Okay in the process of cleaning up the ledger let us get this one out of the
way as well.


Betty Kamya


When you look closely at the history of Ugandans they are politically
immature. When the West goes to oppressed counties we have learnt too that
democracy can never be planted into a country it must grow from within. I
have friends from Afghanistan and  they tell you straight up that the
removal of The Taliban’s is the worst thing that can ever happen to
Afghanistan, you see when we went there and removed them from power we
reversed the system they had planted of having everything in control. Under
The Taliban’s only the very very few on top of government would steal,  and
very small amounts of money that was so negligible. And that stealing of
money and assets by those people was never a threat to Afghanis because the
leaders never dreamt of leaving the country, thus they invested all stolen
money into Afghanistan. The moment we removed them from power we opened up
the system for everyone to steal, yes it is alright to steal from your
country for no one is going to decapitate your head off. Afghanis stood up
and started to steal whatever they get their hands on.  But here is the
caviar, the stealing Afghanis are from outside Afghanistan mainly,  and they
get the money from within there, and invest it into cities like Toronto, New
York and London, so the stolen money to them is not helping Afghanistan the
country as the stolen money by the Taliban’s. Immigration now has become
profession for they come as investors with huge amounts of money, we simply
cannot hold the demand of condos in cities like Toronto for we have just too
many buyers. The Afghanis that cannot loot from home are starved as the
country its self it starved. 


All this is happening for we walked into their country with an illusion that
we can hand them a democratic principle and they will live a better life. We
forgot that democracy is developed from within. Long term we are going to
fail and we are getting out and trust me The Taliban’s are coming back to
power through a popular vote. The only way Afghanistan can survive as an
entity is when a woman gets screwed by a man than her husband,  she is taken
outside the city and bullets pumped into her. Now that can sound so cruel
but the society wants it and it will remain so until 100 years later when
they will reverse course, it is their business and never yours or mine.


I have read much of your writings, and it is all useless because you are not
addressing the issue of why Uganda is a failed state. It is a failed state
for everyone in Uganda cares about his/her stomach. All way from Museveni to
Norbert Mao to Kiiza Besigye to Betty Kamya to you name it.  And you access
that money by being as close to politics as possible. So stop to tamper with
our documents and stop to change our constitutions, but remove your selves
from eating from the state. Politics is never a profession but a job done to
serve the country, so you show up and go away. Betty Kamya you stood to be
reelected  and you lost, get out of the way. Dr Kiiza Besigye get out of the
way, and all the rest of them. As much as we complain about Museveni and his
eating and poor governance, bottom line remains that Museveni eats with his
people and all Ugandans eat, but at the end of the tail of eating, when
Museveni shows up in Munyonyo, Nabagereka pulls her face up and shows up in
the snap short sitting as close to Museveni s possible for he is the magnet
of money. Even if we remove Museveni from power and replace him with Konny,
still Nabagereka is going to target him and she is going to get a short with
him for her purpose is your purpose is Norbert Mao’s purpose is every
Bodaboda operator’s purpose, to feed on society. If you had any defense of
caring about Uganda, honestly how did the Iganga toilets become that
terrible Betty? In the last 27 years didn’t you see them? In the time you
were an MP seriously where was your noise about them? They have sat in
Uganda and they have been neglected to a point of showing up on my computer
in Toronto, in that sole state for you have been playing The Nabagereka
syndrome of hunting down Museveni and when can I get a short with him to go
into papers. When you stood in parliament you raised a question to wonder
why Museveni does not hand you a 4X4 and all MPs deserve one. Not to repair
the toilets of Iganga but a free 4X4 Betty.


Here is the immediate solution, we need the constitution shut down in
Uganda, we need a military decree and a command post, we need a true Sargent
Doe to take that government, but we need him to invite all past and present
politicians for negotiation of sharing power, after you get all of them and
all of them,  from as past politicians as old as Mayanja Nkangi to as
present young MPs as Proscovia Oromit that got elected at age 20. Close the
door and call in the Military Police to clean up the country the Sargent Doe
way. When you’re done with that clean up get a true Iddi Amin Dada and
install him to power. If you do those things in that sequence,  In 5 years
all bulbs in Uganda will have power, all toilets will have running water,
and all trains will be moving, but schools will be operational, hospitals
will be changed from infection centers to healing centers, and the national
debt paid in half. Tops 5 years. Uganda population today is about 36 million
people, if an Amin can implement this program by eliminating only 16 million
Ugandans into the process, I am in the tent with him and for a very good
reason, the remaining 20 million people will still be an over populated
number to a tinny country like Uganda.


Who else is with me?                      Speak up and today !!!!!! 


