Apparently, Museveni too, was  involved in the aerial assassination 
of Rwanda's & Burundi's presidents:
  ... "Garang, a one-time Marxist, may have outlived his usefulness to 
Washington and the Bush administration. He would join Savimbi, Mobutu, Kabila, 
and other African leaders as "throw aways" for the corporations that determine 
America's Africa policy.
  "U.S. oil and military policies in the Rift Valley are centered on Uganda's 
Museveni, Rwanda's Kagame, and Ethiopia's Meles. No others need apply.
  "According to a Secret United Nations memo from March 1997, Museveni's (and 
those of his ally, U.S. military client Paul Kagame of Rwanda) fingerprints 
were all over the aerial assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian Presidents 
in 1994, an event that triggered the worst genocide since World War II and the 
eventual dismemberment of Congo/Zaire.
  Museveni supplied the Russian-made Igla series surface-to-air missiles, 
captured by U.S. forces in Iraq during Operation Desert Storm and used by 
Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) to shoot down the Rwandan presidential 
  After seizing power in Rwanda, Kagame, with U.S. and British assistance, 
launched two invasions of Congo. Congo's fracture and the eventual 
assassination of Congolese President Laurent D. Kabila, with a wink and a nod 
from Washington and London, was a boon for U.S, British, and Israeli gold and 
diamond miners.
  "Kellogg, Brown & Root/Halliburton helped Angola track down and assassinate 
Ronald Reagan's 'George Washington of Africa,' Dr. Jonas Savimbi, Angola's 
UNITA rebel leader. That was a boon for U.S. oil companies and British and 
Israeli diamond and gold miners....

  ----- Original Message ----
From: Ed Kironde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: unaanet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 2:47:15 AM
Subject: [UNAANET] Rwanda cuts Relations with France

            Rwanda cuts relations with France 

                 President Kagame has always accused France over the genocide

Rwanda has broken off diplomatic ties with Paris, in a row over a French 
inquiry related to the 1994 genocide.   The government has recalled its envoy 
to Paris and given the French ambassador to Kigali 24 hours to leave.   A 
French judge issued warrants two days ago for the arrest of nine aides of the 
Rwandan leader over his predecessor's killing - which sparked the genocide.   
Rwanda has accused Paris of trying to destabilise its government. France said 
it regretted Rwanda's move to cut ties.   Paris has insisted the French judge, 
Jean-Louis Bruguiere, acted on his own authority and in total independence.   
Issuing the warrants, Judge Bruguiere accused President Paul Kagame - who under 
French law has immunity as head of state - of ordering the former president's 
death. Mr Kagame has denied involvement.   More than 800,000 people died in the 
100-day massacres of Tutsis and moderate Hutus which followed the killing of 
the ethnic Hutu President Juvenal Habyarimana.   'No
 pressure'   The French allegations have sparked anger in the Rwandan capital, 
Kigali, where about 25,000 people reportedly took part in a 
government-organised demonstration against France on Thursday.               
    James Kabarebe, military chief-of-staff
  Charles Kayonga, army chief-of-staff
  Faustin Nyamwasa-Kayumba, ambassador to India
  Jackson Nkurunziza, working for presidential guard
  Samuel Kanyamera, RPF deputy
  Jacob Tumwime, army officer
  Franck Nziza, presidential guard officer
  Eric Hakizimana, intelligence officer
  Rose Kabuye, director general of state protocol


    Profile: Paul Kagame 
  Decades of tension 

The Rwandan government has said the French ambassador to Kigali must leave 
within 24 hours. Other French diplomats have 72 hours to go.   Foreign Minister 
Charles Murigande earlier told AFP news agency that Kigali had recalled its 
ambassador to Paris as the ministry did not "see why he should be there at this 
point".   "France is intent on destroying our government, we do not see any 
need for keeping any relationship with a hostile country," Mr Murigande said.   
BBC world affairs correspondent Mark Doyle says the only surprise about 
Rwanda's decision to break off diplomatic relations with France is that it has 
not come earlier.   Mr Kagame's Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) - 
effectively the government - has had appalling relations with Paris for over 
two decades, he says, and whatever the quality of the French judge's evidence, 
the whole affair was always going to be deeply politicised.   The French 
foreign ministry said in a brief statement that Rwanda's
 decision to break off diplomatic ties would take effect from Monday.   "We 
regret this decision. We are making all necessary arrangements," it said.   
Speaking earlier on Friday, a spokesman had said Paris had no intention of 
recalling its own envoy to Kigali and wanted to keep dialogue open.   Missiles  
 Judge Bruguiere is investigating the case because the crew of the plane were 
French and their families filed a case in France in 1998.                
Thousands turned out to protest against France

  Those he wants to arrest include armed forces chief James Kabarebe and army 
chief-of-staff Charles Kayonga.   Judge Bruguiere has said that only Mr 
Kagame's Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) forces had missiles 
capable of downing President Habyarimana's plane.   He said the attack was 
carefully planned by the RPF.   Mr Kagame has denied this, describing 
suggestions that he was behind the assassination of the former president as 
scandalous.   He has always accused France of having links to those who carried 
out the genocide.   After Habyarimana's plane crashed, Hutu extremists started 
massacring ethnic Tutsis and Hutu moderates.   The genocide came to an end when 
Mr Kagame's then rebel RPF seized power 100 days later.   The RPF has always 
said the Hutu extremists shot down the presidential plane to provide a pretext 
to carry out the genocide. 


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