

Before embarking on the second phase let me make a few remarks. When I
started the series, I did not expect such strong reaction most of which are
negative and extremely abusive leaving me wondering how we have been living
with this kind of abuse and hate for 50 years following our independence in
1962. When Uganda attained independence, it was expected that all Ugandans
regardless of religious belief, political affiliation and ethnic or tribal
background would participate equally in shaping the new nation's events in a
way commensurate with its potential. It was never expected that one tribe
will dominate, control but destroy the others. Disappointingly we ended up
creating a political system that is not capable of putting our nation  into
that role. We have failed as a nation to gain the confidence as required of
a nation, to strategize, innovate and subsequently motivate and build a
prosperous and peaceful nation. Regardless of the death threats I have
received and continue to receive, the abusive language being used to
describe me and the dismissal of my attempt to tell the untold story of our
Acholi brothers and sisters and their role in undermining our future, I will
shoulder on until Peter Gwokto and George Okello put a bullet in my head as
they have promised either in Uganda or Canada a country I have called  home
for several years. It is not a figment of imagination nor, for that matter,
an unkind exaggeration to say that Acholi’s have committed crimes against
the people of Uganda including themselves. Joseph Kony is a case in point.
He has abducted, raped, murdered and looted his own people for more than 20
years forcing the government to use terror to camp the rest for 20 years. An
entire generation's future has been ruined. Being born and raised in a
confined environment leaves a permanent not only mental damage but also
physical one. And these are future Ugandans that our children are going to
live with when we are recalled by our maker.

Both the Oxford English Dictionary and Guinness Book of World Records are
always looking for new words or terminology and saying to add to their
collections. Few days ago, a Ugandan, Simon Peter Okurut breaks the record
with this statement: "Calling Acholi Killers is considered Cyber bullying"
It is beyond belief and shock, because Simon is one person I have had high
regards for on this forum. He was the last person I had expected to make
such a statement.  The internet is awash with the following: Hutu massacred
Tutsi in 1994. More than 20,000 members of the minority Ndembele ethnic
group were massacred by the Zimbabwean security forces composed mainly by
the Shona people. The Ndembele people always say they were massacred by the
Shona people. In 1991 the Bor massacre against the Dinka was carried out by
Riak Machar forces and it is often referred to as Nuer killed Dinka. There
has been tribal conflicts between the Yoruba and Housa who originate from
Northern Nigeria. Depends who carries out the killing the Yoruba say they
were killed by Hausa or Hausa have been killed by Yoruba. So where do you
get this wild and crazy ideas that by one saying Acholi are killers is crime
sir? Recall the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo between the Serbs and Albanians.
Then the most talked about; the Nazis carried out genocide against Jews. No
Jew has been reported to the police by saying the Nazis massacred Jews. In
your very own Uganda,  it is often said that Tutsi  under M7 are killing
Ugandans. And finally, what would you call the killing that took place
between Baganda and Banyoro. And by the way, during the Amin time and even
up to today, Nubians have been referred to as killers and no one has opened
their mouth to say it is  cyber bullying. Why then is calling Acholi killers
considered a crime or in your words cyber bullying?  What status do Acholi
people carry that the rest of the word does not have that calling them
killers warrants one to be reported to the RMCP? It is very interesting that
we have a country that does not have a recorded history, for you wonder how
such numbers of Ugandans stayed in Tanzania all those years, planned such a
massive war where a strong government was thrown out of power, but there is
not a single page of recorded history that has ever been written on what
exactly happened in Tanzania let alone how the war was fought. What are we
afraid to expose?


When beginning this series, I made it very clear that my series was/is not
intended to heal old wounds by opening new ones, but to tell the other side
of the story that has been kept secret by force,  from not only Ugandans,
but the rest of the world. I also made it very clear that I am not
supporting Iddi Amin nor denying what he did. My purpose is to point out the
role Acholi’s in particular played in bringing Uganda down. If what I am
stating about Acholi’s is not true, please back your arguments with truth
not death threats and insults. After all, you are the educated ones, the
people who are supposed to direct the so-called backward Ugandans, the rural
poor and uneducated. Some of you have made the argument as an example, that
Bishop Luwum was unjustifiably killed because he was fighting for the right
of Ugandans. Friends, Bishop Luwum was not the first nor the last as
religious figure to fight in defense of a mistreated population. There are
many other prominent religious leaders who have done and continue to do the
same, some of them have  even won a Nobel peace Prize for their struggle.
Bishop Desmond Tutu comes to mind. But our late Bishop used the wrong method
of defending the mistreated: "smuggling and hoarding guns", something Bishop
Desmond Tutu did not do. There has to reach a point and we grow up to
distinguish between Desmond Tutu and Jonan Luwum. It simply blows my dear
mind  what country out there finds weapons with a clergy and slaps his hand
with stop doing that, if you know its name I am in a  forum to learn, kindly
list it.


The series continue.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko"


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