Buganda's Troubles Is Its Elites, Not Uganda
  By Ocii Okelloruk
  August 26, 2007 
  In my previous write-up on the question of Secession and Reconciliation I 
pointed out why Uganda is as she is today, mainly due to the heinous political 
actions by Baganda elites, thus: a). Their irresponsible connivance to bring 
Dr. Obote governments down: i). Ibingira's non-confidence vote; ii). KY's 
ultimatum, 'Dr. Obote move off Buganda soil with his new government'. 2). Using 
army officers to overthrow Dr. Obote I & II governments - attempt to 
assassinate the president notwithstanding. 3). Colluding with Museveni in the 
bush war, to overthrow Dr. Obote II government. 
  All these are political maneouvers that have led to the country's collapse. 
Continuous glossing over these actions by Uganda political elites generally, so 
not to point accusing finger to appear politically correct, is a disservice to 
the nation. Uganda is not going to see stability and economic growth, because 
Ugandan political elites do not point accusing fingers.The reality teaches the 
opposite. And if anything, the state of the nation will even get worse unless 
and until brave men and women begin to shed off the culture of silence and 
ignorance, and brave uncharted waters, boldly pointing accusing fingers 
whenever and where it is required, with the ultimate goal to bring to an end, 
political buffoonery of which the most dangerous consequences is the sea of 
illiterate and unskilled human resources the country has today beside ethnic 
  Of late, like I have pointed out in my earlier write-up, there seems to be 
outpouring calls by some Baganda elites for Buganda to secede from Uganda. To 
most of these elites, the marriage between Buganda and the rest of Uganda is 
not working. At stake is the question of the 9000 sq mile of supposedly the 
monarchy land now under control of the central government. How much land from 
other regions, are under control of the central government does not seem to be 
of any concern to these Baganda elites. All they look for; all they have ever 
looked for, since the formation of the country, that they helped create while 
working diligently as agents of colonialists, is Buganda interests, even when 
what they do causes grieves, suffering, and in some cases deaths of other 
fellow country men, women, and children. To the myopic Baganda elites, all else 
are irrelevant save Buganda so called "special" status, federo, or outright 
  No one ethnic group that now comprise Ugandans came to Buganda in 1900 and 
signed any agreement with her to form what is now Uganda. All protection 
agreements signed between the various Kingdoms, that culminated into the 
formation of the country, were signed with the British. It was those agreements 
that made Uganda a British protectorate, not the signatories between Buganda 
and the rest of other ethnic groups. Of the groups that signed the protection 
agreements were the Baganda, Ankole, and Batoro. The Basoga with their 
Kyabazinga were ignored. The rest of other ethnic groups covering the East to 
the North were forcefully brought into this new country by the Baganda agents 
in cahoots with their colonial masters. The Banyoro lost two counties in the 
process. If today the likes of Hon. Beti Kamya thinks the marriage is not 
working, then they must first tell us what marriage! What agreement did Baganda 
sign with any other ethnic groups comprising Ugandans that led to the
 establishment of the country? Is there a document these Baganda elites can 
produce so that maybe Ugandans can happily engage in debating whether the 
marriage is working or not such that Buganda is let go?
  The pre-independent agreement with the British, several years after Baganda 
colonial agents helped create the country, that led to independent, only 
sugested a future federal status for Buganda. The operative word here is 
"future". The suggestion therefore was not and is not binding even today, to 
warrant any calls by some Baganda elites, for secession. Dr. Obote even bent 
over backward to allow Buganda special status. Why would Buganda be granted 
special status and not all the other ethnic groups? Even worse, Baganda have 
never appreciated Dr. Obote for granting them special status albeit briefly. 
All they were and are still hankering for is their lackey position, as 
colonialists' agents, presiding over other ethnic groups; acquiring resources 
from their regions to enrich themselves and Buganda. Anything short of that, 
the marriage is not working, and Buganda must secede! 
