Mwami Ssenyonjo


The statement I have posted from Paul Muwanga was a broadcast from Radio 
Uganda, he made that statement from an interview on both Radio Uganda and 
Uganda television. I was not the only listener to the broadcast. But let me 
state this, in as much as I am trying and so hard to put these facts to public, 
I get very frustrated by the likes of Kamugisha the Gwokto the George Okellos, 
for instead of debating the issues factually they are running into the UNLA 
time warp where they used threats and refusing to respond directly let alone 
address raised issues. I stated that the man that commanded NRA in Somalia as 
they were raping women, murdering Somalis and stealing weapons of Ugandan 
government and selling them to the terrorists is Brigadier Paul Lokech, who is 
a brother of Gwokto. That is a direct statement I need to be responded to and 
Gwokto thankfully responded, do you know that he stated? My Brother got 
educated fairly and earned his qualifications fairly. Does being an Acholi mean 
you have to be this stupid?  Who cares about his qualifications? We need to 
know why he decided to be a referee as Somali women were screaming as NRA 
soldiers are in their legs, you twerp !!!!!! Oh here is another one. On the 
carnage Acholis caused into Uganda especially Kampala, a city where people were 
drinking to sunrise and Acholis decimated it to people sleeping in forests, 
seriously is the debate today supposed to be what Paul Muwanga stated and what 
he did not state?


Let me say this to my friends the Acholis, and I am going to say it only one 
more time just for clarity. You have driven the chariot of Amin was a very bad 
president since 1979 and we have listened to all your fare tale with great fear 
but agreed to it, you have been involved into such mass killings of our people 
from Luwero, to West Nile, to Acholi to you name it, and we have agreed to all 
of that. Guess what, I am out to go after you. And if you have followed me long 
enough in these forums, you would realize that I do not go after any one till I 
have made up my dear mind to do so.


Yes you have terrorized us as a country all our lives, but your time is up.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 6:22 PM


The Muwanga statement EM narrates is new to me but not the facts of TPDF & UNLA 
indiscipline in 1979/80. Those guys would rob people in broad daylight, just 
like EM says, they would demand for money, watches and sex from women as young 
as 12 years!  While some of Em's narratives are questionable, this one is a 
fact, UNLA was a very undisciplined army compared to the army (Uganda Army) 
they displaced in 1979. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

From: “Joseph Kamugisha" < <> >
Date: Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 11:26 am

In case one is wondering why ebola is the most suitable name for this goon, 
please wonder no more. The naked lies spewed against Muwanga tells it all. This 
nonsense can only be bought by teens under twenty who are vulnerable and can 
easily fall for anything sounding authoritative from the ebola infested 
.ulindwa. Muwanga, to a large extent was not a perfect man but I can attest to 
the fact that he never ever have such orders as mentioned by the biggest lie on 
planet earth. I can vividly remember an incident which took place at the former 
kisementi arcade Along Kira road and acacia avenue in Kololo which involved 
some drunks and two of Muwangas body guards. Bullets were fired in the air 
amidst a crazy stampede. Upon learning that the Muwanga boys were at fault, 
Muwanga have directives for the to be removed from his convoy. The boys were 
detained and later fired.  Take your dosage sick boy, cook your stories when 
you are sober. Kamugisha


From: <> 
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 06:26:55 -0500

Mwami Ssekajja


You cannot complain about unpaid soldiers and they are killing people, yet you 
turn around and call Iddi Amin a Hyena. One of the lesson we had as Ugandans to 
learn and very fast in 1979 was that actually a soldier has a right to demand 
money from a walking civilian, I was protected from that for I never saw a 
Uganda Army soldier asking for money, I never knew he  could. How dare you? 
After these friends arrived into Uganda we started to see an expedited growth 
of soldiers being thieves, and mainly Acholi soldiers, we filled complaints 
after complaints for to us that was very new. I remember the statement we got 
from Paul Muwanga as if it was done yesterday, Ugandans I have heard the 
complaints that soldiers are stealing from people, give them what they want, if 
a soldier wants money give him some of yours and we all support them. If you 
have two goats/chickens and he needs one share with him one. If you have two 
wives give him one so that they have women as well. These soldiers have fought 
so hard to remove a very bad government from power what is wrong with you 
sharing with them what you have?  That was the minister of defense and a 
Muganda man. They started by educating us how we had a very bad government, 
they lied to us how we are now going to get a better government but they 
educated us that what we have is half property of the soldiers. Look I was in 
Kayunga at a time and I was among the committee to raise money to buy clothes 
to the two Tanzanian soldiers and three Acholi goofs that were stationed but 
abandoned into Kayunga. We passed a law that women must stop to be outside at 
night, because they were raping them. 1979 was the year of infamy. And yet you 
took the streets and praised them for Amin was a Kijambiya. 


