By Berit Kjos

September 28, 2008

Obama: "I will ask for your service and your active citizenship when I am 
president of the United States ... this will be a central cause of my 

Obama: "People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve.... I 
will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 
hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of 
service a year...."[2]

Saul Alinsky (Obama's Marxist mentor): "The disruption of the present 
organization is the first step toward community organization.... All change 
means disorganization of the old and organization of the new."[3] Rules for 
Radicals (excerpts here)

Brave New World: "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which 
the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers 
control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love 
their servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned... to ministries of 
propaganda, newspaper editors and schoolteachers."[4] Aldous Huxley

"These are serious times," said Barack Obama recently. "And they call for a 
serious debate about where we need to take the nation."[5] That's true! So 
where does he want "to take our nation?" How does his version of "service" fit 
his vision of CHANGE? And what will it cost in terms of freedom, privacy, 
taxes, and government control? 

There's nothing wrong with the old voluntary, personal service to the poor and 
needy. For centuries, Christian missionaries have given their lives and 
comforts to serve God among the sick, hungry and dying people in distant parts 
of the world. Others have shown the same God-given compassion in their own 
community. They've demonstrated His love, shared His Truths, and brought hope 
as well as help to the needy. 

Obama's plan is radically different. Aimed at socialist change, it would raise 
"religious" boundaries, limit free speech, and ban divisive truths. It must be 
tolerant of today's amoral values and militantly intolerant toward traditional 
values. And -- like the tactics outlined in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" 
-- it would use deception and "agitation" to create conflict, and the 
Hegelian/Marxist dialectic process to manipulate minds and establish the 
planned solidarity.[6]

Obama learned all about it during his years as "Community Organizer" in Chicago.


"Service learning" isn't a new phenomenon. It has been well tested by U.S. 
educators for more than a decade. What's new is the scale of Obama's plan. His 
massive system would press students and citizens of all ages in a revolutionary 
government-led program to change the way we think and relate to each other. A 
more descriptive term would be mass brainwashing! He outlines it on his 
official website:

"Expand Service-Learning in Our Nation's Schools: Obama will set a goal that 
all middle and high school students do 50 hours of community service a year. He 
will develop national guidelines for service-learning and will give schools 
better tools both to develop programs and to document student experience."[7]

National guidelines? Documenting each server? Such traditional words now carry 
new meanings [8] and requirements unknown to the public. Service learning 
implies socialist indoctrination through facilitated group dialogue designed to 
break down barriers, manipulate minds, and build unity in diversity. All 
members will be monitored and tracked by massive computer networks. And all the 
personal attitudes, beliefs, values, adaptability, and especially resistance to 
the planned change -- i.e. all the countless factors that now define a person's 
"mental health"[9] -- will be recorded within these systems. 

Does that remind you of China's dang'an -- the growing personal data file that 
follows each Chinese citizen through life?

It should, because America is following the well-tested footprints of Communist 
dictators in both China and Russia. As I pointed out in my last article on the 
Olympics, China is using (and testing) sophisticated American technology to 
advance its universal and transformational surveillance system. This fact sheds 
some sobering light on Obama's promise that,

"...we'll use technology to connect people to service.... You'll be able to 
search by category, time commitment, and skill sets; you'll be able to rate 
service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service 
pages to track your hours and activities. This will empower more Americans to 
craft their own service agenda, and make their own change from the bottom 

"Make their own change?" That may sound good, but there would be no freedom to 
deviate from the new evolving guidelines. Besides, all this personal 
information would be available to government leaders and facilitators. 

