September 29, 2008 at 7:49 pm (Ethnic Cleansing, Israel, Occupied West Bank, 
Palestine, Settler Violence) 

 The settler and the shepherd: an unfair tale

This Saturday, Yahya Atta Riahin, an 18 year-old shepherd from the town of 
Aqraba, in the Northern district of Nablus, was executed by Israeli settlers 
while grazing his sheep in the fields surrounding his village.
That night, Yahya was suppose to get back from the fields, like any other 
Palestinian teenager during Ramadan, to share Iftar -the fast-breaking meal- 
with his family. As they didn't see the boy coming back and started being 
anxious, knowing the risk of an - unfortunately common- settler attack in the 
Region, they alerted the neighbours and the entire village organised a search 
to find the missing boy.

The body of the young shepherd was found with gunshot wounds late Saturday 
night, in the fields between the neighbouring settlement of Itamar and the 
villages of Aqraba and Awarta.

According to eyewitnesses, the teenager has been attacked by a group of 
settlers from Itamar and Jettit, the illegal Israeli settlements that surround 
Al Aqbraba village. To the witnesses, the boy was pursued by a settler's car 
before they heard gunshots but did not see him being shot. >From a first 
forensic report, the settlers shot at him at least 20 times, from close range.

"We are examining the bullets and type of gun, trying to find out who was 
behind (the shooting). Everything is open at the moment," said Micky Rosenfeld, 
Israeli police spokesman.

Recent months have seen a spike in violence by West Bank settlers against 
Palestinians, and in some cases against Israeli security forces. The settlers 
from Yitzhar and Itamar settlements, built on southern Nablus lands, have 
routinely attacked the neighbouring Palestinian villages.

But since the beginning of September and the holy month of Ramadan, attack as 
such as the burnings of fields and beatings of residents villages are have been 
increasing. Earlier this months, settlers from the same area stabbed to death a 
9 years-old Palestinian kid, burned olive trees and crops, and destroyed a 
water well.

According to Haaretz, in the first half of 2008, particularly in the Nablus and 
Hebron governorates, there has been an increase in "disturbances of the peace" 
- the minimalist term used for harm caused by Israeli citizens to Palestinians 
and their property- as well as harm to Israeli security forces. Data presented 
by the newspaper indicated that there were 429 such incidents in the first half 
of this year, compared with 587 incidents in all of 2006 and 551 in 2007.

The settlers' violence has always been a disaster for the living conditions of 
the Palestinians surrounded by illegal constructions and outposts that already 
have taken heir land away. But now, regarding the amazing increase of violent 
attacks, it has become a real core issue for the Israeli society in itself as 
the Israeli government has few control on the settler's behaviour as settlers 
defend the violence as a tactic meant to deter Israeli authorities from 
evacuating settlements.

 The Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas 
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"


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