*Comrade Roy,

We defeated NATO in Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia etc.....
They took stock of this and shifted to underhanded stealing of the peoples'

In the 1980's a Mr Gavin Rally, then Chairman of South-Africa's
Anglo-American Gold Corporation deployed a propaganda campaign that
purported that these architects of settler colonialism in Africa had changed
and now were in the vanguard against apartheid.

They killed all who saw through the trap; Victor Mxenge, Jeff Masemola
With their success in consolidating their takeover of the ANC they now
embarked on stealing our four hundred years of struggle against slavery,
genocide, pillage and plunder.

About fifteen years ago a worldwide "Pan-African" conference was organised
in Uganda. The real host and organiser was the Israel MOSSAD. They put
traitors in charge. Uganda's Colonel Otafire, Nigerian Tajudeen Abdul-Raheem
etc.....   I am not sure whether even Kwame-Ture attended that mirage of a
Pan-African conference. In any case that is when the formal Pan-African
Movement was stolen. Since then Zionist interests have been wearing the mask
of Pan-Africanism.

The grand heist continues with the so-called "Responsibility to Protect".
Even when here, today, in Canada genocide against the Native people is still
in full swing, of course covered up by their platitudes about concern for
the worlds' mothers and infants' health etc.....   they show Gobbles for the
amateur he was.

 In order to wood wink humanity and steal the world the mask they decided to
wear is the face of black man Obama. Indeed with him the goal is, once for
all to steal the civil rights struggles, the Latino struggles championed by
Ceaser Chavez, the anti-Vietnam and students' struggles  and all.

What do we learn and take from it all?  One has to note that these forces of
evil are basically weak but only triumph because , many times we are ill
informed and disorganised. We have just seen Obama Cameron Sharkozy  carpet
bomb our compatriots in Libya and our prophet Moummer Gaddafi. And we
continue to stand aside and look. How come that Latin America is more
vehemently opposed to what is going on in Libya than we the Africans?

It is in this regard that I send salutations and thanks to all our gallant
sisters and brothers in Libya and everywhere in the struggle, and to Comrade
Malema and the ANC Youths, to you, Roy, to Sister Cynthia McKinney and all
in the vanguard of our struggles.

Mitayo Potosi

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 9:41 AM, <rwalker...@aol.com> wrote:

