Land Reform: Pipped at the post?

It is simple. When it comes to the land question, every patriotic Zimbabwean 
must simply become irrational. Kutopenga chaiko, as Comrade Chinx would say. I 
am sure even former white-owners of our land expect us to be that flamingly 
irrational. It reminds me of Bishop Kunonga's humourous contribution to the 
"Zimbabwe we want" effort. He recalled a chance encounter with two men - one 
white, another black - locked in a mortal fight. Upon inquiring on the nature 
of the differences, which had triggered such a violent encounter, he was 
cryptically told the two were fighting for land. He says he did not need any 
more information. 

He simply jumped into the fray, knowing fully well that the outcome of the 
fight would determine the Zimbabwe he wanted. The white antagonist soon found 
out he had an extra pitchy black torso to subdue, if his vain cause was to 
prevail. Our very fragile and even broken rural livelihoods as Africans simply 
exhort us to take an eflexive position on this one cardinal national question. 

Hey, the white man is not sleeping

Two weeks back, I drew your attention to two developments on this very emotive 
issue. I referred to white farmers who had gone back to the courts to challenge 
the whole land reform programme. Behind them was JAG, the same JAG, which 
engendered its gender warriors going by the name of WOZA. 

But I also made reference to another action by the same group designed to 
litigate using Sadc's Windhoek-based Tribunal. I explained the rational, 
warning this was an attempt to get Sadc to condemn its own escape from the 
colonial legacy, indeed an attempt to get Sadc to condemn its own emancipation. 

I should also add that the international court case on the same matter brought 
to Paris by both Dutch and British farmers on allegations that Zimbabwe was 
violating Bilateral Investments Protection Agreements, BIPPAS for short, from 
October 29 2007. Readers may remember that the EU sought to weaken Zimbabwe's 
defences by invoking travel bans on our legal team led by the Attorney General. 
It would appear certain EU members sought to employ political conditions to 
engineer a default judgement on the matter, which was then supposed to open the 
floodgates to further litigation, possibly leading to a reversal of land 

Clearly the land issue is not yet settled. Clearly it is not yet irreversible. 
From a white perspective, the land issue remains a septic wound: profusely 
suppurating, insistently nagging well into the night. They do not sleep. They 
do not forget. They will not forgive. Hence the recent ICG report which 
demanded that President Mugabe declares an end to the Third Chimurenga. 

And hey, is the Blackman woken? 

>From an African perspective, the land hunger persists, with many still on the 
>waiting list. A significant portion of land remains in white hands: a good 927 
>farmers at the last count, with possibly 726 materially still on the land. We 
>have also seen strange arrangements taking place outside the agreed parameters 
>of leasing: Some lazy blacks sub-leasing State land to former white farmers. 
>We have seen hostile blueprints of the so-called "post Mugabe recovery 
>economics", all of them predicated on what is termed "an acceptable, 
>internationally supported land reform programme". 

Even more sinister, we have seen a new sensibility within the African elite of 
wanting to ram and fasten the door to further land reforms, simply because they 
themselves now have the land. It is the I-am-in syndrome, which threatens to 
reinterpret the whole land reform programme as a limited clearance sell for an 
African petit bourgeoisie. This sensibility couches its argument around issues 
of food security, foreign currency earnings and regaining international 
acceptability. And all these are made synonymous with retaining whites on the 
land, freezing land reforms to limited beneficiaries, while boldly evicting 
peasants and war veterans who may have placed themselves or been placed on well 
capitalised pieces of land. 

They convincingly point to vast swathes of underutilised land to argue the 
present challenge is not completion of land reforms. Rather, it is about 
turning the already reformed land into a productive and performing asset. It is 
quite difficult to ignore this view's start-off premises, namely that of 
rampant underutilisation. No attempt will be made to challenge this poignant 
premise. None whatsoever. Land must be fully utilised. Rukuni said so. Utete 
said so. Manheru says so, too. But is that all? But what are the implications 
of such a well-founded argument? That, for me, is the question. 

Rhodesia's intellectuals in new lease

This week we have had two white irritants in the form of John Robertson and 
Bruce Gemmill. The latter was part of Rhodesia's leftover white farmers; the 
former, Rhodesia's organic intellectual. From the above 
I-am-in-so-stop-the-revolution mentality, whose existence is by the way well 
known to the white land lobby, a thought milieu has been created for bold 
resurgent white racism. Reporters who went to Chegutu will tell you they ran 
into despicable Rhodesian white racist arrogance expressing itself in open 
contempt of land reforms and the new black farmer. 

The reporters will also tell you there were officials from the British and 
American embassies, both towed by JAG, both illustrating the still abrasive 
Western dimension of our land question. All this reorganised white interest 
needs an intellectual framework and defence. 

Dutifully, the Zimbabwe Independent reports on an "agriculturally connected 
NGO" which it does not name, whose sub-committee has undertaken "to study and 
recommend how and why agriculture should be reconstructed". 

