I do not think this vote is more about UK as it is to The EU, and trust me we 
lived through the Quebec referendum in this country already, but our referendum 
was more about Canada when this one is more about The EU. And one can opine 
that even if the No vote wins the threat against The EU remains a very bold 
animal on our plate however long we ignore it. You can survive this vote but 
the election of France is just by the door and that election if called is going 
to be a direct challenge again to the EU. It is an organization that has so 
screwed up Europe that many countries are going to very soon hold election 
based on only “If we win the election we will pull the country out of The EU” 
The EU has affected some very fundamental structures of lives that have been 
enjoyed by many states, labor laws that have been a comfort of some countries 
have been reversed, hours of work have been changed, over time payment has been 
changed. Powers to hire and fire has been changed in many countries. I have 
visited some of these countries and one of them is Sweden I somehow know some 
well, and I have never seen a beggar on a Stockholm street, yet today one can 
argue that Stockholm is about to pass Toronto in holding homeless people on 
streets all thanks to The EU and the changes of laws it has forced on people. 
It does not matter how this vote ends up, the people are upset and are about to 
revolt against the EU. You simply cannot allow people to set up laws to live 
under and turn around to remove them for now you have galloped them under one 
flag and expect them to keep quite. Many countries want job creation, how do 
you combine for example Norway with UK when UK spends its money into blowing up 
countries than creating jobs at home? Do you see Canada joining United States? 
No because our agenda is very different from Americans. We rather create jobs 
here than cutting money from food banks to fund Baghdad.


This vote is only a warning shot that needs to be looked at very carefully but 




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2014 12:06 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: {UAH} Pojim/WBK: Anarchy for the U.K.? British Leaders Panicking 
Over Scottish Vote for Independence - The Daily Beast


I want to lean that way, too, because of the desperate sacrifice that Cameron 
has invested in this Referendum. 


The PM has effectively weakened UK's lordship over Scotland, and undermined his 
own authority over UK's relations with other partner States.




On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 8:58 PM, " <mailto:ocennek...@gmail.com> 
ocennek...@gmail.com" < <mailto:ocennek...@gmail.com> ocennek...@gmail.com> 


Pojim ;



If I am to stick my neck out, I will say that the No's win by a narrow margin.





Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

From: 'edward pojim' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community

Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 22:55

To:  <mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com> 

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Subject: Re: {UAH} Pojim/WBK: Anarchy for the U.K.? British Leaders Panicking 
Over Scottish Vote for Independence - The Daily Beast




Bribes are not what they used to be! 




On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7:07 PM, " <mailto:ocennek...@gmail.com> 
ocennek...@gmail.com" < <mailto:ocennek...@gmail.com> ocennek...@gmail.com> 






Anarchy for the U.K.? British Leaders Panicking Over Scottish Vote for 

LONDON — A sense of panic is growing in official England. Bureaucratic leaders 
who calmly steered Britain through 300 years of political stability are 
beginning to fear they have made a terrible mistake. By allowing Scotland to 
hold a straight “yes” or “no” referendum on independence, David Cameron is on 
the verge of making history as the man who broke up the United Kingdom.

The Prime Minister was always confident that Scotland would back away if 
presented with the opportunity to go it alone. Opinion polls up until this week 
suggested that, while it may have been a risky strategy, he was ultimately 
right. Eyebrows were raised when one opinion poll suggested otherwise on 
Sunday, when a second confirmed that this race was neck-and-neckLondon was left 
scrambling to save the union.

With eight days until the vote, the Scottish flag was raised above Downing 
Street; the Queen was urged to intervene after centuries of royal political 
neutrality; and the traditional Prime Minister’s Questions session was 
abandoned at the last minute as all three major party leaders raced to Scotland 
to campaign on Wednesday.

After years of what Scottish nationalists saw as patronizing indifference, Alex 
Salmond, Scotland’s First Minister, could scarcely contain his glee. He said 
the desperate, unplanned rush north was “the biggest blunder of the campaign.”

“The message of this extraordinary, last minute reaction is that the 
Westminster elite are in a state of absolute panic as the ground in Scotland 
shifts under their feet,” he said.

Even supporters of the no campaign privately concede that having Cameron in 
town could harm their cause. The Conservative Party has been reviled in 
Scotland since the days of Margaret Thatcher, whom many blame for crushing 
Scottish industry in the 1980s. Of the 59 MPs elected to represent Scotland in 
the current U.K. Parliament, only one is a Tory.