> "I've tried it all. I've tried pan-Africanism. I've tried black
> nationalism. I tried socialism. I tried all the '-isms,' but until I found
> the Lord did it all come together for me in a way that made sense."  Bobby
> Rush
> http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-09-19/news/ct-met-rush-quotes-0919-20110919_1_cancer-treatments-speech-therapy-bobby-rush
>  As you know Rush is the front man for the zionist led (Steve Cohen
> Democrat representing a district in Tennessee) African Investment and
> Diaspora Act crime. The act that is sanctioned by the AU itself, is intended
> to be the tool for the US military and financial / commercial elements to
> consolidate control over not only Africa but the whole of the African
> Diaspora.
> As it's promotional  website states the Act would "Consult with African
> governments and key stakeholders in the U.S. with respect to matters of
> trade, economic development, and African-African Diaspora
> relations.".....Note, African governments are allowed to consult on our
> continent...this shows the depth of the capitalist system's absolute racism.
> Thus the role of an uncle tom who can claim to have been active in the
> revolutionary struggle...which in Rush's case is really a stretch as he has
> done very little other than to join SNCC and the IL Black Panther Party,  he
> has  never actually represented or upheld true nationalist principles, nor
> scientific socialism and therefore the claim to Pan-Africanism is
> particularly suspect -- and his participation as the airhead spokes-model
> for neocolonialism and imperialism makes all the sense in the world,
> By the way, in a recent AU Press release the AU announced that  there is a
> big meeting planned for Chicago next year to consolidate this offensive
> against Pan-Africanism.  (This meeting if it comes off in Chicago will be a
> part of a two prong offensive based in Chicago, the other event being the
> combined G8 and NATO meeting scheduled for May, (African Liberation Day
> month and May Day, it also a big month for the Palestinian liberation
> movement...hmmm)
> "While in Washington, D.C., the Chairperson also met with U.S. Congressman
> Bobby Rush (Democrat), with whom he discussed issues related to the African
> Diaspora, on the run-up to a proposed Diaspora Summit, scheduled to take
> place in Chicago next year."
>  If you want to read the whole thing go to (in this press release the AU
> Commission leader Ping is involved in many other US led projects; one ot the
> more interesting being the AU participation of the US led front of
> "regional" organizations, with the OAS as the puppet leader, the EU as the
> managing element and the US as the owner of the whole enterprise the
> reactionary Arab League and others are also involved.  The AU has, as usual
> has very little clout, if any, in these shenanigans.  They are just being
> taken for a ride so to speak. )
> Here is the link:
>  www.au.int/en/sites/de  fault/files/Press release.pdf
>   One other bit of information in this criminal matter, you know that the
> zionist Cohen is the one who is initiated an apology for the enslavement of
> "African-Americans",  (I read an article recently where this backwards
> European settler referred to the Africans enslaved in America as "enslaved
> African American citizens" can you get that slaves were citizens of the
> enslaving society...even the Romans didn't have that kind of audacity, or
> should I say hutzpah)....well he, Cohen recently led a delegation to
> occupied Palestine pushing the zionist version of the two state solution.
> If you go to the article about his June state (that is the illegal racist
> settler colony state occupying Palestine) visit he was received and honored
> by the entire settler state criminal legislature (Knesset)  and it also
> mentions the legislature efforts of the PA to get UNO sanction of a
> Palestinian state, the name of the article is** "Cohen Travels to Israel,
> West Bank, Egypt on Fact-Finding Mission"
> it can be accessed with this url:
> http://cohen.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1531&Itemid=25
> So we see that as the military and general offensive against Africa and
> Africans continues to heat up we can see the Pentagon-Big Capital machines
> true strategy...extend their military and overall control of the world, with
> this diaspora structure set up by the State Department as part of its role
> in the soft-hard power theorem championed by ex-Pentagon official, Assistant 
> Secretary of Defense
> ** for International Security, and Harvard professor Joseph Nye and fully
> embraced by the US war structure...this is what Wikipedia says of him
> *"Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr.* (born January 19, 1937) is the co-founder, along
> with Robert Keohane <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Keohane>, of the 
> international
> relations <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_relations> theory
> neoliberalism<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoliberalism_in_international_relations>,
> developed in their 1977 book *Power and Interdependence*. Together with
> Keohane, he developed the concepts of 
> asymmetrical<http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Asymmetrical_interdependence&action=edit&redlink=1>and
>  complex
> interdependence <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_interdependence>.
> They also explored transnational relations and world politics in an edited
> volume in the 1970s. More recently, he pioneered the theory of soft 
> power<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_power>.
> His notion of "smart power" became popular with the use of this phrase by
> members of the Clinton administration, and more recently the Obama
> Administration.[1] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Nye#cite_note-0>Nye 
> is currently University Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard
> University <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_University>, and
> previously served as dean of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School
> of 
> Government<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_School_of_Government>.
> He also serves as a Guiding Coalition member for the Project on National
> Security 
> Reform<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_on_National_Security_Reform>
> .
> The 2008 TRIP survey of 1700 international relations scholars ranked him as
> the sixth most influential scholar of the past twenty years, and the most
> influential on American foreign policy."
>  So, we know how desperate they are;  they are trying to capture it all
> not just in Africa but across the globe;  this will only speed up the demise
> of the social system we know as capitalism as the monopoly capital is
> essentially the very zenith of the capitalist system and method of
> production, and it is also the one that is the most war prone and therefore
> destined to self destruct as no entity can defeat the whole world,
>  We should be of good cheer then as the struggle is continuing -- even
> today there are news stories about the AU statement on working with the
> terrorist TNC, even as weak as the AU is, it still referred to "inclusive"
> government in Libya, and in a statement by the US-NATO terrorist front the
> TNC, they admitted that the Libyan patriotic forces are still a formidable
> force as that Brother Muuamar still has a base in Tripoli... so we should
> watch all the meetings planned for Chicago next year, especially the G8/NATO
> summit in May and this planned African Diaspora fascist farce.   There are
> already mass protests planned for the joint NATO G8 meeting;  perhaps
> there will be organized opposition to the AU sellout to the monopoly
> capitalists,their pet bulldog, the zionists and their house negro flunkies
> such as Rush and others..
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