No Lakwena was Museveni's making... he is yet to make even more lakwena..the 
LRA, PRA, NALU fighters etc...!!!  the point is some of this Bugandas are are 
simply oppornist who want to "eat" today they are dressed up in Banana leave 
singing Museveni's gospel...tomorrow they turn around singing another gospel 
according to "kony"

Jean Paul Mivumba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  And Lakwena was Buganda/Baganda's making?

  On 8/23/07, Matek Opoko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Some of this Buganda 
simply talk....and they are good at that .... recall, if you will ,  when 
"lakwena" forces were in the outskates of Jinja .....some Buganda "Kanzu 
fighters" were already claiming that Mbhu " for us we have already captured 
Ntinda". the forces that supposingly  captured" Ntinda" near Kampala ... simply 
fizzled out in obscurity!!! 
   never to be heard from again!!!

okurut simon peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
  I would like to know, at what stage does the people's power come. Recently 
there was a cry that M7 was threatening the Kalungu residents by wearing 
military uniform. Can such people who are easily intimidated by mere military 
fatigue become strong to oppose a leader? Then there is the problem of 
accepting bribes for votes during an election, how can such people be relied 
  I believe people can easily overcome intimidation iff they realise that with 
their votes, they can move mountains. If the opposition campaigns and indeed 
convinces the electorate as it happened in certain regions in the previous 
elections, then people's power will have worked but as long as people accept 
intimidation, there is no way a change can come, and there is no need to change 
a leader but a system. 
  There are people who believed that NRM was going to bring a fundamental 
change in Uganda. There were people who were pessimistic and now I do not know 
who was right. There is a section of Ugandans who believe that the best way is 
to negotiate with the NRM leadership to chart a new way forward and I think 
this is the best approach. We have seen the result of forceful change and 
though a change is realized, a lot of damage is done to human life and 
infrastruture. If our leaders are interested in preserving the achievements 
that have been attained, it is only logical that discussions to chart the new 
way are done now before some disappointed guys wreck havoc, we have seen 
similar scenarios happen in Uganda and elsewhere. Surely we have a chance to 
avoid anything destructive. 

Robert Ssenkindu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But still none of those despots were purged from their offices without the help 
of the locals/masses.  For instance to remove Amin by TPDF was done under the 
auspice of exiled Ugandans,also supported by Ugandans at home. You canĀ“t simply 
just purge a despot from office without help of the masses.  So I believe 
Wafula was on the right track. It really requires moxie of the masses++++++++
SR, Sverige.

> Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 18:02:06 -0700
> Subject: Re: People's power is stronger than Museveni/People power???
> Saddam Hussein was not overthrown by people power. It
> took the might power of the USA military to take out
> Saddam. Politically, Iraq today is worse off than it
> has ever been. 
> Mobutu was never taken out by people power. It took
> Uganda, Rwanda and a host of other countries to drive
> him out.
> Amin was never thrown out by people power. It took
> Tanzania and a host of other countries to take him 
> out.
> People power took a government out of Poland. That is
> the only one country where I can confidently say,
> people drove out a government.
> Do you have more example Sir Wafula Ogutu??
> OJ
> --- Edward Mulindwa < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wafula Oguttu
> > 
> > It is very interesting to see that a man of your 
> > profession and knowledge can log into a forum to
> > twist facts. Yes Iddi Amin left power, Mobutu left
> > power, Saddam Hussein left power, and many that have
> > left power, but tell the forum what nation became 
> > better after their departure. Do you love to be in
> > Somalia today? Is Uganda today better than under
> > Amin? Are you heading to Iraq next week?
> > 
> > It is so wrong to build a politics based on a 
> > removal of an individual, The very reason Baganda
> > are in this very predicament is because they
> > supported Museveni to remove Obote, not his policies
> > but to remove Obote. FDC your own party is holding
> > on wet grass today for it was created by lying that
> > it has a God given right to remove Museveni from 
> > power. And the non critical thinkers supported it
> > for that single thing. Man we have a whole lot of
> > problems in our nations than these leaders and you
> > better start to address them, than personalising 
> > issues.
> > 
> > Simply unbelievable !!
> > 
> > EM
> > Visby Gotland
> > 
> > The Mulindwas Communication Group
> > "With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy" 
> > Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
> > "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans
> > l'anarchie"
> > 
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: wafula oguttu 
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2007 5:19 PM
> > Subject: RE: People's power is stronger than
> > Museveni (Jeniffer)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Jeniffer,
> > 
> > How did King Luis of France, Hitler of Germany,
> > Papadoc of Haiti, Marcos of Philipine, Surhato of
> > Indonesia, Amin of Uganda, Chausescue of Rumania, 
> > Mubutu of Zaire and Saddam of Iraq end up? Next is
> > Mugabe just before Museveni. Dictators
> > have one sure way they end.People's power sweeps
> > them away to the rubbish heap of history.Wiser ones
> > like Moi or Kamuzu jump ship just before the
> > inevitable happens and at least save their names.
> > 
> > wafula
> > 
> > 
> > Jeniffer Biri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > No one is stronger than Museveni mwene Kaibanda 
> > . You touch his Kishozi farm, Buganda will be no
> > more.
> > 
> > 
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 11:58:17 +0100 
> > 
> > 
> > Ekitibwa,
> > Indeed abasajja bokya!!. Believe me you have 
> > not seen nothing yet. Bajja kokya nyo!!!..
> > Try to divide Uganda and you will see the
> > fire. Touch non Baganda lands/properties and you
> > will see better fire than that which sent Mutesa 1 
> > over the fence.
> > Hiding your identity is a sign of cawardice.
> > Stick your chest out like a true muganda worrior
> > then we know you believe in what you are saying.
> > 
> > David
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ekitibwa kyabuganda
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mwami Okello,
> > For the good of the country, UPC,DP and 
> > other opposition parties should work closely with
> > FDC, and you made a bad decision not to work on
> > that.UPC will never be anything in Uganda for the
> > next 15 years if they decide to do things on their 
> > own.You can take that to the bank.MUKOLELE WAMU NGA
> > OPPOSITION, then you will beat this NRM and
> > museveni.Short of that, we may as well turn Ugandabs
> > at heart, the official opposition in uganda.People
> > here discuss more sense than even MPs in Uganda.I
> > see most of the issues discussed here getting pages
> > in the newspapers in Uganda.Actually,personally, i
> > have never seen a forum like this before.One day,
> > when Uganda is democratic and im not afraid of my
> > life, im going to disclose my identity to the 
> > members here .Right now, abassajja bokya who are
> > governing uganda.
> > Sabasajja wangala
> > 
> > okello Lucima < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > Compatriot Kibuka,
> > I chair the UPC External Bureau in Toronto
> > Canada. As a member of the UPC, I believe very
> > strongly that every party must act in its strategic 
> > interest. The UPC and the DP, unlike the FDC, are
> > not one-issue parties...we have been in the struggle
> > for democratic freedoms and liberties for the
> > longest time. And for UPC, we called Museveni's 
> > bluff for as long as he has been befuddling others.
> > We stand on our nationlist credentials and long
> > experience in parliamentary democratic practice. We
> > will work together and collaborate with other
> > parties on issues of common national interests, and 
> > even act collectively with them based on our
> > considered core values and national objectives. In
> > all these instances, we remain a distinct and
> > unequivocally proud party with a long history and 
> > legacy. We make no apology to anyone for acting
> > independently as a national party. Removing Museveni
> > from power is not the only reason the UPC is a
> > political party, unlike others whose political 
> > fortunes and vision start and end with that. 
> > 
> > The FDC is the leader of opposition, but
> > not The leader of the opposition, that it must bring
> > every other opposition party under its leadership.
> > No. It is simply that it is the next largest party
> > in parliament and takes the parliamentary honour of
> > being the official opposition party. But DP, UPC and 
> > other political parties remain independent of FDC
> > leadership inside and outside parliament. The FDC
> > however, can persuade to work together with these
> > other opposition parties on issues of common 
> > interests to them. For instance, the FDC has
> > persuaded the DP and Jema to work with it in the
> > opposition shadow cabinet which should have been a
> > primarily FDC affair. But that is their choice, and 
> > I think the UPC made a good and mature decision not
> > to be part of the shadow cabinet. We must retain our
> > independent identity and carry our own cross. 
> > 
> > So to work together or collaborate with
> > the opposition parties does not need a formal
> > coalition or unity under one leadership. Therefore,
> > any fascination with the G6 coalition or lack of or
> > withdrawal from is not an issue. The results of the 
> > last election is not a very good test of the
> > strength of new and upstart parties whose novelty
> > overwhelmed their substances on issues of policy and
> > credibility. The next elections will be as strong as 
> > to winnow the wheat from the chaff. I am not afraid
> > to predict that between now and 2025, only the UPC
> > and DP, and may be other new parties that did not
> > emerge directly from the deception and infamy of 
> > Luwero insurgency, will be left standing when the
> > rest will have disintegrated. 
> > 
> > Our opposition to Museveni did not start
> > with his fourth term or his deviation from the ten
> > point programme; we opposed him because we knew
> > precisely what political quantity he was and what
> > the fruition of such aspirations would foist onto
> > the country. Both Milton Obote and the UPC 
> > relentless opposition to Museni have been proven
> > right. 
> > 
> > So there should be no feuds among DP, UPC
> > and FDC and other parties because of the G6
> > breakdown. On the other hand, agree with Besigye on 
> > the issue that if we are for multiparty politics, we
> > cannot cry for other parties not to run candidates
> > against us. Every party has the right to run
> > candidates in every electoral constituency. On the 
> > other hand, the opposition parties have also to be
> > realistic of their own strengths at every
> > constituency or electoral district. If it would
> > serve the broader cause for the opposition to weaken
> > or defeat the governing party at a by-election, then
> > it would be prudent to exercise good judgment and
> > let the parties with the strongest following and 
> > likelihood of defeating the governing party
> > candidate field a candidate. Perhaps this is what
> > the DP was talking about rather than that FDC should
> > leave Buganda to DP. Given the results, I think the 
> > DP was justified and the FDC probably should have
> > supported the DP candidate, if they believe strongly
> > in common opposition strategic action. 
> > 
> === message truncated === 
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