Allan Barigye


Yes people are sleeping and yes they don’t want that sleep to be
interrupted, but we must recognize too that Museveni is throwing them crams
from the table. Let us go back to the discussion I held in this very form
that made me an enemy to many. When Iddi Amin was handing over Indian shops
in Uganda, how many of AMO relatives got any? Do you know of Oyite Ojoke’s
family let alone extended family getting a shop on Kampala road? How many
relatives were actually in government? The answer to all those questions is
simple, none for they all took Iddi Amin to be a bad dictator.


Museveni is surviving for he hands money to everyone, again I repeat myself,
there is no one that has made money under this government than strategically
placed Acholis. Baganda are oozing in money. And let me clarify this too.
They make money by claiming to work for the opposition, and I opine that if
you agree to become an MP of opposition in Uganda you are supporting and
eating from Museveni. For look at it closely, Uganda MPs are making at
minimum 200,000 Shillings a month, an amount that tis so hard to make out
here’s if you go to Uganda and get elected to parliament you make more than
a Ugandan out here. Why isn’t that good enough for you to stay home and shut
the fuck up? Look at het people that have been in these forums and yelling
bloody murder about Museveni and how he must go, when they become a part of
Uganda government either by being elected as MPs or as Ps in East African
community they so stop to exist and stop to even comment on Uganda issues.
Do I blame them? No because Uganda is a state and if it gets fucked so be
it. If Ssabassajja Mutebi is eating from Museveni, why is it criminal for
Wafula Oguttu to eat from the very same source? So to you as Ugandans will
die as much as you want, Uganda Police will kill you on streets but the
income of Ssabassajja Mutebi and Wafula oguttu is only guaranteed if they
shut up. And that goes to all MPs elected in Uganda today. It all boils down
to a simple point, many Movementists invited me to go home in the late 80’s,
get out of Canada and come home, we will get you a good job and you will die
a rich man.  And as much as that was true, my conscious refused to go home
to make myself rich for the British re handing money to Uganda government to
feed this bad culture. All money Museveni hands out is loaned to Uganda by
the UK and in 15 years your own children are going to pay the money the
Wafula oguttu are getting from Uganda government today. It is a scam I would
simply not join.


Of late even Abbey Ssemuwemba has been scooped right out of our own very
eyes to make as much as he can and as fast as possible from Kampala


On the 49th



           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
           Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


[] On Behalf Of Allan
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: SV: [UAH] Go out in large numbers and demonstrate peacefully
and oust a corrupt NRM regime




People are happy in their sleep. Who wants to interrupt?

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 3:03 PM, eun Nyaronyango <>

Now can you tell that to my old grandpa in Emamadere village?  Please do
some ground work and don't get people killed faaa!

I know that this call as it stands will NOT be responded to by many - just
the way it is.  Besides, M7 is simply going to use it to get to the people.
What is so difficult - he sends is people to pretend to be the advocates of
UDU.... the rest will be history.
In any case, Ugandans themselves are these days wary of possibility of such
tricks - so how will they know who is who?
Just curious!


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If you have any questions regarding our products, please do not hesitate to
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Eunice Onyango

Rembo of Sweden

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Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 14:52:19 -0700
Subject: Re: SV: [UAH] Go out in large numbers and demonstrate peacefully
and oust a corrupt NRM regime

Tune into his radio show, better yet call in.
His website and that of UDU are usually attached as links in his mailings.
Viele GruBe

On Jul 14, 2013 2:47 PM, "gaumoy nockrach-laduma" <>

Hmm,that makes many....good point!!




Från: eun Nyaronyango <>
Till: ""
Skickat: söndag, 14 juli 2013 22:41
Ämne: RE: [UAH] Go out in large numbers and demonstrate peacefully and oust
a corrupt NRM regime


Hi Kashambuzi
I am sorry I see there will be un-coordinated "troupe" movements here.  How
do you tell people who have not been informed of what next after M7 to go
out on the streets?  Knowing Ugandans, some parts may listen and do this
while others will simply ignore going into un-unknown venture.  Some may
receive it with suspicion etc.  This in itself will lead to the failure of
the whole thing - leading to unnecessary causalities for those others who

Anybody here who can tell me what  UDU is about?  I hope I am the only one
who doesn't.  But if it is not even known to the people what UDU is about,
how do you expect the people to respond to such a call only for them to end
up being killed while the UDU people are far away in "safe" places?
Concerned citizen


Tveka inte att ta kontakt med oss på nedanstående telefonnummer eller 

e-mail om du har några frågor eller funderingar rörande våra produkter.

Besök webbshopen om ni vill ha ytterligare information om produkter.

Önskar du grossistköp? - kontakta oss för mer information.


If you have any questions regarding our products, please do not hesitate to
contact us.  Our contact information is on our Website.

Wholesale buyers please contact us for more information.

