Ebola Map Shows People In More African Regions At Risk Of Animal Infection

By  <http://www.medicaldaily.com/user/894> Reuters | Sep 8, 2014 09:24 AM



Boys stand next to a poster, pertaining to the Ebola virus, during a
training session by Sierra Leone's national soccer team at the Felix
Houphouet Boigny stadium in Abidjan, September 5, 2014. REUTERS/Luc Gnago 

 LONDON, Sept 8 (Reuters) -  Scientists have created the newest map of
places most at risk of an Ebola outbreak and say regions likely to be home
to animals harboring the virus are more widespread than previously feared,
particularly in West Africa.  

Understanding better where people come into contact with Ebola-infected
animals - for example through hunting or eating bush meat - and how to stop
them contracting the deadly disease, is crucial to preventing future
outbreaks, the researchers said.  

The Ebola virus, which can have a human mortality rate of up to 90 percent,
is thought to be carried by bats or other wild animals and believed to cross
into humans through contact with blood, meat, or other infected fluids.

These jumps by viruses from animals into humans are known as "zoonotic
events" and were also the cause of major human disease outbreaks such as HIV
and the H1N1 swine flu pandemic.  

The new map, published on Monday as the death toll in the world's largest
Ebola outbreak in West Africa's was almost 2,100, found that large swathes
of central Africa as well as the western part of the continent, have traits
of what the scientists called "the zoonotic niche" for Ebola.              

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Nick Golding, an Oxford University researcher who worked on the
international mapping team, said it found significantly more regions at risk
from Ebola than previously feared.   

"Up until now there hadn't been a huge amount of research, but there was one
paper in which the at-risk area was much smaller," he said in a telephone
interview. "It didn't predict, for example, the area in Guinea where this
current outbreak first started."  

Previous Ebola epidemics have been in central Africa, and a current outbreak
in Congo - separate from the one in West Africa - has infected around 30
people in recent weeks.  

According to latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO), almost
2,100 have died from Ebola in the current West Africa outbreak, which has
infected at least 4,000 people in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria and
Senegal. The WHO says it will take months to bring the epidemic under
control and has warned there could be a as 20,000 cases before it is

Golding's study, published in the journal eLife as a collaboration by
scientists at Oxford and University of Southampton in Britain, Canada's
University of Toronto, and HealthMap at Boston Children's Hospital in the
United States, did not seek to map potential human-to-human spread, but
focused on where there is a risk of animals infecting people. It used data
from the current outbreak as well as previously unmapped infectionsin bats,
primates and other animals.   

Previous studies have shown that the first patient in an Ebola outbreak is
very probably infected through contact with an infected animal. The
so-called "index case" in the current Congo outbreak was, according to the
WHO, a pregnant woman from Ikanamongo Village who butchered a bush animal
that had been killed and given to her by her husband.   

While the West Africa epidemic is vast - the world's largest ever -
long-lasting and deadly, the scientists noted that this is almost entirely
due to person-to-person spread, and said Ebola outbreaks are still
relatively uncommon events.  

"Although the disease may be found in animals across a wide area, outbreaks
are still very rare; very few animals in this region have detectable
infections, and it is extremely rare for humans to catch the disease from
them," said David Pigott, one of the lead authors of the study.  

To find areas most at risk, the team identified the predicted distribution
of bat species suspected of carrying the disease. They also mapped
environmental factors to find suitability for Ebola transmission from host
animals to people.  

These data were combined with detailed data on locations where humans have
been infected by wild animals and where infected animals have been

"This work was a first step toward understanding where outbreaks of the
disease might occur in the future," Golding said. "To prepare for future
outbreaks and to deal with the current one we need to understand how human
movements cause the disease to spread once ithas entered the human

(Reporting by Kate Kelland; Editing by Toby Chopra)

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