*Kinshasa**: Rwanda-DRC or the Frog that Swallowed the Elephant: How the 
DRC government capitulated to Rwanda.*

Jean Yves Lualaba *

*AfroAmerica Network, Kinshasa November 19, 2007*

On November 9, 2007, the Rwandan and the DRC Governments signed in 
Nairobi an agreement for the disarmament of the negative forces, 
including ex-FAR/Interahamwe and Laurent NKunda.  The DRC government 
committed itself to repatriating the ex-FAR/Interahamwe, by force if 
necessary, and to integrating Laurent Nkunda's forces.  The Rwandan 
government committed to . well, almost *nothing!*

The Rwandan RPF regime has always presented the ex-FAR interahamwe as 
the main threat to peace and security in the region.  The Rwandan Tutsi 
regime argues that the Laurent Nkunda phenomenon was born out of the 
Hutu ex-FAR Interahamwe threat. Some western governments agree with the 
Rwandan position as evidenced by the signatures apposed on the "Joint 
Communiqué" by the Representatives of the UN, USA, and  European Union (EU).




Despite the bravado exhibited by the Kinshasa media close to Kabila's 
regime, there is no doubt the RPF gained on all fronts. The regime in 
Kigali dominated by a small clique of Tutsis raised in Uganda can know 
brag that it was right all along when they claimed that the ex-FAR 
interahamwe are the sole most important threat in the region. The 
communiqué reinforced the argument that Laurent Nkunda is a consequence 
of that threat, hence has a legitimate cause.  After the signature, 
Rwandans were so confident of their victory that they raised their 
stakes even higher. Not only did they want the ex-FAR/Interahamwe, but 
also all the armed opposition groups including the FDLR, RUD-Urunana and 
the Tutsi dominated RPR-Inkeragutabara hunted down, The list transmitted 
by the Rwandan government to the DRC government is split into two parts:

a)     Ex-FAR/Interahamwe-FDLR, with names such as Ignace Murwanashyaka, 
Mr. Musoni, Callixte Mbarushimana etc. All those are neither FDLR 
members, but to qualify them ex-FAR  or Interahamwe may be a strecth.

b)      Ex-FAR/Interahamwe-RUD/RPR, with names such as John Higiro, 
Felicien Kanyamibwa, Gerard Ntashamaje, Rukeba, etc. Again, these are 
names of people hardly associated with ex-FAR or Interahamwe.


Brief, Kigali has won the battle, and wants all: the hands, the arms and 
perhaps the entire body. The Tutsi clique in power in Rwanda has even 
claimed the right to be the sole decider of who among the Hutus can be 
repatriated to Rwanda and those who cannot.

On the positive side, Rwandans overall, whether in opposition or not, 
should be happy with the accomplishment of General Kagame's government 
regarding his dealing with the Congolese government. If they really are 
nationalists, they should be proud of their small country humiliating 
the big and sleeping giant Congo.  In fact, since the invasion of Congo 
(Zaire) in October 1996, Rwanda always requested Berlin II. In a speech 
by Kagame's stooge of the moment, the now former President Pasteur 
Bizimungu, the RPF government asked  the international community to 
"redraw the present border between Rwanda and the Congo [DRC] and  
extend Rwanda to the eastern territories of the DRC which the Belgian 
and German colonizers  had carved out and given to the Congo."  The RPF 
regime never gave up the idea.  Now the current DRC government is giving 
the Rwandan government enough ammunition to lay claim on Eastern Congo.  
Rwandans should be very happy and proud of the Tutsi clique in power in 



To answer the question requires us to go back to the tumultuous 
relations between the FDLR and the current government in Kinshasa.


Let us start by this fact: by associating the FDLR with 
ex-FAR/Interahamwe, Kigali is putting the current DRC president Joseph 
Kabila between the hammer and the hard place.  Kagame put the Kabila 
dynasty in power by supporting the AFDL and Kabila the Father against 
Mubutu/ex-FAR;  what was the FDLR (the original FDLR)  maintained 
Kabila's dynasty by helping Kabila the Father chase Rwandans from 
Kinshasa and eventually  making their lives miserable in the Kivus.


