Indian state outlaws profiting on miracles, summoning 'ghosts'

The law was hurriedly passed after rationalist Narendra Dabholkar, who
advocated for the legislation, was assassinated. Some Hindus claim it
violates religious freedom.

 <> Description: Christian Science MonitorBy Shivam
Vij | Christian Science Monitor – 15 hours ago

A new law against superstition and black magic in India's Maharashtra
<>  state has triggered a
debate between religious groups who say that the state is interfering in
personal faith, and rationalists who say religious malpractices violate
human rights.

The law was hurriedly promulgated four days after Narendra Dabholkar, an
activist who had been campaigning for it for a decade, was assassinated. Dr.
Dabholkar headed the Committee for the Eradication of Blind Faith, which has
180 branches across Maharashtra and has exposed many Hindu preachers
purporting to conduct miracles
ern-India-traditional-guru-still-has-powerful-influence>  and black magic
<> . 

“We will challenge the law as it is ambiguous and interferes with personal
faith,” says Abhay Vartak of the Santan Sanstha, a Hindu organization. “The
law does not define much of what it outlaws – ghosts for instance. The
government itself is not clear whether ghosts exist! And if belief in ghosts
is to be outlawed then what about the Hindu scripture the Atharva Veda,
which says a lot about how to get rid of ghosts who come to inhabit a body?”
he asks.

The law specifically outlaws 12 practices, making them punishable by a jail
term of seven months to seven years. Of the 12 clauses, two relate to belief
in ghosts. The first one forbids recommending violent and sexual practices
for purging ghosts from the body – including drinking urine or stool, being
tied with a rope or chain, and touching heated objects. It also outlaws
creating fear by threatening to invite ghosts.

“The law has too many ’etceteras’ which will be used indiscriminately
against private faith, and only against Hindus,” says Vartak of the Sanatan

Avinash Patil, acting president of the Committee for the Eradication of
Blind Faith, says that law does not mention any religion. “We are not
against private faith, only the exploitation and violence that comes when
blind faith is used publicly by seers, god-men, and tantriks,” says Mr.

Opponents of the bill are unable to point out problems with the specifics of
most of the clauses – such as branding women as witches and making them walk
without clothes and beating them; persuading people to substitute medical
aid by tying threads or getting bitten by a snake, dog, or scorpion;
threatening to bring evil upon someone through supernatural powers; claiming
to change the sex of the fetus by inserting fingers in the womb; claiming
that one's supernatural powers can help a woman get pregnant if she had sex
with him; and claiming that a disabled person has supernatural powers and
thus using them for commercial purposes.

However, one clause that religious groups are particularly objecting to is
about the use of miracles for commercial exploitation. Critics say that if
magicians can perform miracles in ticketed magic shows and if miracles could
be attributed to Mother Teresa
<>  and Sufi saints, why
should others be prevented?

“I don’t think it’s outlawing claiming miracles, but exploiting the poor by
using them,” says lawyer Vrinda Grover.

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