Credit/Deficit spending is for building assets, not consumption--maybe true for 
individuals and nations. I know from experience with my first Amex a long time 
Clinton had a surplus that was blown off in ill-advised war.



--- On Tue, 11/11/08, Semei Zake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Semei Zake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ugnet] What U.S. owes to other countries
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 7:21 AM

In the book titled "I.O.U.S.A" by Addison Wiggin & Kate Incontrera, former 
Comptroller General of United States does argue that: the most serious threat 
to the United States is not someone  hiding in a cave in Pakistan, but our own 
fiscal irresponsibility.
He may be right if the figures stated hereunder are to believed. Admittedly 
debt as a percentage of GDP is not at unreasonable levels it will need to be 
fixed before it becomes a serious problem.

With all of the bailout and deficit spending talk during the Presidential 
election, American voters became (painfully) aware of the debt the U.S. owes to 
other countries.China was mentioned several times during the debates and 
currently the U.S. owes them a cool $541 billion. Certainly not good on the 

and even worse when you discover that China is neither the only country we owe 
or the most amount of money we owe. 

So who else is on the list? 

Japan holds U.S. debt in the amount of $586 billion. 

United Kingdom holds U.S. debt in the amount of $307 billion. 

OPEC* nations hold U.S. debt in the amount of $179 billion. 

Caribbean Banking Centers hold U.S. debt in the amount of $147 billion. 

Russia holds U.S. debt in the amount of $74.4 billion. 

*OPEC includes Ecuador, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, among others. 

No Free Ride… 

The debt is in the form of U.S. Treasury securities. In a nutshell meaning it 
must be paid back and it must be paid back with interest. Sooner or later a 
large amount of money must leave the U.S. to pay back the creditor countries. 

The government and the American economy have yet to put a hold on this deficit 
spending. It has grown dramatically over the past 8 years. For example, today's 
debt to China ($541 billion) was $61 billion in 2001. 

Like a young couple that has gotten out of hand with a credit cards the U.S. 
spending needs to be reigned in and immediately controlled or stories about 
U.S. being foreclosed on will no longer be farfetched jokes on late-night 
television but a painful reality. 
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