Joseph Kabila, the son of his father Laurent Kabila, owes to both Kagame 
and the original FDLR.  That is where things get complicated and the so 
called International Community fails or doesn't want to grasp the 
difficulties facing the Congolese government and the manipulation of 
Kagame's government. To measure the magnitude of the oblivion of the 
international community, let us revisit the history of the FDLR.


FDLR was created, first to defend the beleaguered Laurent Kabira's 
regime, when he had decided he had enough with the Rwandan RPA troops 
who once helped him. Laurent Kabila, having nowhere to turn, readily 
found auxiliary troops, before convincing Angola, Tchad, Namibia, and 
Zimbabwe to help. The auxiliary troops included ex-FAR, well trained, 
hardened, and ready to do anything, especially given the prospects of 
revenge against their RPA nemesis. The ex-FAR were supplemented by young 
Rwandans refugees recruited from camps across Congo-Brazzaville, Central 
African Republic, DRC, Zambia, Angola, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda. Some of 
the young Rwandan refugees had witnessed their relatives being hacked to 
death, massively executed, raped, mutilated, drowned, maimed and 
savagely killed by Kagame's Rwanda Patriotic Army when the army 
destroyed camps in Congo, in 1996-1998. These youths, too, wanted to 
avenge their relatives or at least to protect the remnants.  Hence, 
Laurent Kabila supported the creation of the FDLR so that they can help 
maintain him in power. For the Rwandan refugees, though, Kabila was just 
a sponsor and providential ally, and their goal was:  reorganizing and 
rearming while fighting to maintain Laurent Desire Kabila in power, the 
self-defense of the Rwandan refugees survivors of their massacres by the 
Rwandan Army in the DRC since October 1990, and eventually invading 
Rwanda where they claimed the new RPF regime oppressed and discriminated 
against the Hutus.


When the Rwandan Patriotic Army invaded the DRC in 1998 to fight Laurent 
Kabila, the aim was really to reestablish a pro-RPF regime in Kinshasa 
and the extermination of the Hutu refugees remaining in the Eastern 
DRC.  The creation of the FDLR and the support Laurent Kabila obtained 
from Angola, Nambia, Zimbabwe, and Tchad stopped the Rwandan bloody 
adventures. The FDLR fought very well. They were the ones who were able 
to flee Zimbabween troops trapped behind Rwandan positions in Kasai and 
Katanga. The well trained and armed Zimbabwean and Angolans had failed 
to accomplish what the FDLR did cleanly. With exploits like that the 
FDLR became a big player. Kagame realized the implications.


Hence, the FDLR as one of the military allies of the late President 
Laurent Desire Kabila had engaged more that 10,000 combatants, divided 
into two groups.  One group was based in Eastern DRC with the primary 
mission to protect Rwandan refugees in the Eastern DRC (North-Kivu and 
South-Kivu) and help the local fighters known as Mai-Mai to resist the 
occupation of the RPF and his backed rebellion RCD/Goma. The other FDLR 
group was deployed on the internal Congolese frontline. Beign better 
trained and hardened fighters than the Congolese troops, the Congolese 
government and Zimbabwean troops relied on them to engage the Rwandan 
RPA, while the Congolese Forces and the official allied Forces stayed 
behind as reinforcements or patrolling and protecting liberated 
territories. The FDLR were able to contain and push back the advance of 
the RPF-RCD/Goma and the MLC of Jean Pierre Bemba, on the following axes:

-Axis Gbadolite-Kotakoli-Kakuma ( Province of 
-Axis Gbadolite-Businga- Karawa-Gemena (Province of 
-Axis Mbandaka- Bokungu-Boende-Ikela (Province of 
-Axis Mbandaka-Basankusu and Basankusu-Befale (Province of 
-Axis Mbujimayi-Kabinda (Province of Oriental 
Manono-Kiambi (Province of 
-Axis Kamina-Kabalo-Nyunzu (Province of 
-Axis Poweto, Cantonnier-Pepa-Kapona (Province of Katanga).