  Quite frankly this is the mentality that has killed Africa. Many times one 
comes across a couple of buffoons scheming to become "independent" from other 
Africans, but the same buffoons would pay absolutely no attention to a 
foreigner, like European or Asian, displacing them from their land. How much 
land have whites bought in Buganda today that has led to the displacement of 
the ordinary indigenous toiling Baganda masses? The Hon. Kamya and Kyenjo 
however, are instead fixated with Dr. Obote's political move that disbanded 
this "special" men/women status. That the state has got roles to play in any 
society, and therefore must own and control the nation's resources, like land, 
which is grounded on genuine political and economic ideology, does not seem to 
ring a bell to the Kyenjos of Buganda. To them, I wonder if everything must be 
unscrupulously and heinously done. Baganda toiling masses are facing 
unprecedented poverty in the countryside as if Baganda have never been
 privileged to occupy variously powerful positions in previous true national 
  From the dawn of colonialism, no ethnic groups has benefited from all the 
governments of the country like the Baganda. Name any political era, and you 
find that the Baganda benefitted immensely vis a vis the rest of Ugandans. The 
Baganda were the immediate administrators after colonialists during colonial 
era. When independent came, the Baganda featured prominently in running the 
country despite Dr. Obote's move to disband the monarchy system. Most 
ministries were controlled by the Baganda. When Amin came to power, again the 
Baganda were the people who benefited the most. They literary ran the country 
politically and economically, including businesses. Amin kicked out the Asians, 
who had dominated businesses, and it was the Baganda who took over from where 
the Asians left. Baganda and Banyangkole control shops after shops in Kampala. 
When Dr. Obote came back again by 1980, the Baganda alongside the Banyangkole 
featured prominently in running the affairs of the country.
 How secession is going to benefit Baganda more than the benefits they have 
acquired from since colonialists set foot in Africa, I seriously wonder. 
  Further, how much cotton plus other cash crops were being produce while 
Uganda was still a British protectorate, and how much did Buganda benefit from 
those cash crops? By 1950s Uganda cotton produce was bringing in revenues into 
the tune of 350, 000.00 pounds; which amount forced the British government to 
stop dishing out subsidy to the colony. Where did that money go? That money 
went into building Buganda and Kampala, where colonial administration was 
sitting. But despite the many land barons and wealthy individuals in Buganda, 
ordinary and toiling Baganda in the countryside are awashed in poverty. Dr. 
Obote ushered in socialist ideology that presided over putting in place 
infrastructure; raising and training human resources, et ceterra, that many 
Ugandans benefited from including Baganda ordinary masses. But the myopic 
leadership of Buganda had to fight to see it go so they can continue exploiting 
the masses. It has been 21 years now since Dr. Obote was driven out of
 power, only to come back in a coffin, but the Baganda elites who see to it 
that his government go, have nothing to show Baganda, leave alone Ugandans, the 
fruits of their sweat.  
  If today Baganda are hurting economically, with thousands of destitute 
children on the streets struggling to live, it cannot be because Ugandans 
generally are oppressing Baganda. After all the entire Northern and Eastern 
Uganda population are in camps; their economic productivities ceased over ten 
years ago, and are basically living on handouts from donor nations and foreign 
NGOs. Baganda's cry for secession therefore is misplaced and short sighted at 
best. It was them Baganda elites who connived with Museveni that ushered NRA/M 
into power. If "fundamental" change is today biting Baganda hard, some of her 
incompetent elites should not blame Uganda, but the system they helped put in 
power. Blaming Uganda and shouting for secession as the solution is akin to 
chasing rats when one's housing is burning! The Hon. Beti Kamya and Kyenjo of 
Buganda should stop walking like ducks with one leg spread to the FDC and JEEMA 
respectively and another to Baganda nationalism,
 demonstrating lack of ideological direction. The last time I checked, even 
Northerners are members of JEEMA. 
  If all the benefits accrued to Buganda under the various previous 
governments, and the advantageous positions they occupied therein were of no 
help, I highly doubt even if they were to secede, the secession would be 
helpful. Simply running across the border to Rwanda and seeing that there are 
some semblance of development does not mean a seceded Buganda can as well 
develop! For one, Rwanda just got off genocide of "Tutsis", an era that has 
changed the way Tutsis look at Hutus. Two, the world is trying to avert another 
genocide in the country by pouring in donations; helping in building 
infrastructure, et ceterra. Without these contributions, Rwanda would just be 
struggling, if not altogether awashed in further bloodshed. The country does 
not have natural resources; economic activities are non existence. For Baganda 
to think that Rwanda and Burundi are existing yet with small populations simply 
defy logic. Africans are under threat of globalization. Without pulling and
 raising its human resources as quickly as possible, Africa is headed to be 
subsumed, exploited and oppressed by the bigger nations with huge per capita 
income; huge, savvy and skilled populations.
  My honest opinion is that Buganda's troubles is its elites, and not Uganda 
like some of these erudite Baganda MPs would like to have us believe. Baganda's 
fixation with monarchy at the expense of ideologies that could have delivered 
to Baganda masses considering the privilege positions prominent members of 
their community occupy in past governments is the bend of all their so called 
grievances. Since when have monarchy delivered to any masses? British monarchy 
of which we ape so much vandalized and looted other part of the world to 
compensate for their otherwise lack of delivery to the land tiller and toiling 
masses at home!
  Baganda elites especially need to grow up and stop the puerile cry for 
secession. Its hogwash!

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