Ggwe Giles Muhame

It honestly add up, you see I go after people that come into public forums
and make silly statements. And since we are talking on a serious issue of
Ugandans and death, I rather use a defense I can  find documented. You came
to a forum and as a reporter stated that Obote was a killer. Now that was a
very specific accusation that common sense would have dictated that you have
the facts to back it up. I sent you to the ministry of internal affairs and
to Luzira maximum to find out how many Ugandans in Luzira got killed by
Obote. Well the man is a killer so I am testing your thesis. And just as a
back  ground, Inmates sentenced to death sentence in Luzira never get killed
unless the president is handed their names and he signs their death
sentence. All prisoners killed in Luzira are killed for the president has
signed those names off the Uganda alive people, so it is that personal to a
president. So based on your argument I yes called my contact in Uganda to
turn the papers in the ministry upside down a job Uganda reporters don't do
but talk faaa in  public forums.

And this is what she found out.

Since Uganda started to sentence people to death in 1938 we have killed a
total of 377 Ugandans among whom is a single woman. Now way back there I
don't know who was signing them off but since independence it is the
president of the state that signs them off. President Iddi Amin that held
the mantle between 1971 and 1979 signed a death document for 71 Ugandans.
Now the numbers of President Museveni are getting very bothering for we are
having a problem finding a true number I can make public, but here is the
story, President Museveni has expanded the death sentence to a point that
today under this government death sentenced prisoners have outnumbered their
space, you see Luzira maximum was built to hold only 60 death sentenced
prisoners but when the numbers passed 600, a branch of death sentence was
introduced into Kirinya prison as well. So today we have them in both upper
prison and Kirinya. But this is what is important, in one single day of
April 27 1999, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni signed a death document for
a whopping 28 prisoners. Among those 28 was Alhaji Musa Ssebirumbi who was
decapitated from a wheel chair he was sitting as a disabled man, due to a
heart attack while in Luzira. Giles Muhame just how many Ugandans has this
president signed off earth so far?

Wow wow wow  sorry I forgot the numbers I am trying so desperately to point
out for you. President Obote was a leader of Uganda twice, and as a head of
government also was constitutionally given a power to sign death sentenced
Ugandans in Luzira dead. This is what we found out, in both terms Obote was
a president of Uganda, he signed a death sentence for no single Ugandan.
Every single firkin time a document of names was brought to him to decide
who to be killed in the gallows, Obote rejected to sign a single name off,
for those documents were a true representation of a life of a Ugandan, and
in his weak mind, he would not use his hand to sign it off earth. So every
man and woman sentenced to death in Luzira was kept safe as long as Obote
was in power.

Get of the back of the man and allow him to rest in peace you cheap
reporter.    Geez !!!!!!

On the 49th

           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Giles Muhame
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2012 3:44 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} ATTN: GILES: Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For Besigye
to remove the dictator

Come on Mulindwa. It does not add up. I would rather spend time
participating in the clean Kampala exercise like today than move to
Luzira for those killed in gallows. Uganda is now a story of
development. Some of you who think can glorify Obote at this time are
so mistaken. We need to brainstorm on making Ug a middle-income