Look at other facets of Obama's plan. Each would involve group training in the 
dialectical thinking. An article titled "A New Era of Service" quotes Obama: 

"I will call on a new generation of Americans to join our military.... I will 
expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots, and make that increased service a vehicle 
to meet national goals like providing health care and education, saving our 
planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their 
efforts connected to a common purpose...."[2]

Meanwhile, each crisis -- real or contrived -- will be used by today's "change 
agents" to raise the dissatisfaction, passion and justification needed to speed 
the planned change.[11]

"We are on the verge of a global transformation," said David Rockefeller. "All 
we need is the right major crisis..."[12]


Thomas Sowell understands this transformation well. "As a young political 
leftist, I saw the left as the voice of the common man. Nothing could be 
further from the truth," he wrote in his book aptly titled "Is Reality 
Optional?" He continued,

"Running left-wing movements has always been the prerogative of spoiled rich 
kids. This pattern goes all the way back to the days when an over-indulged and 
affluent young man named Karl Marx combined with another over-indulged youth 
from a wealthy family named Friedrich Engels to create the Communist ideology.

"The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant 
from the beginning. When Engels was elected as a delegate to the Communist 
League in 1847, in his own words, 'a working man was proposed for appearances 
sake, but those who proposed him voted for me.' It may have been the first 
rigged 'election' of the Communist movement but it was certainly not the 

Obama attended the elite Punahou School in Hawaii. He studied at prestigious 
universities such as Columbia and Harvard. His rise to power was funded by 
rich, liberal men and foundations. They sought his talents and used his rage to 
facilitate change. 

As a "community organizer," Obama was supported by The Woods Fund, a wealthy 
left-wing foundation. So were Bill Ayers -- the former leader of the terrorist, 
Communist-driven Weatherman organization -- and two revolutionary training 
organizations founded by Alinsky's disciples: "The Center for Community Change" 
and "The Midwest Academy."[14]

According to David Freddoso, author of "The Case Against Barack Obama," Obama 
and Ayers served together as board members of The Woods Fund from 1999 to 

The Woods Fund also supports the radical activities of ACORN -- the 
"Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now." So do our taxes! The 
following quote from "Obama's Secret Strategy," shows how left-wing groups use 
tax-payers' money: 

"I have heard stories about massive voter registration drives and preparations 
to get out the vote with the help of unions, teachers, and other Obama fans. 
Chief among these groups is ACORN, or Association of Community Organizations 
for Reform Now, a radical group that has been caught engaging in voter fraud. 
Not surprisingly, Obama has close ties to the group since his days as a 
'community organizer' in Chicago.

"...Obama had been a key ally of ACORN. His influence at charitable foundations 
'allowed him to help direct tens of millions of dollars in grants.' The [New 
York Times] also noted the key role ACORN played in helping him win his first 
state Senate race in Illinois. ACORN's Web site... says it has already signed 
up more than a million new voters for the upcoming elections."[15]

ACORN's strategies are based on Alinsky's revolutionary tactics. Since 
socialists are not accountable to traditional ethics, ACORN's dishonest 
dealings -- exposed by Michelle Malkin's article titled "$800,000 campaign 
secret payment to ACORN" -- shouldn't surprise us: 

"There's much more to the story of Obama's amended campaign finance reports 
than what Obama and the Obamedia will tell you.... What we have here, 
essentially, is Obama using a non-profit group called Citizens Services Inc. as 
a front to funnel payments to ACORN for campaign advance work. Obama officials 
say it's no big deal."[16]

In 1992 Obama helped start another revolutionary organization, Public Allies. 
He resigned the next year, before Michelle Obama became the executive director 
of its Chicago chapter. Apparently, Obama plans to use it as the model for a 
national service corps -- a "Universal Voluntary Public Service."[17] As 
Investor's Business Daily explains, 

"The pitch Public Allies makes on its Web site doesn't seem all that radical. 
It promises to place young adults (18-30) in paid one-year 'community 
leadership' positions with nonprofit or government agencies. They'll also be 
required to attend weekly training workshops.... But its real mission is to 
radicalize American youth and use them to bring about 'social change' through 
threats, pressure, tension and confrontation - the tactics used by the father 
of community organizing, Saul 'The Red' Alinsky.... 