Eunice Onyango

Rembo of Sweden

+46 (0)736492355
Följ oss på / Follow us on



Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 13:13:07 -0700
Subject: [UAH] Go out in large numbers and demonstrate peacefully and oust a
corrupt NRM regime


Press statement

Since its founding in July 2011, UDU has consistently called on all Ugandans
including all branches of security forces to demonstrate peacefully against
the corrupt, sectarian and incompetent NRM regime. Uganda is a dictatorial
and failed state. Museveni is a military dictator in civilian clothes.  

NRM has lost direction in all areas of human endeavor, witness nominating
corrupt and sectarian Sam Kutesa to become president of the United Nations
General Assembly starting in September 2014 for twelve months. 

NRM abandoned structural adjustment program (SAP) in 2009 after a miserable
performance since 1987 against advice of experts at home and abroad and
replaced it with a five year development plan purely for the sake of winning
presidential and parliamentary elections in 2011. The plan has not been
implemented as reported by the prime minister not too long ago.

To save face against the credible UDU’s National Recovery Plan, Museveni
came up with a so-called Vision 2040 the final copy of which he hadn’t seen
and which had been cleared in principle by parliament the night before it
was launched. In short, the vision was not ready. The barrage of criticisms
killed and buried the vision on the very day it was launched. So, Uganda has
no development blue print. 

Although structural adjustment program was abandoned, Museveni and his team
has continued to implement its elements such as inflation control at the
expense of employment and promotion of small and medium-scale enterprises
that create jobs and promote equitable growth. Export-oriented economic
growth of raw materials has also continued including foodstuffs
traditionally available for domestic consumption thereby depriving Ugandans
of adequate and nutritious diet. 

Exchange rate has continued to favor exports and raise the price of imports
to consumers and producers with all the adverse implications.

The Uganda market is still wide open to imports of all kinds that have
severely undermined local manufacturing enterprises long after it was
recognized that the process of market liberalization had proceeded very

Agriculture that forms Uganda’s economic fulcrum has been neglected in favor
of Kampala city as the growth pole model whose benefits have not trickled to
the 34 million out of 35 million Ugandans that live outside Kampala. 

Rampant corruption, sectarianism, cronyism and mismanagement of public funds
have continued and possibly got worse as Museveni and his family fear they
might be overthrown in a democratic process. 

Cabinet and military reshuffle took place recently and Museveni kicked out
the individuals he fears or marginalized them in preparation for crowning
his son Muhoozi as the next president of Uganda.

That Museveni has no regard for the welfare of ordinary citizens is
reflected in the recent budget that has heaped the burden of taxation on the
poorest of the poor. This is a regressive taxation that parliament should

Unlike other leaders in developed and developing countries, Museveni has
rejected NEPAD’s lunch program for primary school children. He has also
refused to launch a stimulus package to ease the unemployment situation
especially of the youth which would also accelerate economic growth and
equitable distribution of growth benefits. 

NRM has been warned that if not checked immediately, environmental
degradation will turn 80 percent of Uganda into a desert within 100 years
which is a very short time by historical standards. Museveni hasn’t
implemented policies to stop and reverse environmental degradation. Museveni
is good at talking about what needs to be done but little follow-up action
is taken if at all.  

All in all as UDU has been arguing Museveni and his NRM government has
failed. The longer it stays in power the more damage that will be done to
humans and fauna and flora. The result will be severe ecological
degradation, climate change characterized by frequent and severe droughts
and floods. 

Thankfully the donors have now realized the damage and wrong direction and
have scaled back technical and financial assistance to send a message of
disapproval of what is happening in Uganda. The rest is largely up to us.

Museveni is now vulnerable but he could be dangerous in the final hours of
his misrule. We Ugandans should move fast to unseat him. However, we should
not give him an opportunity to use the military equipment he has accumulated
over almost three decades. Museveni should be removed by peaceful,
coordinated and democratic means. 

We should oppose his nomination for president of the United Nations General
Assembly. Many members of the United Nations know that Kutesa is corrupt,
sectarian and a poor manager as exhibited, for instance, in the poor state
of Uganda house in New York City next to the United States embassy and
opposite the South Korean embassy building. It will be difficult for Kutesa
to preside over meetings on democracy including free and fair elections
given his record in his constituency and good governance. Not only will
Kutesa be uncomfortable but Uganda and the entire African continent that
nominated him will be embarrassed. Let Africa look for a credible candidate.
There is enough time to do so.

UDU calls on all Ugandans to go out in large numbers and in all corners of
the country and simultaneously demonstrate against Museveni for the whole
world to see that he has lost control and must go. 

Ugandans must also demand that stolen public money and properties by NRM
officials like land should be returned with interest to the rightful owners.

Eric Kashambuzi

Secretary General, UDU  




*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the
experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.


 We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
 individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge  -
Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} ’1949-1987

 *“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent

revolution inevitable”**…  *J.F Kennedy



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