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                  Sharangabo Rufagari

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 Monsieur Antoine LOKONGO,
      Pour quelqu'un comme vous qui se presente comme un grand journaliste et 
qui de surcroit est fier d'avoir confronter le President KAGAME durant son 
sejour A Londres.Vous n'etes qu'un reveur avec une imagination fertile.
      Au fait ou en etes vos relations personnelles avec la RESISTANCE 
VIRTUELLE ET RACISTE congolaise? Au derniers nouvelles il semblerait que le 
RAIS de Kinshasa avait pris des mesures correctives a votre endroit.
                        Sharangabo Rufagari
Antoine lokongo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The role Israel is playing in the war of aggression
against Congolese people and the support it is giving
to Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi. 

When attending the first anniversary of the Rwandan
genocide, Ephraim Zavroff, the famous Nazi hunter and
director of the Simon-Wiesenthal Centre in Tel-Aviv in
1995, said to Paul Kagame, the President of Rwanda:
"Your tragedy is like ours." 
Israeli military experts have since helped Paul Kagame
a Tutsi, in his endeavour to track down those who
allegedly committed genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and
inspired him in his “Imidugu” policy, or the
regrouping of Hutus in communal villages in trouble
spots in Rwanda, following the model of Kibboutz” 
Like Israel and Palestine, Paul Kagame’s Rwanda has
made of security his major objective, independent of
what his neighbour Congo would suffer out of it. Kivu
is his South-Lebanon and his Golan Heights, most
particularly the “security zone” which extends from
Bukavu to Goma, a buffer zone quasi-annexed today by a
regime which feels more and more squeezed within its
boundaries and therefore needs to extends the living
space of its people. 

Congo-Kinshasa: Radio Fomenting Genocide - Jewish


Rwanda News Agency/Agence Rwandaise d'Information

29 November 2007
Posted to the web 29 November 2007


DR Congo government radio has been broadcasting hate
messages branding Congolese Tutsis as Rwandan with the
aim to have them "annihilated" and something must be
done urgently or else the conflict there gets out of
hand, a Jewish academic has said.

Dr. Rabbi David Kuperman says since 1998, Congolese
National Radio and Television (RTNC) has been making
broadcasts that identified Congolese Tutsis as Rwandan
and called openly for other Congolese citizens to kill

"Now, once again, RTNC is broadcasting messages of
hate toward Congolese Tutsis and preparing their
neighbors to participate in the annihilation of the
Tutsi population", Kuperman says in a message to media
and campaign groups. "Hate broadcasts are undeniably a
powerful tool for indoctrinating and manipulating.'

The Jewish-American academic seems to suggest that the
same hate broadcasts are strengthening the resolve of
DRC dissident General Laurent Nkunda not to make peace
with the Kinshasa government.

According to the prospective deal, General Nkunda must
join government forces in a process commonly known as
'brassage'. But he has remained adamant to go by the
plan because there have been no guarantees that his
cause would be addressed - that of protecting the

"General Nkunda knows, from bitter and verifiable
experience, that once his troops have been dispersed
throughout the country they are likely to be killed
and the Tutsi population of North Kivu will be left
defenseless against the Democratic Forces for the
Liberation of Rwanda / Forces Démocratiques de
Libération du Rwanda (FDLR)", says Kuperman.

The UN mission in Congo (MONUC) along with government
forces have declared that 'all avenues' to bring
General Nkunda to the peace-table have been
'exhausted' - so he 'would have to be put down by
force'. Dr. Kuperman says the attacks by the combined
forces continue to kill and displace combatants and
non-combatants throughout the region.

Contrary to media ethics, Kuperman says RTNC - a
public network that includes several regional stations
and that is controlled by a Ministry of Information
and Press not known for encouraging journalistic
freedom, has joined the battle.

"The current hate broadcasting by the DRC government's
RTNC is reminiscent of that which incited genocide in
Rwanda in 1994, and is just as dangerous", he says.

The academic wants the media and campaign groups to
"investigate RTNC, in particular those stations whose
programming is heard in North Kivu, and publish the
results of your investigation".

"Bring RTNC's hate broadcasting to the attention of
whichever governments, organizations, or courts of
public opinion might be most concerned and able to
bring such broadcasting to a conclusive halt", he says.

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                  Sharangabo Rufagari

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