

I am amending series nine to include the photograph of Peter Gwokto’s brother 
Paul Lokech, again  an Acholi,  that commanded NRA in Somalia as they were 
raping Somali women, selling Amisom’s food, equipment and Uganda government 




I am requesting this to be accepted in this series as the official amendment.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


[] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2014 3:36 AM
---------*Series nine }




As I stated before and so continue in these series, I did not start them to 
promote hate but to unearth things which have been hidden from us for decades. 
It is the responsibility of our generation not to rewrite history, but to 
correct it so that the coming generation does not repeat it. Uganda is in a 
mess it is in today because our brothers and sisters the Acholis chose a 
wronger path after Obote was overthrown in 1971. What is troubling the most is 
that this path was chosen voluntarily and yet they have turned around and 
played the victim card effectively earning sympathy from all of us Ugandans and 
beyond our borders. If indeed they were the victims from 1971 to 1979 why are 
they still in exiles in thousands when their promise was to get rid of Amin and 
build a safer Uganda for all of us? Amin left Uganda more than 3 decades ago, 
but they are still fighting and running away from a country they claimed they 
liberated from a killer in April of 1979. Acholis do not only continue fighting 
but they always have a side they do not make public to the rest of us as 
Ugandans, and I will hand you a very good example of such in this very series.

The reason was very simple to explain. They returned to revenge, loot, rape and 
kill at random, but in particular targeting Amin's home region, West Nile. Also 
they were envious because Amin did one thing that will always stand out. He 
completed almost every project Obote had started and left unfinished including 
the Gulu-Kampala road (this is of particular interest, if Amin hated the 
Acholis why would he turn around and complete a road to their home town to 
encourage development?). It is important to note as well that among the things 
Amin completed in Uganda was Uganda House, it was as well left by Obote one 
government built half way and Amin finished it, through the Acholi Amin hate 
they destroyed it as well to what it is today for the building was finished by 
Amin.  Iddi Amin actually finished the 22 hospitals for Obote one left them 
unfinished as well. While they on their return from exile destroyed everything 
Amin had built, in reverse Amin completed all the projects Obote left 
unfinished for he knew those projects were for Ugandans and not Obote's 
personal items. To the contrary, when they returned, they resorted to their 
language "man megwa" (This is ours), turning Uganda into Palabek and forgetting 
that Uganda was and continues to be a multi-tribal country like every African 
country.  Had Museveni not put a break to the Acholi carnage by playing a 
smarter card, they would have declared Uganda an Acholi-nation appointing a 
Caliphate like ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The Luwero war threw them off balance 
and unfortunately taking Uganda down with it to the point of no return.


To understand the hypocrisy of Acholis, I raise the example of Peter Gwokto a 
member in this very forum, publicly opposed to Museveni’s government and 
publicly denouncing the current  government in all actions it has and continues 
to do. Now, I have no intention of elevating his status by discussing him 
because he is a nobody. But his recent death threats to me and others on this 
forum should make all of us deeply worried. It is a well-known fact that people 
who issue death threats with such confidence and conviction as he has done 
always have the means of delivering such threats. They can carry these threats 
directly themselves or indirectly through hired assassins. For this, we should 
all be aware that we could have a Uganda government informer and assassin in 
our midst.  The death threat Peter Gwokto has issued could be carried against 
me here in Canada or against my relatives and friends in Uganda. And why?  
Because he has connections in both countries, but he is very well connected man 
with NRA and Uganda government,  a government he publicly goes after.

As I continue raising direct names in these series it is important to note that 
his very own brother Brig. Paul Lokech is a member of NRA,  This Lokech 
actually was the in-charge of Amison in Somalia before being transferred to 
Russia as defense attaché. While his brother was serving in Somalia many women 
were raped by men under his direct command, and Amison food and other materials 
including guns were stolen and sold. The investigations into NRA activities 
into Somalia are actually happening today for our soldiers were commanded by 
Gwokto’s brother to act that way. What would prevent Peter Gwokto from using 
such a man to carry out killings by either Ugandan police or army who are eager 
to kill anytime, anywhere and are left free to wonder the streets of Kampala? 
For the fact that Gwokto's brother is a Brigadier in Museveni's army makes all 
these insults he throws at Museveni everyday simply useless and out right bogus 
to say the least. These are games all informers play to draw those they want to 
kill closer to them. That is how they get their prey thinking they are good 
people while they  are wolves in sheep clothing. Once they have gained your 
confidence and become their drinking buddy is when they do you in. So friends, 
beware of Peter Gwokto on this forum because if Museveni’s government wants to 
know about you, never delude yourself that Gwokto will hide it from his brother 
that is serving Museveni to today. This government has remained in power this 
long for those pretending to be against it are actually feeding on it.

This past summer he boasted on many occasions about his relationship with 
Rwandese and it was even rumored that he was on his way to Kigali for an 
extended stay. I am not quite sure what Gwokto's love affair with Rwandese is, 
but I am aware of Gen. Kagame's long hands. Not too long ago Col. Patrick 
Karegeya was assassinated in South Africa by Kagame's agents. Could Gwokto be 
working for Gen. Kagame as an external informer knowing very well that there 
are many Rwandese who are opposed to the Kagame's regime in Canada and the 
United States? As a reminder one of the late Col. Patrick Karegeya's daughters 
lives in Toronto where Gwokto spent several days claiming to be working as a 
financial analyst. This is how double standards Acholis are, for they work for 
both sides of the isle depending to what situations they are into. As I 
continue to raise specific names into this series, it is important to note that 
as Ugandans in diaspora we have been continuously warned about Rwandese women 
who are used by Uganda government to target us as men when they are working for 
Uganda government, be informed that actually Acholi women are worse in that 


Fellow countrymen and women, as I continue with these series, I call upon every 
Ugandan, if at all we are still Ugandans to keep a watchful eye on Acholis so 
that they do not do what they have done to us to our children and their 
children's children. This is not to say, they should not be allowed to be 
Ugandans anymore, they have all the right like all of us to be, but they must 
change their killer mentality, double standards and warmongering behavior. No 
nation can be built with that kind of mentality, thought and philosophy leave 
alone ideology. We did not shed any blood for our independence like our 
neighbors in Kenya did, why should we then allow our own fellow countrymen and 
women to kill us because they think they are superior?


Stay in the forum for Series ten is on the way   ------>




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

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