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 11:50 PM, Herr Edward Mulindwa <>
> Giles Muhame
> Don't waste my valuable time taking me in circles, I don't need the
> of what happened in your little village. A very reason I am questioning
> about Ugandans that were killed in the Gallows. Those Ugandans are a
> information, even international community has them. Go to the Ministry of
> internal affairs and get them, go to Luzira maximum and get them. These
> numbers available on Uganda public record. That is all I want sir.
> Geez !!!
> On the 49th
>            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
> "avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans
> l'anarchie"
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Giles Muhame
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 9:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: {UAH} ATTN: GILES: Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For
> to remove the dictator
> Seriously Ndugu Mulindwa, getting the right figures for Obote's
> murders is very complicated. Hundreds disappeared so it's hard to
> locate them.
> One would need a year to compile all names and of course one would not
> get all his victims. That's why i refuse to take that a basis to
> compare the two. Here we don't have executions. At my home in Ibanda,
> Obote's men came with a list of names of M7's loyalists. They have
> never been seen again.
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Herr Edward Mulindwa <>
> wrote:
>> Giles muhame
>> As a reporter, how many prisoners were sent to the Gallows during Obote’s
>> government, and  both of them, and how many have been sent under
>> Let us critique the numbers to cross check your statement.
>> EM
>> On the 49th
>>            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
>> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kizza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>>             Groupe de communication Mulindwas
>> "avec Yoweri Museveni et Docteur Kiiza Besigye, l'Ouganda est dans
>> l'anarchie"
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Giles Muhame
>> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 10:03 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} ATTN: GILES: Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For
> Besigye
>> to remove the dictator
>> John, one word: Obote was a killer. M7 forgives. He does not believe in
>> politics of retribution
>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 5:53 PM, John <> wrote:
>> And its the same Rwakasisi that your man set free and is now enjoying at
> the
>> same table with truly now tell me where are we real heading now that you
>> bring some facts that even put your man at a fix don't think he is trying
> to
>> use him again to kill for him or he has already even done it ?
>> ________________________________
>> From: Giles Muhame <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2012 6:30 AM
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} ATTN: GILES: Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For
> Besigye
>> to remove the dictator
>> Nyero, you are missing a point as you try to re-write history. Obote
> killed
>> hundreds. He even attempted to kill M7's mum Esteri Kokundeka.
>> His henchman Rwakasisi massacred hundreds at Nile Mansions. I can write a
>> whole list.
>> He also stole the 1980 election thus his presidency was illegitimate.
>> Comparing Museveni and Obote is the least i expected from you. They are
>> different people.
>> Obote, though hard working (roads and hospitals), was a despot who killed
>> all who threatened his hold on power yet Museveni has ushered
in democracy
>> That's why opposition took Jinja by-election.
>> . Do you live in Uganda??
>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 3:56 PM, derek Nyero aka. ladujah
>> <> wrote:
>> Mr. Kaweesa,
>> If you were really an investigative journalist you would have realized by
>> now that in comparison, Obote despotism can't be compared to that of your
>> hero dictator Museveni, but being  biased in your way of thinking you
> would
>> probably dispute this facts too. Your hero could well be one of the worst
>> despot in the history of despotism, but being a man with a very strong
>> tribal instinct, you can't possible make that distinction. Kaweesa, your
>> hero is the most autocratic ruler Uganda has ever had, in Uganda
> everything
>> starts and ends with the your hero.
>> You claimed Museveni attacked military barracks, which military barrack
> did
>> Museveni attack, apart from the failed attempt to enter Kabamba? Kony is
> no
>> hero of mine, nor is he a friend of mine, but he appears a more decent
> human
>> being than your hero Museveni. During Museveni banditry in Lwero, the NRA
>> robbed banks, raided police posts and murdered security personnel with
>> impunity. UPC supporters were rounded up and massacred in great
>> numbers. Prostitutes were used and in some cases forced into poisoning
>> soldiers and civilians alike, road sides were mined with the evil
> intention
>> of killing innocent civilians. As if that wasn't enough, women and
> children