The paper excerpts that sub-committee's "reasoning and conclusion". The opening 
of that excerpt reads: "From approximately 1900 to 1977 Rhodesian agriculture 
was divided by race and law into two systems, namely the white populated system 
of large scale-commercial agriculture, holding its land under freehold title 
and confined to the commercial farming areas. Secondly, the black populated 
systems of peasant farming, holding its land under communal title and confined 
to the communal areas, land holding rights being at the discretion of the local 

Perfunctorily acknowledging this racialised land tenure system to be a 
political problem, the sub-committee hurries to redefine the source of 
subsequent problems: "This inequality was pumped and hyped to the maximum by 
the present government (Zanu (PF), that is] to justify the destruction of 
commercial agriculture. 

It was a politically driven act of retribution against a section of the 
population, both black and white, who were supportive of the opposition party, 
the MDC. It had nothing to do with land reform". The outcome was "massive 
injustice and misjudgment. foisted on the whole population". 

Another Clare Short in male form 

The excerpt leaps beyond the matter on hand to make a large statement about 
colonialism and African independence, clearly in a manner reminiscent of Clare 
Short: "We recognise there were many injustices directed against the black 
population during white minority rule, such is the nature of colonialism. 

History cannot be changed, only the future has relevance when planning economic 
recovery and poverty alleviation. 

This is not a callous dismissal of colonial injustices but a recognition of 
today's reality. Agricultural and economic realities should prevail over 
populist and racial politics if we are serious about achieving a civilised 
standard of living for the population of Zimbabwe". 

Just in case you are not insulted enough, get this: "In contrast [to commercial 
agriculture], peasant agriculture is the hallmark of underdevelopment.. Peasant 
agriculture is regarded as the bottom rung of human existence". 

Harkening Zimbabwe-Rhodesia

Let us temporarily forget about the hand behind the pen, to deal with these 
wrinkled ideas which strike me as a determined assault on black Zimbabweans. 
First the benchmarking in the report. 1900 to 1977 neatly coincides with both 
the rise and consolidation of white Rhodesian land-based power, which is the 
essence of the land question, as we have known it. 

The year 1977 was especially significant in that UDI laid, through a phoney 
internally generated "de-racialised" land reform programme, a foundation to a 
superficially reformist land programme which the Rhodesians through Lord 
Carrington sought to foist on the Patriotic Front at Lancaster House. 

It allowed for some modicum of adjustment to land ownership, and even a 
sprinkling of black farmers in hitherto white commercial zones, but without 
changing the essence of Rhodesia's land tenure. This is what Robertson and his 
colleague are glorifying. In a sense, Rhodesia was adjusting its land regime to 
prefigure the Internal Settlement and the subsequent birth of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia 
under a black face. 

The same document, albeit in mutated form would re-emerge at the ill fated 1998 
Donor Conference. The overriding goal for these initiatives and that which we 
are examining in this analysis has always been the preservation or restoration 
of white landed rights with which Zimbabwe's commercial agriculture is made 

False closure

What is worse, the two dates give an illusion of closure to white land-based 
injustices: these began in 1900 and ended in 1977! Politically, this is a late 
invitation to get us to embrace the Internal Settlement as the era of African 

In terms of the country's agrarian reforms, this claim seeks to postulate that 
Rhodesia made and unmade its own land colonialism. 

Considering that we say the struggle was about land, it means we were liberated 
by white volitional generosity, not by black arms of war. 

A real assault on liberation history, as we know it! This is staggering. After 
1977, land justice had been restored, Robertson tells us, thanking white sense. 
It means all those who claimed to be fighting after 1977 were simply 
bloodthirsty, power-hungry tyrants! 

Turning causes into consequences

Second: the piece reduces the whole land reform programme which started in 2000 
to "political retribution" and "massive injustice", a real return to 
antediluvian times or "the bottom rung of human existence". We are back to 
Dell's "voodoo economics" only put on Rhodesian tongues. The programme had no 
takers and was thus "foisted on the whole population". 

It is a view that does not recognise any land need among Africans, something I 
thought the white world had at least conceded early on in the debate. 

To that extent, it marks a hardening of positions, in fact a repudiation of 
concessions made earlier. Except many MDC members were happy to receive land, 
which suggests they were happy victims of this unwanted land reform. 

They are happier to have received implements for working that same land. Their 
leadership does acknowledged the need for land reforms, only contesting the way 
it was done. So which MDC is this study referring to? And how many MDC 
officials or supporters had land before 2000 to have been dispossessed, 
alongside Rhodesia's embittered white landed gentry whom these two gentlemen 

What is worse, how would the Zanu (PF) government visit political retribution 
on landless black MDC supporters through land reforms, as claimed? How do you 
dispossess a person who wields no land? In any case what started, the land 
issue or the MDC? 

