War against Isis: It's started, but do we know what we're doing? 


Military experts are among the doubters 

 <http://www.independent.co.uk/biography/mark-leftly> Mark Leftly ,
0Jane%20Merrick%22)&displaySearchString=%20Jane%20Merrick> Jane Merrick ,
0James%20Hanning%22)&displaySearchString=%20James%20Hanning> James Hanning 

Sunday 28 September 2014 

The first RAF Tornado combat jets, carrying laser-guided bombs, may have
started their mission in Iraq, but military experts, politicians and Brits
on the ground in Baghdad, haunted by what followed the invasion of Iraq in
2003, are struggling to convince themselves that the current strategy will
produce the desired outcome – and, in some cases, what that outcome is.

Concerns over the House of Commons's overwhelming vote on Friday to join the
United States in carrying out air strikes on the Islamic State (Isis) in
Iraq reflect the complications of fighting an oil-rich terrorist group that
operates either side of the border with Syria. The vagaries of international
law and yet another war in Iraq only compound a situation that even
supporters of the strikes acknowledge is both tense and fluid.

Chief among the concerns is the strategy itself. Writing exclusively in The
Independent on Sunday today, former SAS commanding officer
-the-plan-for-the-military-might-work-9759924.html> Richard Williams said:
"Friday's debate lacked any meaningful reference to the political solution
that must be considered in Iraq if these bombs are to mean anything. Bombing
that is not geared to an Iraqi political purpose will only create propaganda
opportunities for Isis, as they seek to legitimise their hold over Western

Mr Williams, who served in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan, said that bombing
raids would see Isis hurt militarily and cede ground. But he added that they
would gain support among civilians if ordinary Iraqis saw only bombing and
no Western attempts at forging a political deal. The current plan, he added,
"risks looking fearful and half-cock".

Nadhim Zahawi, the Baghdad-born Conservative MP for Stratford-on-Avon, said
that while it was right to join a coalition of Arab Sunni states, Jordan,
UAE, Saudi Arabia, and the US, "we have to be realistic about what that can

Mr Zahawi said that Western forces must learn from their mistakes in 2007,
when US General David Petraeus forged alliances between US forces and Sunni
tribes to help drive out al-Qaeda in Iraq. However, Nouri al-Maliki, Iraqi
prime minister from 2006 until earlier this month, has been accused of
sectarianism that resulted in a Sunni uprising.

Mr Zahawi said: "We convinced them to do all this stuff in 2007, they did it
and then we abandoned them to Maliki who then holed them out. That was the
Petraeus doctrine.

"That process will only work [this time] if the end result is a political
settlement, that that community feels happy with, satisfied with, ie they
have skin in the political game, they've got some say in governing
themselves and that didn't happen because Maliki chose a different path. The
other lesson we need to learn is that we can't do nation-building, it has to
be up to the local community to decide who they want to govern themselves."

Speaking to the Today programme yesterday, Reverend Andrew White, the
so-called "vicar of Baghdad", who leads Iraq's only Anglican church, said
that tensions in Iraq emerged "the day the Americans withdrew" in 2011. He
said that the UK and US had to admit that the reason for IS's growth in Iraq
was because they withdrew their troops when the domestic forces were not
strong enough.

He added that the "reality" is that ground troops will be needed to
eventually topple Isis, which is militarily powerful because it has stolen
tanks and equipment from Iraqi troops. "Isis is an evil, evil force – the
only way to control these bigots is to further put at risk Iraqi people," he

David Cameron gets Commons backing (PA) 

Dr Nafeez Ahmed, executive director of the Institute for Policy Research &
Development, agreed that a US-UK invasion is "inevitable as local ground
forces are pretty useless". He added that air strikes would force Isis to
"blend into the civilian population", which would result in the death of
more innocent people when targets are attacked.

"We might win some short-term battles but we will create more grievances
that will empower the Isis cause in the long run," said Dr Ahmed.

Chris Doyle, director at the Council for Arab-British Understanding, said
that the strategy didn't seem "fully formed yet". He warned that diminishing
Isis's power base, even ultimately in Syria, begs the question of "who steps
into that vacuum", opening up the possibility of simply destroying one
extremist group only to see another replace it.

"The bigger issue is to actually help Syria, but if you just want to defeat
Isis then you lose sight of that overall goal," added Mr Doyle.

There is still disagreement over whether there is a legal basis for joining
US air strikes on Syria. The Iraqi government has invited the attacks on its
territory, but Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has not.

Philippe Sands QC, professor of international law at University College
London, repeated his concerns yesterday that there is a lack of concrete
legal justification. Others have argued that there are interventionist
grounds to help the Syrian people, more than 3 million of whom are now
registered as refugees, while David Cameron has claimed that the UK could go
in because the Assad regime is illegitimate.

David Davis, the Conservative former shadow home secretary who abstained in
Friday's vote, said that many of these difficult questions could not be
answered in six hours of parliamentary debate.

"The moral case is clear, the practical case is not," he said. "There's no
clear indication or our aim – what do we do when we stop bombing?"

Mr Davis added that his concerns were further fuelled by criticisms of air
strikes made by former high-ranked military personnel in the US. Retired
General James Conway, a former head of the Marine Corps, is reported to have
said at a conference in Washington earlier this month that President Obama's
plans to destroy IS did not have "a snowball's chance in hell of

And, Mr Davis added, if that's what former top military generals are saying
openly, it's probably what current US military leaders are thinking as well.

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
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