The Conservative Prime Minister acknowledged that his party wouldn’t be winning 
any popularity contests but he asked voters to remember that the referendum on 
September 18th was about far more than party politics. “Because it is an 
election, people think it’s like a general election,” he said. “If you are fed 
up with the f’ing Tories give them a kick. This is not a decision about the 
next five years, but the next century.”

Until now, the no campaign has focused on the potential pitfalls of 
independence with doom-laden warnings over currency and the economy attracting 
a backlash from proud Scots. The referendum has often been painted as a 
question of head vs. heart.

“Because it is an election, people think it’s like a general election. If you 
are fed up with thef’ingTories give them a kick. This is not a decision about 
the next five years, but the next century.”

Appearing close to tears, however, Cameron said it would be “heartbreaking” if 
Scotland left the union. “It is your decision, it’s the Scottish people who 
decide, but please be in no doubt that the rest of the United Kingdom is 
watching, listening, holding our breath. We care passionately about this family 
of nations and we would really be desperately sad to see it torn apart.”

As part of this desperate bid to stave off independence, the Labour and Liberal 
Democrat leaders joined Cameron in announcing a timetable for delivering more 
powers to Scotland if they vote to stay in the United Kingdom. The nation 
already has its own devolved parliament, and authority over most domestic 
policy, but the new concessions would give Scotland even greater control over 
tax and spending.

Granting these powers at the last minute, without a vote from the rest of the 
U.K., makes a mockery of Cameron’s refusal to offer a compromise option in the 
referendum. Salmond had initially asked for a package of additional powers, 
known as “Devo max” to be included on the ballot paper. Cameron said no, 
reasoning that Scotland was likely to opt for greater devolution but would stop 
short of total independence.

He was comprehensively out-foxed by Salmond, the Scottish National Party 
leader, who now finds himself in a win-win position. Even if he loses the vote 
next week, Scotland will be granted the very powers Cameron stopped him from 
including in the referendum.

The criticism of Cameron’s negotiating skills don’t end there. He also allowed 
Scotland to push the vote back until this year, which gave the SNP enough time 
to win the public around. He agreed to Salmond’s unprecedented request that 
people as young as 16 be allowed to vote (young people are far more likely to 
say yes to independence), and he accepted that Scottish people in the rest of 
the U.K. would not be allowed to vote.

“For some stupid twatting reason Cameron negotiated away my vote. I, along with 
800,000 Scots in the UK, don’t have a say,” said Armando Iannucci, the comedian 
and creator of Veep, a Scot who lives in London.

Despite these apparent failings at the negotiating table, the “no” campaign has 
held a commanding lead for most of the last two years. It has been steadily 
closing, however, and a second televised debate, in which Salmond performed 
impressively, handed the momentum to the separatists.

“The more people see the two sides together and the more they come to ‘yes,’” 
Marco Biagi, the SNP representative for Edinburgh Central, told The Daily Beast.

He said a swing from Labour supporters towards independence had been 
crucial—even though the party leaders have argued in favor of keeping the 
union. “A lot of people are coming over from Labour to back independence 
because they realize that independence is the best chance they have of getting 
an independent Scotland and getting a Labour Party worthy of the name,” he said.

Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, was in Scotland Wednesday arguing with his 
“head, heart and soul” that Scots would be better off in the U.K. “It has been 
said that the emotional argument lies with independence,” he said. “Not for me. 
Not for so many people across our country. Because our hearts lie with you… I 
believe we can better create a more equal, a more socially just society 
together than we can alone.”

While the London-based politicians have refocused on positive arguments for 
retaining the union after a backlash against their negativity, the 
“scaremongering” has continued at pace from the worlds of business and 

The German investment bank Deutsche Bank warned its clients to “be afraid, be 
very afraid” of the fallout from separation; Nomura, Japan’s top bank, forecast 
a “cataclysmic” impact.

Cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow rely heavily on the financial sector, which 
is expected to desert Scotland if there is a vote to become independent. Even 
in the Highlands, where exposure to world markets would appear less obvious, 
there remains a deep fear of the economic unknown.

Ian Campbell, a councilor for the Highlands in Perthshire and Kinross who has 
been campaigning against independence for months, told The Daily Beast that you 
cannot escape the economic question. “It’s sad but a lot of the estates and 
lodges around here which employ staff and create revenue are owned by people 
who live down south or their money comes from down there,” he said.

He is convinced that, in the end, economic reasoning will force Scots to 
reluctantly reject independence. “They’re not daft,” he said.

Anarchy for the U.K.? British Leaders Panicking Over Scottish Vote for 
Independence - The Daily Beast



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