCore Truth,

Jean-Christophe, Libre Penseur

Edward Mulindwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

  As many of you know by now, The Rwandese government has recalled its 
ambassador from France. The Rwandese Minister of Foreign affairs has as well 
issues a second instruction as you read this posting to all Rwandese Diplomatic 
staff to leave France in next 72 hours. If you are employed by the Rwandese 
government in France take the next flight out, at least that is what our 
sources are getting  in Toronto at this time.

  Just on record, there are a couple of issues here that our friends the 
Rwandese that are in these forums are not explaining to us and may be to me for 
I am the one with a slowest mind, so I will give a back ground.

  A French Judge issued  several arrest warrants to the people evidence shows 
that they were directly involved or knew of the cause of the blowing up of a 
plane that killed the Rwandese and Burundi presidents. Among the people the 
judge needs on stand is President Paul Kagame. This is not to arrest President 
Kagame but this is to call every body believed to know about the cause of the 
blowing up of the plane to come up and under oath give a sworn statement. Let 
record show that President Kagame who many thought to be a democratic man, has 
refused to take a stand, and to a lame man like my self I can not help but 
wonder why The Kagame that does not have a thing to hide refuse to take a stand 
and give a sworn statement.

  What Kagame has to realize is that the judge who issued that warrant is a 
very respected judge not only in France but in EU and in the entire North 
American judicial system, and I have a feeling that it is the respect of this 
French Judge that has made Rwanda take this stupid decision, for begging as 
Rwanda is I do not see a reason closing their embassy. But again on a second 
note, France has been helping Rwanda on issues with French which happen to help 
mostly the Hutus that have been in Rwanda all along, for when you look 
carefully The Tutsis are English speaking people for they have not been in 
Rwanda any way, so as the Rwandese government is at a hunt of killing any Hutu 
seen, how about shutting off any thing from France !!!

  This is where I need an explanation from any one who understands Rwanda 
politics. Who blew up the plane that killed those presidents and why has the 
Rwandese refused to hold any investigation into who blew it up to today? The 
blowing up of that plane was clearly a criminal act, but why does Rwanda a 
nation that has arrested even a fly walking abroad and taken it to court, 
failed to even investigate this massive crime? For it was the blowing up of 
this plane that caused the Rwanda Genocide. 

  How can you in your right mind, investigate the genocide but refuse to 
investigate the crime that caused it?

  If the respected French judge calls Paul Kagame to a stand to tell us how the 
genocide was created, and Kagame not only refuse to take the stand but shuts 
down the entire Rwandese embassy, it makes lame men like my self wonder how 
much of that genocide Paul Kagame knows, it makes one wonder how much Paul 
Kagame is hiding from the world community. But it makes me wonder for how long 
Paul Kagame will stay quite,  for blood of killed people tend to cry way louder 
passed the state house.  And I have followed The Great Lakes Politics way long 
to make an informed opinion.  

  To those following my movements I am home and It is good to be home.

   The Mulindwas Communication Group
  "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
              Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
  "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

It doesn't depent on you whether or not I exist. If you don't like me, don't 
accept my invitation and don't invite me to come and see you. Whether you like 
it or not, history is on my side, I will bury you.
Jean-Christophe, Utrecht,April 3rd, 2004.
Nothing but Human rights. We Will Win ! 

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