Under Laurent Kabila's father the FDLR were hailed as heroes. Their 
leaders lived in villas and hotels in Kinshasa and were part of the DRC 
government military and political advisers. Then two things happened 
that compounded the misfortunes of the FDLR: the assassination of 
Laurent Desire Kabila and the internal conflicts within the original FDLR.

With the assassination of Laurent Kabila, the new government led by 
Joseph Kabila forgot about the role played by and the value of the FDLR, 
and bargained his staying in power by sacrificing the interests of his 
allies, including Zimbabwe Angola, and most importantly, the FDLR. The 
Angolans and Zimbabwean went home; the FDLR went east, after some of 
their top officers were brutally assassinated by the Congolese troops in 
Kamina, and some political leaders shipped by Joseph Kabila's government 
to Kigali and Arusha.  Among the top FDLR officers assassinated by the 
Congolese was the commander of the FDLR troops in Kamina, Colonel 
Ndanda, whereas General Renzaho was captured and sent to Arusha.

The internal disputes within the RPF, especially following embezzlement, 
ineptitude and lack of common vision regarding how to deal with the RPF 
eventually led to the exit of the most active members, such as the 
overall commander General Aloys  Ntiwiragabo,  Brazzaville overall 
Commander General Ruvubi and his deputies, Vice-President Dr. John Marie 
Vianney Higiro, Executive Secretary  Dr. Felicien Kanyamibwa and  the 
omnipresent spokesperson Alexis Nshimyimana of Austria. Almost all of 
the regional and local leaders deserted the original FDLR. These include 
Emmanuel Hakizimana and Felicien Ngirabanzi for France, Dr. Guillaume 
Murere of Canada,  Bonaventure Hakizimana for the Netherlands, Dr. Deo 
Twagirayezu for  Europe, Peter Kamanzi for Northern Europe and Francois 
Serushyana of USA and a host of other local leaders.  Among executive 
committees members  who left the FDLR are Goretti Abayizigira, Dr. 
Augustine Dukuze, Verite Kabanda, and the entire military and civilian 
teams based in Congo-Brazzaville, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, 
Uganda, and Zambia.

 Basically the FDLR was emptied of most of the founders and the original 
more credible leaders. Even those that remained within the FDLR 
disintegrated and created splinters groups: FDLR-CMC of Emmanuel 
Hakizimana and Major  Seraphin Bizimungu (who eventually surrendered to 
the Rwandan Government), FDLR of Ignace Murwanshyaka and Mudacumura, and 
FDLR of Lt Colonel  Hakizabera and Hyacithe Nsengiyumva, Rastas, Mudumbi 
40, FDLR of Lt Claude and Ndayambaje (surrendered to MONUC, were sent to 
Rwanda and came back in Congo and were recently fighting alongside the 
Congolese Mai Mai Kasereka).  Recently, Igance Murwanashyaka and 
Mudacumura's group split further after their spokesperson Aloys 
Munyandekwe embezzled more than US$60,000.

 From its original form, the current FDLR has become the shadow of 
itself, while other armed groups formed by former FDLR and RPF members 
gained momentum. Among these groups are the RUD-Urunana, which 
ironically include: Dr. John Marie Vianney Higiro, Mari Goretti 
Abayizigira, Dr. Felicien Kanyamibwa, Alexis Nshimyimana, Dr. Augustine 
Dukuze, and almost the entire team of regional and local leaders and 
most of the troops and officers who deserted the original FDLR.

