---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: WC Douglass, M.D. <realhea...@healthiernews.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 7:17 AM
Subject: Daily Dose - Bathing in your own meds

     Daily Dose with William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.*
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*Amazing non-toxic liquid kills cancer cells*

"If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it,"
says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments. It's one of the world's
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*How creams and lotions contribute to water pollution*

If you're slathering on topical creams, antibiotic ointments, medicated
patches and hormone lotions, you're not just marinating yourself in
unnecessary meds -- you're sharing them with your friends and neighbors as

An alarming new study presented at the American Chemical Society's annual
meeting shows that when you bathe, these drugs head right into the water
table, where they make a beeline for taps all over town.

Thanks, pal. Just what the rest of us a need -- an extra dose of YOUR meds.

But hey, it's not just you. We're all drinking each other's drugs. Every
prescription pill you swallow eventually comes out the other end, where it
gets flushed down the drain. That's bad enough -- but at least those meds
are diluted by their trip through the body.

All those creamy, gooey lotions, on the other hand, are still full-strength
drugs when you wash them off.

And forget water treatment plants -- trusting them to keep chemicals out of
your tap water would be like trusting the French to keep out the Germans.

I've been warning of tainted water for years. Every day, millions of
Americans are exposed to some of the worst drugs, chemicals and toxins
imaginable -- all pouring out of your supposedly safe tap water.

Everything from sex-change hormones to rocket fuel has been found in U.S.
drinking water from coast to coast -- in big cities and small towns alike.
Some of these poisons enter as human waste, like those drugs I just
mentioned... but others are a byproduct of corporate greed as American
industry uses your waterways as its own private dumping grounds.

And of course, plenty of other toxic additives are put in on purpose --
fluoride, chlorine and a few extras they haven't copped to yet. Feminizing,
sissy-making hormone drugs keep turning up in our water, making men impotent
and weak -- and I refuse to believe it's an accident.

These are just a few of the reasons why I haven't had a glass of water in 20
years. To find out more, click

Add it all up, and we've got some of the world's most polluted water -- and
there's little you can do to protect yourself from it. Don't waste your
money with supermarket water filters -- get yourself a reverse-osmosis
filter and install where the water enters your home.

And if you want the shocking truth about what tainted water can do to a
community... keep reading!

 *Step aside Joe, there's a new antioxidant king in town...*

...and until now, the herd's been tossing it in the trash!

The only thing better than a good "cuppa Joe" is when there's more good news
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It turns out there's way more to coffee than just the bean -- and it boasts
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Just visit the link below and learn how it can help you look younger, feel
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*Tainted water leads to cancer spike*

I've been warning you for years about tainted water -- and now, one
community is paying the ultimate price.

A cancer cluster has been uncovered in the Chicago suburb of Crestwood...
where residents were unwittingly drinking contaminated water for decades.

The Illinois Department of Public Health says this small village of 11,000
people is suffering from elevated rates of gastrointestinal, kidney, lung
and colorectal cancers. And while you can lead a bureaucrat to tainted
water, you can't make him think -- because the report actually stops short
of blaming the water itself.

But everyone knows what really happened in Crestwood.

The contamination was first exposed in 1985, when state EPA tests found
traces of a chemical used in dry cleaning in the local well water. They
alerted the village, which said it would stop using the dirty water.

That's when this story gets really, truly frightening... because the village
then inexplicably continued to use this undrinkably bad sludgewater for 20
more years. Even worse: They stopped testing it!

That's right -- not a single follow-up test over 20 years. And if that's the
case in a place like Crestwood, where they KNEW the water was contaminated,
what chance does your town have?

Answer: None.

This toxic tale tells you everything you need to know about the inability of
public officials to test and regulate the water supply.

It's sad -- but expect to hear about more Crestwoods. Water contamination is
the next big crisis ready to explode, and your town may be next. Truth is,
you're better off sucking up a mud puddle in a Third World country than
sipping a glass of typical American H20.

Tapping into the truth,

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

P.S. They tell us we should drink eight glasses of water each day.
Meaning... we should drink eight glasses of toxins that increase our risks
of Alzheimer's, stroke, kidney failure, and even cancer.

It's a long story. But, in short, some big wigs with little scruples twisted
the truth until we were gladly pouring rat poison down our throats.

Yes, actual rat poison (I'll explain more in a minute.) And that's just the
beginning of our worries. Keep reading to learn


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Interested in receiving Dr. William C. Douglass' highly acclaimed monthly
newsletter -- and FREE bonus gifts? Call (915) 849-4615 or visit

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