'His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
The President of Uganda,
P.O.Box 25497
State House,

January, 20th,2013

Yours Excellency. I am Catherine Ddembe, the FDC councilor of Mpigi
district and a close friend of Ssebina Ssekitoleko your NRM mobiliser for
several years. Around
September 2012, I was requested by -y friend Sebina to meet the Inspector
General of Police, Lt. General Kale Kayihura to discuss some urgent
matters. I agreed to meet
General Kayihura in his office at Police Headquarters on Parliamentary
Avenue, he asked me to do a mission for him and in return, I would be paid
whatever I wanted.

He offered to give me a title for a house in Kampala and a scholarship
abroad for further studies. He wanted me to visit my friend Michael
Kabaziguruka, the Vice Chairman FDC Electoral Commission at Luzira Prison,
where he was remanded on treason charges to convince him as well as
Frederick Namara who was once your soldier in PGB and others that were
facing similar charges to confess to having been rebels.

Dr. Kizza Besigye he said is a problem with his attempts to overthrow
government. He wanted me to convince Kabaziguruka to give a written
confession saying this. I got worried when he also asked me to say that
the Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, the Chief of Defense Forces General
Nyakairima, General David Tinyefuza, and others were the funders and
leaders of this rebel group. As a supporter of FDC, you know that I do not
support the People's Redemption Army. If Kabaziguruka and the others
agreed to cooperate, they would get their freedom and 200 million
shillings each.

I was scared, but I still went to visit the prisoners. ln fact, I visited
them many times but my conscience was not clear. I even went to Nakawa
court when they were taken there. Ssebina drove me all the times and I
felt I could not say no. My friend's reaction to my offer was of
suspicion. They claimed that they had been framed regarding rebel
activities, and were not willing to confess in case they ended up in jail
forever. Then they told me some other FDC member had also approached them
telling them that they were to be poisoned in prison. They told me to go
talk to their lawyer Rwakafuzi. When I reported back to the IGP, he said
he would talk to Rwakafuzi himself. I did not tell Kale of the poison
threats on the prisoners.

A few days later, Kale called me and informed me that Rwakafuzi had
refused the offer and said that his clients were innocent in the first
place. Then Kale told me to continue engaging my friends at Luzira to
convince them that they would find them another lawyer. He even offered to
pay their legal fees and upon their release they would be paid 400 million
shillings each. I went to talk with Kabaziguruka and Namara again but they
refused saying they would die. Kabaziguruka refused saying that in his
life he had never met with Mbabazi, Sejusa and Aronda and he can't help
NRM sort out its internal fights.

As for Besigye, Kabaziguruka said that he will die first before
implicating his President. When I reported back to Kale, he became angry
and insisted that I must finish my mission since he had already arranged a
meeting for me with you during your visit to his father's memorial service
in Kisoro last October. After that I went back and met Kabaziguruka and
Namara while they were appearing at Nakawa High Court but again they

On Independence Day, Kale called me and informed me that he would skip the
Independence celebrations at Kololo and that I should meet him in Muyenga
Community Police Post. I wondered why the IGP would miss the Golden
Jubilee celebrations and want to meet me. When I arrived, Kale accused me
of not doing enough to convince my friends at Luzira to cooperate and yet
this operation was blessed by you. He talked a lot about how this
operation began Your Excellency, I beg to meet you and tell you more when
it is us two.

He told me that the arrest of Kabaziguruka and friends was a set up. This
is also what Kabaziguruka had been telling me when I visited him. But Kale
said it was your Special Forces that planted those guns. Afande Brig.
Muhoozi Kainerugaba had assigned his most trusted soldier, Captain
Kashakamba to carry out the operation. I did not believe him and told him
that I was scared and wanted to get out of these things.

I feared also now that I would be killed. Kale gave me 20 million
shillings to continue with Kabaziguruka group until they agreed to the
deal. 20 million was supposed to take care of their families and their
welfare at Luzira. Kale told me that he had deployed police escorts to
guard the Kabazigurukas on the way to and from Nakawa High Court and that
this was a way of putting pressure on them to show them that they had no
alternative but had to accept his offer.

While we were seated together, Kale received a phone call from someone he
kept on calling as MK. He told him that he had received reports that the
Besigye/Mbabazi, Aronda,Tinyefuza group was planning to ambush the prisons
vehicle that was transporting the Kabaziguruka's to court and kill the
suspects in order to stop them from talking' In addition to this, he
reported to the same MK that the group had some rebel troops already in
Kampala and were planning to attack Mbuya Miltary Barack Naguru Police
Barracks and other isolated police stations in central Region. And then
Kale told MK that he had requested for 127 billion shillings to sort this
out and they were delaying' He also said on phone that the request was
sent to Finance under "supplies" and they were delaying. He told the
person on the other side of the phone that they would put pressure on
Finance through you since the rebels were becoming stronger.

When he got off the phone, Kale told me that since the Kisoro meeting with
you did not happen' he wanted me to meet you at another time. He told me
to tell you that my friends in Luzira had confessed in me that the leaders
of their rebel group were NRM leaders in the army and in the party and
that also Besigye had carried the other army generals to meet to the
Kabaka at his palace in Banda where Kabaka had given his blessing. He also
told Muganda me that since the inmates refused to confess, my story would
be enough. I am a Your Excellency. I cannot speak about the Kabaka like

Your Excellence I decided then that i was going to go in hiding. This man
was using your name and I did not feel safe. To know Kale is doing a bad
thing, he said he would travel with Ingrid Turinawe our chairperson of FDC
women’s League to Norway. From Norway he wanted to buy a confession from a
man called Frank Atukunda who is a political refugee in Norway. But when I
asked Ssebina why Norway, he told me, Kale was going to Rome for an
International police conference. Ssebina told me that I should not talk'
nobody knew he was going to Norway and everyone thinks he will be in Rome.
Kale would fly to Thailand to meet you and hand over the confessions he
gets in Norway himself.

After this, I got scared and decided to go hide in the village for some
time. My conscience was not clear so I asked my relatives and some party
members what to do. I was advised to run away from Ssebina and Kale
because they are dangerous and powerful. Can you imagine Your Excellence,
that Ssebina is so powerful that even Kayihura took him to address the
police council? Also Ssebina moves with 5 guns in his car.

Your Excellency, I have written to you because I fear for my life. These
people are using your name' I am also seeking audience to tell you more.
The recent problems in Kampala must be the work of IGP Kayihura and
Ssebina and their people to justify the existence of the rebel group' I
say this because I have heard Ssebina boasting that these killings are
being done by a unit in police headed by a man called Nixon.''

Bayera Gacumba

Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in anarchy"
            Groupe de communication Mulindwas
"avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans l'anarchie"

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