>> were not spared, hospitals were targeted too!
>> Lets wait and see what history will make of your hero. We already know
> what
>> history is making of Obote. Even after a negative campaign to tarnish the
>> reputation and the name of AMO, the dictatorship has completely failed in
>> their evil mission, they failed because 99% of what they say about the
>> ''despot'' are all fabricated nonsense. I am not dragging Buganda in it,
>> history is dragging Buganda in it. You claimed Museveni single handily
>> fought Obote, yet history tells us that almost the entire Buganda region,
>> LONRHO, the Catholic Church, the DP party, the Kayiras, Kwangas etc. were
>> all in it together, but even that massive supports couldn't get them
>> anywhere near power.
>> Derek..
>> ________________________________
>> Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 14:52:59 +0300
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} ATTN: GILES: Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For
> Besigye
>> to remove the dictator
>> From:
>> To:
>> Derek,  you are just as they come.Boss, i have never believed in being
>> glorified, naaah not for a single second.
>> Let me try to make sense of what you are saying  though.
>> That Museveni's NRA faced a major set back is a fact, just like any other
>> army,  To insinuate that M7 was a beneficiary of circumstance is
>> diversionary. It is a fact that he defeated  the despot and all his
>> lieutenants.
>> Like all leaders that overstay in power M7 has made mistakes, but thumps
> up
>> for the man, he declared war on the despot, his operation areas were
> clear.
>> And for five years, the despot failed to annihilate him.
>> He attacked military bases, i dont remember Kony, you so must glorify
>> doing that. It has always been soft targets. And dont try to bring the
>> argument that M7 did attack civilians in the names of pitting them
>> Obote coz it is tired. Now who is trying to rewrite history here? Those
> are
>> at best wacky figments of  your mind boss!
>> Finally Derek, dragging baganda into this illuminates the kind of
>> intellectual and history professor you are.
>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 12:58 PM, derek Nyero aka. ladujah
>> <> wrote:
>> I do not think this Dalton chap is a senior investigative journalist at
> all,
>> if he was he would have remembered that the ''despot of 80-85'' defeated,
> in
>> fact humiliated the NRA until the misled Junta came into play! When the
>> Junta came in, the NRA was in disarray, Museveni had taken refuge in
> Sweden,
>> while the confused NRA foot soldiers were seeking refuge in Congo. If it
>> wasn't for the Buganda Kingdom, the Catholic Church and the DPs
>> evil alliance the NRA wouldn't have made it any where near the State
> House.
>> The ''80-85'' despot stood tall in Uganda, and no one could do anything,
>> except his trusted generals.
>> We know Buganda Kingdom will never forgive Obote or the UPC for
> humiliating
>> their Kabaka, but to try and distort history will not change the facts.
> No,
>> Bantu ever defeated Obote, it was his fellow Luos who toppled him.
> Museveni
>> didn't defeat the UPC government, Museveni hoodwinked the Junta with the
>> help of his tribal men like the Kutesas.
>> One thing Museveni has always regretted is the fact that, it took the
>> Okellos less than a mouth to do what he couldn't do in 4 years! Up to now
>> Museveni has never forgiven the late General Bazilio Okello(RIP) for
>> what he Museveni and the entire supports in Buganda couldn't do. Up to
> now,
>> Museveni has refused the body of the late General Bazilio Okello(RIP) to
>> brought back home and be buried in his ancestral home! He is doing so to
> try
>> and erase history, and with the help of ''senior journalists'' like the
>> Daltons he may just do that, erase history. It took bigger men than
> Museveni
>> to move Obote(RIP) out of the power.
>> Back in the 80's general election infiltrators like the Kutesa humiliated
>> Museveni at the election. Even in his own back yard Museveni couldn't
> garner
>> enough vote to send him to parliament, and he claims he defeated Obote!
> Some
>> men are more equal than others. If Museveni can't even defeat Kony who is
>> really not a trained soldier, how could he claimed to have defeated well
>> trained men like Col. Ogole?
>> Real soldiers do not need a whole platoon to protect them. Platoons
> protect
>> women and children, not men.
>> Derek.
>> ________________________________
>> Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 21:26:16 -0800
>> From:
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} ATTN: GILES: Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For
> Besigye
>> to remove the dictator
>> To:
>> Dalton,
>> Its been long good to see you on the forum again, please try to teach
>> young chap something as a senior journalist that its about what you do as
> a
>> person and invest time in and not what you are told to do that makes you
> the
>> best at your job.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Dalton Kaweesa <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 9:19 PM
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} ATTN: GILES: Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For
