Juba turns off the oil and turns up the pressure in its fraught negotiations 
with Khartoum over oil, cash, security and citizenship

Few outside the Juba government had expected it to start shutting down oil 
production on 22 January. Warnings from the Government of South Sudan had been 
widely seen as brinkmanship. The National Congress Party (NCP), plus African 
Union, Chinese and Western mediators, had apparently forgotten the capacity for 
decisiveness of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), which helped it 
to win Independence for the South. The talks should resume on 10 February but 
no one expects speedy agreement. This was clear when the AU representative, 
South African ex-President Thabo 
<http://www.africa-confidential.com/whos-who-profile/id/2/Thabo_Mbeki>  Mbeki, 
announced on 31 January that they would cover several outstanding issues from 
the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement since ‘the interim transitional period 
ends at the end of March’. This broadening of the agenda is a tactical victory 
for the GOSS, which for the first time has the NCP literally over a barrel.

This is costing Khartoum dear but it also knows that Juba loses 98% of revenue, 
with no clear alternative. The NCP’s strength is military and it is beating the 
war drums. Second Vice-President El Haj Adam Yusuf said on 25 January that the 
army had surrounded SPLM-North rebels in Blue Nile and South Kordofan and ‘Juba 
is not far’. Until November, he was senior in Hassan Abdullah el Turabi’s 
Popular Congress Party and the NCP accused him of conspiracy in 2007. His 
threat has hardened Southern resolve and highlights the chasm between the two 


‘This is not about oil, it’s about politics!’ one senior Northern oppositionist 
told Africa Confidential. This goes even beyond the CPA’s ‘unfinished business’ 
to the heart of North-South relations on one hand and relations between the 
regime and the Sudanese people, North and South, on the other. ‘They [the NCP] 
have convinced themselves that the Independence of the South is just a 
formality,’ the oppositionist said. Khartoum has warned foreign journalists and 
rabidly anti-Southern propaganda has appeared even in liberal media, such as Al 

This all suggests two broad scenarios: the talks focus on technical and 
financial issues and reach agreement, at least on oil; or they break down and 
South Sudan seeks new outlets while Sudan’s economy nosedives. Either way, a 
new Southern pipeline looks likely (see Box, Who pays the pipeline 
<http://www.africa-confidential.com/article/id/4324/Who_pays_the_pipeline> ). 
The bigger unknown is whether the NCP will apply its theoretical military 

Who will blink first?
It doesn’t look as if the GOSS will blink first and much now depends on how the 
NCP assesses the economic crisis and its political impact. It was demanding up 
to US$38 a barrel from Juba in transit fees (the international rate is 
$0.40-$1.00) and confiscated already loaded ships at Port Sudan. It did not 
seem to be seeking compromise. President Salva Kiir Mayardit accused it of 
‘looting’ $815 mn. in Southern oil, some through a new, secret, spur pipeline, 
and of underreporting output for years. As the talks ended, Juba had offered 
$1.7 billion to Khartoum and transit fees of $0.63-0.69 a barrel. Khartoum 
demanded $5.4 bn. cash and $3 a barrel.

What has really upset Southerners is that Khartoum has dealt with Juba in the 
traditional way. President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir called it ‘naive’ and 
Foreign Minister Ali Ahmed Kurti, ‘childish’. This is seen as a calculated 
insult to the new sovereignty for which Southerners have paid so dearly. ‘It’s 
OUR oil’, said one Southern analyst, ‘and it’s a separate country. They can’t 
demand things.’

Interested governments follow the oil crisis and the war in Blue Nile and 
Kordofan with anxiety and a steadfast public even-handedness which dismays 
Southerners and also Northerners, who regularly ask why Libyans rebelling 
against a brutal dictatorship get Western and Arab military support while their 
Sudanese counterparts receive only criticism. 

On the oil issue, the West is privately more sympathetic to the South, says an 
SPLM source. However, this may not extend to bailing out a government which has 
stopped pumping approximately 315,000 barrels per day. ‘Resolution is 
imperative if the GOSS is to have the wherewithal to be a development partner 
for the international community,’ warned a senior British official this week.

Chinese puzzle
China, the biggest producer and purchaser of Sudanese oil, is also worried and 
dispatched the head of the Communist Party Central Committee’s International 
Department, Wang Jiarui, to Juba and Khartoum. ‘The shutdown raises the 
political instability of an already challenging operating environment, pushing 
Chinese and other Asian national oil companies [Malaysian and Indian] to 
reconsider the importance of the two Sudans in their expanding international 
portfolios,’ Luke Patey, co-editor of a new book, Sudan Looks East, told AC. 
China gets only 5-6% of its oil from the Sudans but fears sanctions on major 
supplier Iran.

The kidnapping of 25 Chinese workers in Egypt (now released) and the capture of 
29 others by the SPLM-N during fighting with Sudan’s army in South Kordofan 
have triggered a public debate in China on workers’ protection, at least 
abroad. The 25 were building a road near Talodi (to facilitate gold mining by 
French interests, say Nuba sources). Beijing even deployed Vice-Foreign 
Minister Xie Hangsheng on 31 January to reprimand Sudanese Chargé Omer Eissa 
Ahmed. Meanwhile, though, China was trying to negotiate the workers’ safe 
passage with the SPLM-N, thereby opening relations with the opposition. The 
whole situation challenges Beijing’s huge new investment in unstable countries 
and its policy of ‘non-interference’. China analyst Daniel Large said: ‘It’s a 
very elastic policy – very hard to break.’ Beijing will not abandon Khartoum 
(it’s just promised a $200 million loan) or Juba. Its biggest decision may be 
whether to help build a Southern pipeline.

General Salva Kiir’s team knows that challenging Khartoum is the most popular 
move it can make. People came out on the streets nationwide to support the oil 
shutdown but there is also concern about what comes next. Hopes of health and 
education remain high. 

This was no knee-jerk shutdown, say insiders, and the GOSS has long planned for 
the worst. Cabinet Affairs Minister Deng Alor Kuol spoke of a five-year cushion 
and other sources talk of a sovereign wealth fund banked in Kenya and Uganda. 
One key man in the Ethiopia talks has been Sayed Mohamed el Hassan el Khatib, 
an NCP trusty, ex-London diplomat and CPA negotiator. He also heads the NCP’s 
Centre for Strategic Studies: some rethinking may be required there as it seems 
Khartoum underestimated GOSS strategising. As both parties prepare for the next 
bout of talks, Juba faces the tough task of wresting substantive concessions 
from Khartoum’s veteran tacticians. There may be a messy compromise but that’s 
far from guaranteed.


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