""We may not score immediate victories but we ought to ensure that at no time 
in the history of this country should we leave the Government and wealth in the 
hands of an elite, worse an elite that is taking power to itself. This is 
welling to plunge the country into pain and tragedy."" [Jaramogi Oginga Odinga]

          Does Kenya have selfless leaders?   
  The Standard
        By George Jakoyo
  Recently, I met a man in Nandi North District of Rift Valley. The man was 
frank to admit that people in the region have been yearning for a democratic 
governance since the time of legendary leader Mr Koitalel arap Samoei and later 
Jean Marie Seroney. 
  He regretted that leaders in the region use their wealth and influence to 
coerse voters to keep the status quo. 
  Unfortunately, the politics of coersion and selfishness started even before 
  A closer look at some of those who "agitated" for change shows they were by 
driven individual ambitions.
  An article titled "Masinde Muliro" in a series under Makers of Kenya’s 
History edited by Professor Simiyu Wanddiba, shows personal interests 
superseded national interests when it came to selection of political parties.
  Muliro founded the Kenya National Party (KNP) instead of popular Kanu led by 
James Gichuru, Oginga Ondinga, Tom Mboya and Arthur Ochwada. Why come up with a 
different party when there was need to marshall popular support and speed up 
the attainment of independence?
  Wandiba notes: "It is clear from the KNP’s timetable that Muliro did not want 
independence immediately. His main argument was that Africans needed to prepare 
themselves thoroughly before taking over from the colonialists in order to 
avoid chaos." 
  In addition, Muliro was reluctant to work with others. Jaramogi Oginga in his 
autobiography Not Yet Uhuru, says Muliro played on the emotions of the minority 
to get support. 
  However, Ronald Ngala was brought on board and joined Jaramogi to launch the 
Kenya Africa Democratic Union to federate the Kalenjin Political Alliance, 
Maasai United front, Coast Political Union, and Somali National Association.
  Muliro’s attempt to sell his KNP party was met with hostility from political 
activists allied to Mboya during a rally in Nairobi. Wandiba notes: "Muliro was 
convinced that these people must have been sent by Mboya. On why Ngala snubbed 
Kanu, Odinga reports: "Ngala was a different case. He though appeared to be 
sincere, had always been susceptible to settler propaganda and once captured he 
could be relied upon to deliver the goods better than his settler mentors."
  At the time when Kenyans were eager to be free and negotiations for 
independence and release of Jomo Kenyatta were in top gear, it is alleged that 
Mr Daniel Moi was concerned more with forming a government even without 
Kenyatta. Kadu almost formed a government but public sentiments were against 
the move. The events mentioned took place about 50 years ago. This year, 
Kenyans go to the polls to either usher new leadership or keep the old one. 
  Since independence, Kenyans have agitated for change, but how come we never 
get the leaders we want? 
  In his book, Jaramogi says: " Political intrigue, caucus decisions and 
ambitions for office cannot thrive side by side with a vigorous popularly based 
party machine, or democratic decision making of any kind."
  Do our politicians have a conscience?
  Read Odinga’s resignation letter from Kanu government to form KPU.
  "You have not given any consideration to me as your number two in State 
matters. I have a conscience and this in fact does prick me when I earn public 
money but with no job to do. I consider this a waste of public money and I am 
worried lest the future generation questions my sincerity, when they would 
learn that I allowed myself to hold a sinecure post in the midst of poverty and 
misery in our country. With this realisation I cannot continue to hold this 
position any longer and I hereby tender my resignation."
  Back to Muliro. He dissolved Kadu " he wanted a chance for top 
position".Masinde’s move mirrors selfishness that has characterised our 
leadership. Once, Jomo Kenyatta asked Bildad Kaggia before a crowd a very 
suggestive question. He asked: "What have you done for yourself?" Now the 
question is extended to, " what have you for yourself, family and your tribe?"
  In his book, Jaramogi warns: "We may not score immediate victories but we 
ought to ensure that at no time in the history of this country should we leave 
the Government and wealth in the hands of an elite, worse an elite that is 
taking power to itself. This is welling to plunge the country into pain and 

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