The era of noble savages

Third: we are told peasant agriculture is "the bottom rung of human existence". 
This is our world so vainly castigated. We are children of peasants. So why did 
modern Rhodesia create and preserve a peasant sector until 1977? Was it because 
Africans were exactly that: African and too unreconstructed to be taken into an 
era of "civilised standards of living", itself Ian Smith's favourite phrase? 
You begin to see unrepentant Rhodesian racism that is at the core of this whole 
so-called study. It is a statement of racism a condemnation of Africans as 
un-evolved and un-evolving. 

And since the independence government is both vindictive and economically 
irrational to levels of destroying "civilised standards", clearly the 
subcommittee's reasoning and conclusion imply political governmental reforms 
fashioned after white Rhodesia. 

After all, "all evidence stacks up in favour of commercial agriculture (read 
white agriculture)". Robertson and Gemmill are not writing for a Zanu (PF) 
Government or anything close to it. They are writing for a protean political 
governmental creature founded on a combined Rhodesian and 

Mutability in Immutability 

Fourth: History cannot be changed! I suppose it can only be destroyed in favour 
of "uncivilised standards". Robertson and Gemmill repudiate subaltern history 
of struggle with such frightening finality. It is an attempt to suggest that 
"Rhodesia never dies", but one proclaimed on its very tomb. The two men hanker 
after Rhodesia and its land dispensation. Robertson may be genuinely mistaken; 
surely Gemmill cannot. His present state and bitterness away from the 
colonially ill-gotten land, does confirm that indeed Rhodesian history has been 
challenged and changed! 

What is worse, the whole import of their sub-committee is to challenge and 
change another history - to them clearly African and therefore unpalatable - 
defined by and formed through the 2000 land reforms. The two men want to 
reverse Zanu (PF)'s land reforms, which means challenging Zanu (PF) and its 
history which, willy-nilly, is the history of all black Zimbabweans regardless 
of political affiliation. Both Tsvangirai and Mutambara have now recognised 
that the land question is indeed an African national question that cannot be 
ducked in the name of fulfilling oppositional functions. 

Succour from a fissure? 

What is the significance of all this? Well, this is an indicative piece, 
indicative of the mood in the white camp. Shell shocked by the land reform 
between 2000 and 2005, the white tribe appears to have taken on a new feeling 
of defiant resurgence, a feeling that a new milieu tolerant of its racist 
arrogance and drivel is finally come. This may suggest either of the two 
following things: That the white vlok has detected a fissure within Zanu (PF) 
leadership, giving succour to its resurgence. Or that there is a real 
desperation in the country that the ruling party is about to be ready to 
collapse or to clutch at a serpent. 

I happen to know that Zanu (PF) is not about to collapse; quite the contrary, 
it is feeling quite sanguine. It is importing agricultural equipment like a 
party that is not about to go away. It has divided the EU, a real novel feat in 
the history of the interface between Europe and Africa. Its candidature for 
March 2008 is as good as decided. Its opponent, the MDCs, is in disarray. The 
economy is beginning to respond to its policy importuning. So there is no 
question about a collapse. Which leaves the first item possibly. 

Place of white man in Zimbabwe 

I have always said it will be a very sad day indeed if any forum within Zanu 
(PF) burns its time and ardour debating the place and role of the white man in 
independent Zimbabwe. That simply should not be an issue. While it is true that 
the struggle was against a system, not a race, it is ineluctably true that the 
system depended on a specific race for its sustenance. It still depends on that 
same race for its survival in post-independence, which is how it continues to 
mould, forces which keep Zanu (PF) busy. 

Zanu (PF) cannot dodge the issue of race in its effort to found a new society. 
White power remains paramount in the economy. It remains paramount in the very 
indigence of post-colonial Africans. Certainly the struggle was not about 
weighting the rights and interests of a mere 900 white farmers as equivalent to 
the rights of 13 million black Zimbabweans for whom 90 years of colonial rule 
would not end until 2000. 

Why would so much energy be burnt on the fate of remnant white farmers to the 
exclusion of 30 000 plus African farmers already on the land? What have we 
given these 30 000 to expect results from them? What? Surely seed packs alone 
are not enough? Surely fertilizer alone is not enough? 

To all intents and purpose, 2007 is the year which the Zanu -PF government has 
made a real and telling intervention to follow through on its emphatic land 
delivery between 2000 and 2005. The year 2007 is the year Zanu-PF has begun to 
address the issue of productivity. 

It cannot expect the result a day later. Not even a season later. That never 
happened with white Rhodesians who had years and years of assistance from their 
Government. Why judge the underprovided new farmer so harshly in terms of 
tractors and farming loans he or she is just beginning to get? Is it not better 
to se what Muzvondiwa does to land with the new implements than to condemn him 
in favour of Beattie well before he had made the first furrow? 

Do we abandon the people because we want Beattie for a civilised neighbour? Do 
we condemn an agricultural model that reared us for decades, indeed which made 
us who we are merely because we have big power, big means and big white 
friends? The spirits of little bird nzo are always in the nest. Let us know 
where we came from and who made us. Zanu-PF cannot survive the morning after 
without a correct position on land. 

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
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