Libyan Epiphany: Tomahawks Trump Teachers

Posted on
-trump-teachers/> 10/04/2014 | 

 <> With
Fukushima nuclear waste destroying still more of the North Pacific fishery
and Libya in chaos,  the third week of March 2011 is worth remembering.

Events of that week crystallized the profound hypocrisy and immorality of
the American body politic. If you’d retained any semblance of your humanity,
after decades of desensitization at the hands of the military-industrial
mafia and their titillating lapdog media, you could not have escaped the
glaring epiphany of a nation with disturbing priorities.

Japan suffered a natural disaster of historic magnitude and began a futile
battle against an epic nuclear meltdown, just as the world was being
reassured that nuclear power was safe.

While Japan struggled to feed its population – especially the elderly in
nursing homes, the seven large US military bases in Japan were suddenly
invisible.  The country’s largest ports remained open and undamaged.

Yet, instead of focusing every resource at our disposal on the Japanese
cataclysm now washing up on the West Coast, the Obama Administration – at
the urging of colonial masters Britain and France – decided to bomb Libya.

Our erudite and eager-to-please cowboy President pulled a Butch Cassidy and
tried to hide out in South America, apparently unaware that most of that
continent enjoys better relations with Libya than with the US.

American exceptionalism was in short supply. But the empirical band played

Republicans – who had busied their fat little fingers (between large slices
of American pie) laying waste to unions – quickly abandoned their
months-long collective tirade on the merits of fiscal conservatism. While
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker gleefully handed out pink slips to teachers,
General Dynamics demonically ramped up production of its Tomahawk missiles.
Defense and oil stocks soared.

Each Tomahawk that blasts a depleted-uranium hole in Libya costs the US
taxpayer $1.5 million. As of today, the bill for decimating and decapitating
the Libyan people came to $112 million – a small price to pay for a good old
fashioned genocide. Rest assured there won’t be a peep out of Republicans as
the Pentagon bounces checks to a familiar array of war profiteers.

If education was a national priority, by my calculations we could have
instead paid 2,240 teachers $50,000/year and come out even on the Tomahawk

But education is not a national priority. Neither is helping faithful ally
Japan – whose citizens are tired, scared and starving. Instead,
deficit-be-damned, our national priority is to bend over and lick the filthy
blood-stained boots of the Rothschild-led City of London-based
syndicate, which will now steal Libya’s petroleum on our dime.

This cabal seeks to depopulate the planet of useless eaters, monopolize its
resources and amplify its own hegemony by throwing the entire global economy
into the speculative realm on its various stock exchanges. They are
financial parasites who destroy the wealth of all others while enhancing
their own.

Under the auspices of yet another “madman-elimination” Crusade, America was
again led by the nose down a well-worn path to serve as Hessianized
mercenary force for these self-declared Illuminati bankers.

As if to foreshadow the Libyan madness, the day before Operation Odyssey
Dawn commenced, NASA fired a Taurus XL rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base
in California. The rocket misfired and plummeted into the Pacific Ocean,
taking a cool $424 million beneath the waves with it. The boys making space
toys, “fiscally-conservative” by a country mile, simply returned to their
sandboxes to build more rockets – on your dime.

Were it not for the gravity of the situation, this March madness would all
be quite comical. But the stakes are high, especially for America.

Republican words do not match their deeds. They could care less about budget
deficits. They enjoy kicking around the weak while licking the boots of the
wealthy. These grateful un-rich climbers with callous-free hands love to
bash workers while bending over for corporate bosses. Better still to place
a yellow ribbon on a minivan and feel patriotic about writing yet another
gazillion dollar check to General Dynamics or some other Illuminati defense
subsidiary. They are Pavlov’s dogs and they are cowards. Their much-vaunted
“American values” do not exist. They are yes-men in the service of City of
London bankers. And they are destroying our nation.

President Butch Cassidy, most Democrats, and what pathetically passes for
the “American left” didn’t fare much better during this time of epiphany.
Naïve is the word that comes to mind. From the very beginning of the Gaddafi
demonization redux, liberals took the bait. It was cool to make fun of
Gaddafi. It felt good to be on the winning side. The star-gazers felt a
colonial duty – even a moral imperative – to intervene in Libya on behalf
of…well the Libyans.

It didn’t matter that the “peaceful opposition” had fighter planes, RPGs and
SAMs. No big deal that many belonged to al Qaeda of the Mahgreb. The media –
both corporate and “alternative”– told Americans that these CIA/MI6/Mossad
surrogates were the good guys and by God that was good enough for the

But altruistic intentions fail when intellectual rigor, historical
astuteness and political theory are lacking. Let’s face it. Americans are
increasingly dumb about the world. It’s what happens when education takes a
back seat to the military-industrial complex.

Yet larger cracks have emerged in the neo-colonial house of cards. Our
alchemical dominion over nature has proven tenuous and downright lethal as
the Fukushima reactors continue to spew radiation. Our dependence on Middle
East oil has taken center stage.

We spurn progressive world leaders and support Gulf State kings, just as
pan-Arab revolution gathers momentum and threatens to sweep these medieval
relics aside. Are European monarchs next? How can America, a nation founded
by revolution against monarchy and which fancies itself the very bedrock of
democracy in the world, support monarchy in any form in the 21st century?

Maybe the reason the whacko right-wing cries for “American exceptionalism”
is because they know we longer are exceptional. If we really were, we
wouldn’t need to go around blathering about it. We would show some humility,
lose our worn-out free market dogma and just BE exceptional.

Events of the past week – both despite and because of their gruesomely
hypocritical nature – can result in a quantum leap in the revolutionary
consciousness of humankind if only we are able to grasp their significance.

Maybe Americans need more time off so they can travel abroad more. Maybe if
they supported unions they would get that time off to travel. Maybe if they
traveled more and shopped less, helping Japan in its time of need would have
been a national priority and bombing Libya would have seemed the absurdity
that it has proven to have been.

Dean Henderson is the author of five books: Big Oil
in+the+persian+gulf> & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen,
Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The
Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries
8/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_3> ,Das Kartell der Federal Reserve, Stickin
t_ep_dpt_2> ’ it to the Matrix & The Federal Reserve Cartel
+cartel> .  You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hook column




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
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