One common characteristic of the Rwandan armed apposition groups, 
whether based in Congo, including those labeled FDLR, or waging the 
guerrilla warfare in Rwanda, such as RUD-Urunana, is that the majority 
of the combatants were minor in 1994. Most of these combatants have been 
orphaned two, three, four times:  The RPF killed their biological 
parents since the beginning of the war in 1990. They were adopted by 
other families in the camps for the internally displaced people in 
Rwanda. When the RPF troops destroyed these camps, they also massacred 
the adoptive parents. Other families took the orphans into exile in the 
DRC. Even there, the RPF followed them and massacred the adoptive 
parents in Mugunga, Tingi-Tingi, Mbandaka, Walikare, Shabunda, etc. 
These are the multiple time orphaned youth, who now the international 
community, the UN, the USA, the EU, and the Joint Communique are calling 
ex-FAR and Interahamwe.

Besides the FDLR, there is another interesting character in the 
Congolese saga: Haile Menkerios, the UN Envoy who signed the Nairobi 
Joint Communiqué on the behalf of the elusive international community.

Haile Menkerios is the representative of the UN Secretary General in 
charge of the FDLR Affairs.   He is the Under Secretary General for the 
Political Affairs. That is publicized biography. What is overlooked is 
that Haile Menkarios is a retired Erythrean Colonel. He was the adviser 
of General James Kabarebe, Rwandan Chief of Staff, when the latter was 
the Commander of the Rwandan troops during the war against Mobutu in 
1996-1997.  During the war in which Haile Menkarios served as an 
military advior, more than 4 millions Congolese and 200,000 Rwandan 
refugees were systematically massacred by the RPA troops.  He obviously 
knows very well who is responsible for the massacres of the Rwandan 
refugees in Tingi-Tingi, Kisangani and Mbandaka in 1997.  When Laurent 
Desire Kabila took power, the DRC remained under the Rwandan Army 
occupation, with James Kabarebe as the Chief of the general Staff of the 
new Congolese Army and none other than Mr.Haile Menkerios as  the 
military adviser to James Kabarebe and political adviser to Laurent 
Kabila. This time, he has changed his hat as an international diplomat, 
but did he change his heart. This is the man who signed, in the name of 
the international community, the Joint Communiqué of Nairobi.


The answer is very simple: The DRC government gained nothing. The 
Congolese people lost everything. The Rwandan refugees remain in limbo.

The DRC government may think that by signing anything Rwanda proposes, 
the Rwandan government will stop supporting the General Laurent  Nkunda. 
General Nkunda has summarized his intentions in an interview aired by 
BBC-Kinyanrwanda over the Summer 2007 and repeated in several western 
media, when asked how and why he acquired a broadcast radio: "our aim is 
not limited to Kivu, or to defending the Tutsis.  We have a long plan. 
Our plan goes away to Kinshasa."  If anything, General Nkunda has been 
consistent and clear in his intentions: Kinshasa, if not Kivu, or 
death.  General Nkunda is the iceberg of the Berlin II case claimed 
higher and lauder by the current Rwandan government:  Rwanda wants its 
territories back. General Nkunda is a man on a mission and the ex-FAR 
and interahamwe are his weapons.


The coalition against the Rwandan refugees in the DRC seems to be an 
international effort. It is curious that this happened when the new UN 
Secretary General just decided to open an inquiry into the massacres 
committed in the DRC between 1993 and 2003. With the new political 
dynamics, the Rwandan Patriotic Army is able to stop or, at least 
manipulate that inquiry and possibly get away with the genocide of 4.5 
millions of Congolese and more than 200,000 Rwandan Hutu refugees.


 Once again, the RPF wins, the Congolese people lose, and the Congolese 
government capitulates. By signing the Joint Communiqué, the DRC 
government has betrayed the 4.5 millions Congolese victims of the RPF 
genocidal rampage, the Congolese integrity, and the Rwandan refugees who 
helped the Kabila dynasty stay in power when everybody else had 
abandoned them.

As the saying goes "THIS IS AFRICA (TIA) [Blood Diamonds]."   Yet, those 
involved in the sage will be one day judged. People may manipulate, lie, 
cheat oppress, rewrite, dissimulate, and betray but, in the end, History 
never forgets.

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