

I am not refusing that, what I am stating is that Ugandans will never follow 
history that effectively. As you read this response the main star in UAH is 
Salim Saleh that has murdered way more people than his entire brain power can 


Am I getting through?


On the 49th



           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"


From: Agaculama mu Ikibunda [] 
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 7:46 PM
To:;; 'Imbona 
Nkubone'; 'Rwandanet Rwandanet'
Cc:;; 'Oryema Johnson'
Subject: {U@H} {Edward} Question: Do you remember the Rwandan floating bodies 
during 1994-1995 ?




You wrote about Victoria Lake, toilets... 


But please, don't put all the Banyarwaanda in the same basket where the 
humanity will throw soon the "RPF Banana Republic" of HE & CEO Pilato Kagoome 


Remember that between end April 1994 and begin July 1995 (these dates are very 
important), more than 40,000 Rwandan rotten corpses floated on the Kageera 
river and Victoria Lake. Hydrographic studies show that all these floating 
bodies came from the Operational sector (OPS) of dictator Kagame (Byumba 
Prefecture - Akagera National Park - Mutara Hunting Reserve Area - Kibungo 
Prefecture - Bugesera Region). And we know why it happened so in the mind of 
the top number one chief in chief Kagame!


This illustrative example shows that both Ugandan and Rwandan peoples, as well 
of Tanzanian and RDC/Congolese peoples are victims of the same ennemy.


Best regards.

Agaculama, a Northern Bat from the Southern Sky.


T h e   "A g a c u la m a   A n a l y s i s   A g e n c y"   (A.A.A.)

informs all the 'Abamootsi za Kagome' about an inscription

that will be written soon on the walls of the RPF catacomb:

"What you are, in place to become, we'll never be...  never"


From: Herr Edward Mulindwa <>
To:; 'Imbona Nkubone' 
<>; 'Rwandanet Rwandanet' 
Cc:;; 'Oryema Johnson' 
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 12:39 AM
Subject: [Great-Lakes] RE: {UAH} Question: Did Rusesabagina deny Tutsi 
genocide? Answer: 65% NO.


Agaculama Mu Ikibunda


God you make me cry for all this is not going to ever happen in Uganda after 
Museveni. No way. Did you see the sale of Lake Victoria from yesterday? It 
passed just by, and Ugandans simply never cared. Where is Betty Kamya come to 
think of it? No no no she only cries about Uganda when she wants federalism, if 
Lake Victoria is sold  nah no big deal. Where is Abbey Ssemuwemba? I mean this 
Lake has been nice to all Ugandans for if you did not eat a fish out of it you 
honestly pissed into a God damn toilet that pushed your shit into it. So only 
for that shit can you care? UAH is a huge forum and in all members nah just 
lake Victoria let it go. Now Ugandans care about property and if it is sold, 
but they care about small lands and territory so it is not a problem till 
affects me. Don’t you wonder why Northern Uganda produces the most educated 
members in the Uganda society, in fact Northerners are more educated than 
Baganda and Westerners if we consider at per. And yet Museveni has managed to 
use and abuse them to a point today that he is not camping their population but 
he is selling the  land on which they are camped, and as you read this posting, 
Northerners are actually being packed on trucks from camps to destination 
unknown. Most of the  degrees owned by Ugandans are held by Northerners, Just 
on record. What is the definition of “education” 


Good for you all Rwandese. 


On the 49th


           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"


[] On Behalf Of Agaculama mu Ikibunda
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 6:22 PM
To: DHR DHR; Imbona Nkubone; Rwandanet Rwandanet;;; Umusoto Umusoto UNR
Subject: {UAH} Question: Did Rusesabagina deny Tutsi genocide? Answer: 65% NO.


An interesting vote on the RPF official news agency RNA/ARI, that has 
apparently not been censored till now:

Do you think Paul Rusesabagina denies the 1994 genocide against Tutsis? 


Do you think Paul Rusesabagina denies the 1994 genocide against Tutsis? 



 = 64.7%




 = 23.5% 


Dont Care 

5 = 



No Comment 

3 =  




Number of Voters 

: 68 

First Vote 

: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 19:04 

Last Vote 

: Saturday, 25 February 2012 00:21 





T h e   "A g a c u la m a   A n a l y s i s   A g e n c y"   (A.A.A.)

informs all the 'Abamootsi za Kagome' about an inscription

that will be written soon on the walls of the RPF catacomb:

"What you are, in place to become, we'll never be...  never"

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