On the 49th


           Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
           Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of beti kamya
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 5:16 AM
Cc: bwanik...@gmail.com; akatu...@parliament.go.ug;
nand...@parliament.go.ug; Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Forum; J Matovu; Jimmy
Mayanja; John Kizza; Arnold Turwomwe; Busuulwa Steven D; akishuri bright;
OPOLOT; Dick Nvule; Mitayo de Potosi; jamidahkashilli...@gmail.com;
rgilb...@gmail.com; iremerabar...@yahoo.com; musiimedar...@gmail.com;
kabb...@yahoo.com; edwinoyug...@gmail.com; Andrew M. Mwenda; Farouk Ssali;
francis mwine; g.gi...@yahoo.co.uk; G_NET; george okello; Hannah Ogwapiti;
hajatly...@yahoo.com; Immanuel Osoro; Isaac Karwe; Isaac Omoding;
irenekunih...@yahoo.com; iti...@yahoo.com; Nahamya Jo Stuart Mugisha; WB
Kyijomanyi; Arthur LAROK; layet paska bitek; Lugemwa FN; money miles;
Katende Mukwaba; Moses T. Mugalula; bosco nyeko; Conrad Nkutu; masembe
nkata; akim odong; Benson Obua-Ogwal; Emmanuel Oseks; pafuladito
bazirondere; Patrick Odoki; pammie ankunda; kanyeihamba ronald; Rashid
bogere; Richard Mugisha; atim sarah; Mustapha Semanda; Vanansio Natuhwera;
Margaret Vuchiri; Vincent Nuwagaba; nzaramba vicent;
vincentmuki...@hotmail.com; violet abikora; wegul...@yahoo.com;
yssemp...@yahoo.com; yvonne kayiteshonga; zowenaka...@hotmail.co.uk; Zainab
Akol; zionlion7...@yahoo.com; kasibante hassan; EKM EKM;
editor...@independent.co.ug; Emily Kaumba; Esta; Eric Kashambuzi


Mr Busagwa, and how will "Ugandans stop an individual forming a personal
army or security apparatus loyal to him...." as you suggest?


You see M7 masquarades as a democrat by passing all his deals through
parliament, where parliamentary procedure are followed and the majority take
the day, or through court where due judicial processes are followed and
rulings made. He is not like Amin who ruled by decree. So if M7 is using
constitutional process to win the game, though we all know the
pre-determined outcome, we can beat him at his own game by also using a
constitutional process whose outcome will not be as easy for him to
influence as it is during general elections, for the simple reason that the
rules of the game in elections are different from those that govern
citizen-driven referenda.


In citizen-driven referenda (Provided for under Article 255(1)) like the one
UFA is championing, proponents first collect signatures of registered voters
who support the call for a referendum on a specified issue. If, for instance
we are able to collect 6M signatures of registered voters, duly verified by
the Electoral Commission as bona fide voters, all demanding that the EC
organizes a national referendum to amend the constitution and reduce the
powers of the president, it, alone will be a huge political statement, which
the EC would have to content with during vote counting. Mind you, the EC
would have given the proponents a certificate of compliance, acknowledging
receipt of 6M petitioners' signatures, and confirming that all are
registered voters.


Besides, during a referendum, people would not be bound by alligiences to
personalities and / or political parties, but rather each region will have
their own uniting candidate in the name of the regional issue e.g. Buganda's
candidate will be federo, Bunyoros candidate will be oil, Toros candidate
will be Ebyeitu, Busoga's candidate will be electricity, Kigezi's candidate
will be tourism/gorillas - our campaign message will be so smart that it
will transcend political party allegiences. You might see people like Hon
Abdu Katuntu, Prof Kanyeihamba & Gen Muntu (all self confessed
non-federalists), on the same campaign platform with M7 and Mbabazi, while
with Dr Besigye, AG Peter Nyombi, Rose Namayanja and myself on the federal
platform. It is going to be an interesting contest where "unlike poles" will
attract each other, distabilizing the usual rigging rules, otherwise, it
will be interesting watching M7 and Katuntu conspiring to rig the referendum
in favour of their "NO" side -  There is nothing to lose in trying out the


There are many efforts, all aimed at finding a solution to Ugandas problem -
UPC want to meet the president, A4C have vowed to continue with W2W
protests, Civil Society are wearing black, each Monday, FDC are constructing
party structures, while others are calling for a National Dialogue - all
commendable shows of discontent, but none have the legal framework or force
of law to impact on M7,  yet the national referendum can force him off the
high horse, to go round the country, making his case, while the opposite
side must also be funded by the State, to go round the country, making our
own case about the excessive power of the presidency - THERE IS NOTHING TO



On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 7:04 PM, BUSAGWA MUGERERE <mugere...@gmail.com>

Dear Beti Olive Kamya
Party President
Uganda Federal Alliance

Dear Madam,

Many thanks for your political activism to make Uganda a better Country For

However, I disagree with you when it comes to the approach or method
to reduce Presidential powers.  The question which should be asked is:
How are the powers acquired?

As you have grown up in  Uganda's corridors of  power you should be
aware of these simple facts below: Your father was military man who
served under Amin.

The short-term serving presidents( Sir Edward Muteesa, Lule and
Binais) all occupied the state house BUT all left the state house in
very humiliating manner because they had no personal armies!

The long-term serving presidents( Obote,Amin and Museveni) had/has one
thing in common: personal armies. They crafted power for themselves on
their way to state house by means of military means. The most
important constituency for them is the army and sister
organs(police,prison and secret services).

Therefore,the one with the military means controls the
Law/Constitution. Bulldozes and subdues the citizenry, squashes
whoever criticizes his policies/actions and and exploits the country
with impunity!

Arrangements to involve Ugandans on how they wish to be governed have
been frustrated in the past by this regime. Such as the Odoki
commission which was held when the wounds of Luwero War were still
very fresh! You are very much aware of the election malpractices each
time elections have been held.Regrettably,this was reason that   drove
the incumbent to wage a very destructive war in terms of human lives


In my view the remedy to excessive power is for Ugandans  to stop or
prevent an individual from forming or creating a security apparatus
loyal to him which he uses a tool to FOR SELFISH ENDS TO
bulldoze/oppress/exploit/intimidate/ kill the citizenry.

I hope my message is clear.

Yours faithfully,


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