> Besigye
>> to remove the dictator
>> Giles while i agree that it is wishful thinking dat M7 can easily be
> washed
>> away,it is again misleading to claim that UPDF expansionist mode
> guarantees
>> M7 safety. This is d same same fallacy the despot of 1980-1985 committed
> in
>> assessing NRA rebel strength
>> On 22 Feb 2012 23:59, "Oba PaAb" <> wrote:
>> Giles,
>> Are you lying or telling the truth??
>> I thought one of Amin's son heads ESO? Can you clarify on that? Is that
> why
>> the document was impounded?
>> Oba
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Giles Muhame <> wrote:
>> I am not hysterical. I am not like UPC chaps who spend the better part of
>> their time seated at Uganda House wishfully thinking M7 would collapse.
> That
>> a Tsunami is coming to sweep away M7 is just fantasy. Why?
>>  The UPDF is one of Africa's most successful army. It's tentacles spread
> to
>> Somalia, DRC and CAR.
>> This army has caused regime change in Rwanda, Zaire and S. Sudan and also
>> consolidated regimes of Kibaki, Ahmed Sharif and Salva Kiir.
>> It's not like Gadaffi's dysfunctional forces that had spent decades
> without
>> fighting.
>> All Ugandan generals have serious military experience.
>> That M7 had reduced foreign trips and is delegating Mbabazi because he is
>> weak is just being speculative.
>> Mbabazi will come after M7 to contest for presidency. Do you know M7
>> recently played football with UN chief Ban Ki Moon at Namboole??
>> Let me tell you a story. On December 30 2010, one of Amin's sons was
>> arrested at Entebbe airport with documents showing a plan being funded by
>> Arabs to oust M7.
>> It showed how some elements were planning to assassinate Salim Saleh and
> M7
>> before bombing Uganda with blistering air raids thus capturing power.
>> The plan was supposed to take effect in August 2010. However, it did not
>> materialise. Do you know why?? That would be for another day.
>> To sum it all, the presidents' foreign trips are monitored by US and
> Israel
>> radars.
>> Ugandans shall always respect an elected leader.
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 6:09 PM, John <> wrote:
>> Giles,
>> Keep dreaming but one day the dream will stop if you still think the man
> is
>> at his strongest. You may real need to get more of the inside first story
>> before you even utter any words like those. Do you even know why the man
> has
>> reduced his travelings as he used to do?
>> Why do you think its now the Mbabazi's and other doing the
>> on his behalf do more home work given that you call yourself an
>> investigative reporter.
>> ________________________________
>> From: Giles Muhame <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2012 6:46 AM
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Ugandans In SA To Raise Billions For Besigye to remove
>> the dictator
>> Ousting the big man is not that easy. He is both politically and
> militarily
>> at his strongest.
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 5:44 PM, Frank Mujabi <>
>> wrote:
>> Kateregga oba kyebagezaako tekisobokka ate gwe okakankanira kki ?  Gwe
>> gumira wotudde awanywevu.
>> On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 1:42 PM, Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi
>> <> wrote:
>> Kassim, Nyerere did a service of ivading Uganda in 1978 and removing a
>> government. Otherwise people think that it is easy for exiles to
>> remove a government. If it was so, Obote's government would not have
>> lasted five years after 1966 crisis.
>> On 2/22/12, Kassimu kiberu <> wrote:
>>> Ugandans living in South Africa are working round the clock to remove
>>> President Yoweri Museveni from power,
>>>  [image: Political chaos in Kampala is the order of the day] Political
>>> chaos in Kampala is the order of the day
>>> Late last year, they petitioned the South African government to halt
>>> sale to Uganda, saying Kampala was using them to brutalise unarmed
>>> opposition supporters.
>>> While the petition is still under review by the SA parliament, Ugandans
>>> are
>>> now holding weekly closed door meetings and monthly gatherings dubbed
>>> “Ekimeeza kye South Africa” to drum up support for the overthrow of
>>> Museveni.
>>> In fact on February 18, an anti-Museveni priest Fred Owomugisha opened
> the
>>> meeting in which members concurred that a “Demonstration Fund (DF) be
>>> created to help the change agents back home stage peaceful demos and
>>> protests against the ruthless regime of NRM.”
>>> The meeting’s publicist Baker Mayambala has confirmed the Kimeeza does
> not
>>> “support bad governance that is visible in the NRM regime.”
>>> “A fundraising campaign was therefore launched where all patriots, well
>>> wishers and nationalists can contribute and support the Ugandan road to
>>> democracy,” Mayambala notes.
>>> “The interim executive appealed to the members and the entire public to
>>> erase any sort of fear that is created by the regime. All matters are
>>> ought
>>> to be uttered out without any form of fear or suspense that activists
> will
>>> be tortured, jailed or persecuted.”
