Omukulu Israel Kintu


No I had a very good reason to use that heading, you see I get very confused
when we get claims over claims on how important Buganda is in the Uganda
structure, how Mengo is very vital in the Uganda structure, how the name
Uganda was born from a word Buganda, yet we Baganda those in Buganda those
in Mengo post such silly comments as you have just done when the country is
going to the Dogs. Then Kintu stand up and state the value of Buganda into
this country let alone to its self. You see that is what makes a gasket of
an intelligent human being blow up. Buganda cannot be in middle of doing
nothing yet it claims to be all in all Amen of Uganda. We simply cannot have
it both ways sir. And you get out so naively about armies and fighting and
that is not what we need today, Ssabassajja has already walled us into that
journey which he created in Luwero to bring us the Rwandese that are selling
our country. What we need today is to stand up and call for a stoppage of
selling of national assets. What we need is those in Uganda and us out of
Uganda instead of squatting in Bamunanika which might actually already be
sold as we speak, to find out every information we can and we stop this
stupidity. And for a very good reason, if the information I have is right,
Uganda is being  sold so that the people that matters move to Rwanda which
will be expanded to take Western Uganda. Now watch that statement very
carefully for this is the first time I have made it public. Watch the
strategic building that is happening in Western Uganda and wonder why.


But you see this is a very hard battle and it was built by our forefathers,
you see Mwami Kintu, have you ever wondered why your parents never went to
Uganda government to demand for a school? And yet you got a good school.
Your parents never went to a government and demanded for a hospital yet you
were treated for there was a hospital. Your parents never went to a
government and demanded for a road yet you had the roads. You see as you
were growing up, there were these men called Akena Adoko and group that were
studying the national growth and planning for these things for you. How many
time has your father made women pregnant? They record that, if numbers are
high they recommend a larger hospital and Obote pays the money to build it.
Same to schools same to roads same to everything. It was those very same
group that introduced Emputa in Uganda waters to defend Baganda children
from dying Kwashiorkor. These kids were being fade Akawolu from the ash over
night. Lumonde agaze was the norm. Do you know what were the vegetables?
Akaniina, Obukolimbo Obugaaga Obusooboza, and that was truly the Buganda
diet. When you throw that on matooke which is 80% water you have no brain
growth. So the question became very simple, how can you develop Uganda when
Buganda is simply pumping out dummies? And again not your father not mine
but the Akena Adoko group were demanded to find an effective cheap way of
changing the poor Buganda diet and they came back with Emputa suggestion
from the waters of China. Dr Babiiha flew it into Uganda and it was planted
into Lake Victoria, to produce massive proteins and at a cheap price to
subsidize the Buganda poor diet.


In  my last writing I raised the issue of Israelis and building the Uganda
hospitals. The Israelis for some reason, took a whole lot of work during
Obote first government. And one of those contracts was the building of the
national road net work. Obote wanted to change the roads to a better and
efficient system, and the first road to be built to that level was the
Masaka Kyotera road, a road at a time defined as the best in East Africa. As
Obote was going on with this expansion plan, the Israelis brought him a
plan, they wanted the government to hand them either 3 or 6 feet of each
side of the Uganda roads, to use them and grow their food in exchange to
maintain those roads. So Uganda looses a couple of feet on either side but
the roads gets maintained. Obote not only rejected that idea but removed
them from the road construction. That man defended that country from them to
men like Lohnro. {If that is the name I am looking for}


I am giving you all these backgrounds to realize the danger the Obote
government left us, Kintu did you ever know about these issues and did you
ever defend Uganda from the Israelis? No for that was not your God damn job.
Obote was babysitting you with your father and probably your grandfather. So
to you, all those services were Manna dropping from heaven. Do you have 15
pregnant women? Fine we will expand the labor ward, but we need you to go to
a community center and do a family planning and we need to start a public
health care in your village. Kintu the community centers you see in your
villages today,  were never started by Mengo but by men like Akena Adoko.
Public health initiatives was never started in Uganda by Mengo but by men
like Akena Adoko. These men that though that they did a good job in building
the country, left those of us with a population that has absolutely no
responsibility, no care about the future, no brains to think, for every time
Obote was baby feeding them and thinking and planning for them. Today I saw
the photograph of Nakaseke hospital, My God what a waste. But you see
Ugandans in Nakaseke are calm for at a certain point Obote is going to come
back and repair it to full function. Uganda has lived almost 30 years with
load shedding, but Ugandan are okay for at a certain point, AMO will show up
and lights will pop up. Kintu a Ugandan of this breed sent me an Email
wondering why I am walloping for embassy buildings are being sold. But
think, just how many Ugandans actually know how many embassy buildings we
own? It is okay that is AMOs problem he will come back and fix it. That
sadly is the very mind set Museveni has fully tapped into to sell your asses
off. A mind that made you make such a terrible remark of defending Mengo for
today I am the only known enemy of Uganda the state.


Leka nkuleke Ssebo genda ozinire omutanda.


On h te49th


           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans


[] On Behalf Of Israel Kintu
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: {UAH} KASITA OMUTANDA GYAALI ATEREDDE [Mwe abadugudugu muffe


Mr Barigye,


My twisted brain tells me that the answer to your question lies in the
innuendo in the subject line to this story. If the Mutanda fails to raise an
army to fight then he is guilty of conniving. This actually takes the
biscuit, don't you think? What a way of seeking attention? Why we bother
only mulaguzi will know.



On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:24 PM, Allan <> wrote:

Who sales these properties ? Where does the money go?


On 23 February 2012 14:19, Herr Edward Mulindwa <> wrote:

Parliament probes ‘sale of Lake Victoria’



 Questionable. MP submits to plenary that Fisheries department ring-fenced a
breeding area at Bulago Island for investor to put up a luxurious

Parliament has opened an investigation into reports that part of Lake
Victoria was sold to an investor.

Buikwe South MP Lulume Bayiga yesterday demanded answers from the Executive
following complaints by residents of Mukono District that part of the lake
is being restricted and heavily guarded by marine police.

He said the investor claims he bought the land around Bulago Island and
gazetted the water.
“Impeccable information from a member of a Beach Management Unit, who is
also a law enforcer in the association of fisheries and lake users of
Uganda, is that security forces led by Uganda Police Marine department
prevent any fishing boat from crossing this vast,” Mr Bayiga submitted

Speaker rules 
This prompted Speaker Rebecca Kadaga to rule that government submits an
explanation next week on whether part of the lake was sold.

 Mukono North MP Bakaluba Mukasa backed up Mr Bayiga when he submitted that
he has received petitions from his constituents in the affected sub-counties
claiming that part of Lake Victoria has been sold to an investor.

If it turns out to be true that the lake was sold, it confirms the Forum for
Democratic Change president Kiiza Basigye allegations that government is
selling lakes in secretive deals. 

Deputy government Chief WhipMoses Ali promised a detailed statement on the
matter next week.

Lake sold?

The alleged ring-fenced area has Damba, Taave, Kimmi, Mbivu, Bulago and Sowe
islands but residents of Bulago are the most affected.Mpunge Sub-county
chair Muwanga Namyalo complained that the investor has arrested several
fishermen and confiscated their gear, and that the unnamed investor has
documents to show he bought the waters for fish breeding.



           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans


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“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution
inevitable”…J.F Kennedy

      “We must dare invent the future!  The only way of limiting the
usurpation of power by individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the
people in charge”…….Capt. T. Sankara {RIP} ’1949-1987

“Don't lie,tell one lie,then you gotta tell another lie to compound on the
first"-     M. Lansky  (1902 - 1983)

                                         Allan Katingana Mwene Rugosi



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