"When they're not protesting, they're staffing AIDS clinics, handing out 
condoms, bailing criminals out of jail.... It's training the 'next generation 
of nonprofit leaders' - future 'social entrepreneurs.'...

[Order Berit's book Brave New Schools]

"The government now funds about half of Public Allies' expenses.... Obama wants 
to fully fund it and expand it into a national program that some see costing 
$500 billion."[17]


"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national 
security objectives that we've set," said Obama on July 2. "We've got to have a 
civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just 
as well-funded."[18]

What did he mean? We find some clues in the article, "Community Oriented 
Policing," by Phillip Worts, a detective with the San Diego Police Department. 
Ponder these excerpts:

"Social chaos is the GOAL for the transformational Marxist. The crisis of crime 
and disorder is the door for the ... facilitator/change agent to enter the 
community and to initiate the paradigm shift! Even though these social 
architects plainly admit what is most vital in making for a crime free 
community, they have absolutely no intention of restoring 'individual 
conscience' or going back to repairing the traditional family. On the contrary, 
for the past sixty years these socio-psychologists have been introducing these 
very dialectic concepts into our school system with the intent of demolishing 
personal conscience....":

"Just in case you doubt the Marxist nature of their concepts of community 
transformation, Trojanowicz quotes Saul Alinsky, the extreme Marxist change 
agent of the 60's who authored Rules for Radicals. Alinsky proposed 'we begin 
viewing community through the prism of issues (Issues= problems= crisis= 

"Formerly, the police administrators were accountable to the elected officials 
who were accountable to the voters (representative democracy). This new 
paradigm... is exactly what Marxist George Lukacs termed 'participatory 
democracy' and is nothing more than the Soviet style council. ... Allow me to 
repeat Lukacs: 'The institutions in socialist society which act as the 
facilitators between the public and private realms are the Soviets.'"[19]


You've seen that the socialist power structure thrives on conflict, compromise, 
manipulation and deceit. It spreads its illusions by hiding its totalitarian 
aims under the noble banner of community service.

God's ways are totally opposite, and no one has demonstrated the true role of a 
servant more perfectly than did Jesus Christ Himself. Yet, He was hated for His 
unwillingness to compromise truth for the sake of unity. "If they persecuted Me 
they will persecute you," He warned us, "for they do not know the One who sent 
Me." (John 15:20-21)

His standard, echoed by one of His disciples, fits our times: "We must obey God 
rather than man!" (Acts 5:29) We may face some harsh consequences for choosing 
to trust and follow Him, but fellowship with Him is well worth it! And He will 
surely enable us to bring His love, hope, strength, peace to those in need.


1, "Obama issues new call for national service," 7-208
2, "A New Era of Service," 7-2-08
3, Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals 
( Vintage Books, 1971); p. 116. See excerpts from this book
4, Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (New York: HarperCollins, 1932), xvii.
5, "Spare Me the Phony Outrage"
6, See "Deceived by the Dialectic Process"
7, Barak Obama and Joe Biden Plan
8, "Three Sets of Meanings of Educational Buzzwords
9, "The UN Plan for Your Mental Health"
10, Obama Issues Call to Serve, Vows to Make National Service Important Cause 
of His Presidency
11, "Kurt Lewin, "Group Decision and Social Change"
12, David Rockefeller speaking at the UN, Sept. 14, 1994. 109.
13, Thomas Sowell, Is Reality Optional (Hoover Institution Press, 1993), p. 81.
14, David Freddoso, The Case against Barack Obama (Regnery Publishing, 2008); 
p. 148.
15, "Obama's Secret Strategy"
16, "$800,000 campaign secret payment to ACORN"
17, Michelle's Boot Camps For Radicals, 9-4-08
18, Obama's Civilian National Security Force ("Senator Obama was nearly 17 
minutes into his July 2 speech... in Colorado Springs, Colorado when he 
deviated from his pre-released script" and made this statement without the 
19, Phillip Worts, "Community Oriented Policing,"

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