>>> He says members were reminded that the tree of liberty has to be
>>> by blood.
>>> “No one should therefore fear what may happen as long as it is for the
>>> good
>>> of the nation,” Mayambala adds in an interview with our news desk.
>>> Unlike other previous meetings, the Saturday meeting saw emotions of a
>>> different kind while reacting and addressing issues affecting Ugandans.
>>> “Members were very angry over what they called dehumanizing conditions
>>> Uganda. The dire conditions were attributed to none other than president
>>> Museveni and his pathetic regime,” he notes.
>>> This website recently exclusively reported a stepped up activity of
>>> opposition leaders in the Diaspora seeking regime change in Kampala.
>>> Museveni and Obote used conferences in Tanzania and Nairobi to woo
>>> international support for the removal of Idi Amin from power.
>>> Only time will tell whether such meetings can have a significant impact
> on
>>> local opposition’s ability to oust NRM.
>>> However, it is important to note that lack of funds has severely
>>> on opposition’s endevours to end Museveni’s presidency.
>>> We are told Ugandans in SA intend to raise billions for Col. Kizza
>>> Besigye’s campaign.
>>> According to Mayambala, members called for an urgent regime change and
>>> suggested effective means that will not keep Uganda long in bondage like
>>> other African countries.
>>> “Several members confessed that they have lost trust and hope in
>>> and demos and suggested an alternative. It was imminent that members
>>> prefer
>>> violent means to peaceful means as it was heard being called by the
>>> majority. However, no concrete resolution was made despite the fact that
>>> peaceful means were rubbished,” he emphasizes.
>>> “It was made clear that there is no time to play games while fostering
>>> change, it is mandatory for everyone to influence regime change.
>>> should play a role as the quest for democracy is going on. All members
>>> agreed to financially, physically and socially contribute towards
>>> bettering
>>> the once pearl of Africa.”
>>> In attendance were professionals from all spheres including church
>>> leaders,
>>> journalists and observers who preferred anonymity.
>>> They called upon all Ugandans living in South Africa to grace the next
>>> meeting due March 3 in Pretoria.
>>> --
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>>> Thirstday, Fightday & Shatterday. Remember seven days without God makes
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>>> WEAK!!"And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He,
>>> if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17) *
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>> Giles Muhame
>> Managing Editor,
>> Rolling Stone Newspaper
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>> Giles Muhame
>> Managing Editor,
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>> Giles Muhame
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>> Giles Muhame
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>> UAH is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in
>> Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.Follow
>> on Twitter at:!/UAHFORUM. Follow UAH on facebook at:
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>> unsubscribe from this group, send email to: Ugandans-at-Heart
>> or To donate
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>> extension at: UAH facebook
>> at:
>> --
>> UAH is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in
>> Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.Follow
>> on Twitter at:!/UAHFORUM. Follow UAH on facebook at:
>> To
>> unsubscribe from this group, send email to: Ugandans-at-Heart
>> or To donate
> to
>> UAH activities, click on: Buy
> our
>> products at: Also visit UAH
>> extension at: UAH facebook
>> at:
> --
> Giles Muhame
> Managing Editor,
> Rolling Stone Newspaper
> Kampala
> --
> UAH is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in general.
> Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.Follow
> on Twitter at:!/UAHFORUM. Follow UAH on facebook at:
>   To
> unsubscribe from this group, send email to:  Ugandans-at-Heart
> or To donate
> UAH activities, click on:   Buy
> our products at:  Also visit
> UAH extension at: UAH facebook
> group at:
> --
> UAH is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in general.
Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.Follow UAH
on Twitter at:!/UAHFORUM. Follow UAH on facebook at:   To
unsubscribe from this group, send email to:  Ugandans-at-Heart or To donate to
UAH activities, click on:   Buy
our products at:  Also visit
UAH extension at: UAH facebook
group at:

Giles Muhame
Managing Editor,
Rolling Stone Newspaper

UAH is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans and Africans in general.
Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.Follow UAH
on Twitter at:!/UAHFORUM. Follow UAH on facebook at:   To
unsubscribe from this group, send email to:  Ugandans-at-Heart or To donate to
UAH activities, click on:   Buy
our products at:  Also visit
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group at:

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