Museveni has sked you to jump ask him how God damn high.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 5:57 AM
To: Robukui .
Cc: UAH; Hannah Ogwopiti; Hajji Kateregga Musaazi; John L; John; Jonny Rubin; 
JOe magandazi; rahimu jabendo; Gook Akanga; Gwokto La'Kitgum; Villager; FN; 
Frank Mujabi; Kasolo David; Kato Paul; Kasulex Moses; Matek Opoko; 
mitayopotojsi; Abbey Semuwemba; WBK Kyijomanji; Minna Salami



There is no better statement that encapsulates this subject than what you write 
in your conclusion, saying that, "This incident is a clear demonstration of 
breach of security by the very custodians of security".


More than two years ago, a few of us laid bare the problem with Museveni 
security organs. There are thousands of unpaid/ irregularly paid, armed 
gun-totting, money loving, non patriotic security personnel, at whose mercy the 
people of Uganda live. Kampala has become the killing ground. Just last week 
another businessman, Charles Lwanga, was gunned down.


We are under siege. There is no light at the end of this tunnel, until we drag 
this evil president kicking, back to Ruhengere.




Sent from my iPad

On 14 Nov 2014, at 05:54, "Robukui ." < 
<> > wrote:


What remains your reading?


Viele GruBe



2014-10-21 1:55 GMT-07:00 < <> >:

In August 2012, Allan Barigye Mwine Rugosi introduced the subject on this forum 
(UAH), which read - It does not get any better: City robbery suspects claim 
they are State operatives, in which he wrote, "The four suspects, who were 
arrested after a shootout at a hotel in the Ministers’ Village in Ntinda, a 
Kampala suburb, have claimed to be security personnel".


This was followed up by Gook who wrote, "It should have read " state house 
operatives". There is a difference you know".

Simon Okurut. came in and said, "Gook, They are many and everywhere not only at 
state house; the former title "State operatives," fits. We are surrounded!".


Gook went on to say, "Okurut, But they all stem from the Head..? IE State 
House? Its the source we should target and close off!"


I jumped in and wrote, "Forumists,  Why should this surprise any of us?!!  
State security operatives engaging in armed robbery, murder or any other form 
of dubious financially motivated activity! This is Uganda we are talking about. 
The sickness of government doesn't stop with higher up state officials, it 
permeates down to the cleaners.  


Is this not what is expected of a morally and financially bankrupt system of 
government? Is this not what happens when the state massively employs, or 
subcontracts security personnel that it can't properly pay at the end of 

the month? 


We have known long enough that the Ugandan police for example survives on 
corruption, or we wouldn't have the police. People enlist to serve as police 
officers, so that the door to take bribes opens for them. That is the 

state we live in. That is real life in Uganda. 


Without corruption, how would police officers, and other government employees 
manage to educate their children? The wages of many of these can't surfice to 
the end month. Many wages can't even be enough to buy 

food for a month. How do pay rent, take children to school, etc? 


You have all these armed individuals, carrying firearms in vehicles, roaming 
around, hungry for money. This is a fatal set of circumstances, and the out 
comes are not in the least unexpected. 


These low ranking operatives, have come to understand that it is through 
corruption that their seniors are able to drive 4x4s, build mansions and live 
real life. They are only emulating what is standard code of conduct. 

They have heard that the Top Dog (M7) secured for himself a private jet using 
public monies. Well, what a good example to follow!!!! 


The government is to big to run the national affairs, and reducing the role of 
central state is the answer to many of the ills associated with Uganda.


We now learn that the shooter was himself a former Flying Squad operative who 
kept a gun when he left the force. When Police Officer Kirumira came out and 
pointed at police being in on acts of robbery and murder, he was literally 
ostracised by the police. It is so bad that there are claims that guns, bought 
by the Ugandan taxpayers money are rented to robbers and murders.


It is bad enough to rob people, but using the public owned guns makes it 


The police recently commemorated 100 years of service, many of us pointed out 
that it was an undeserved celebration and praise for a hollow organisation, not 
serving the people of Uganda, but corrupt to the bone, and politically 







-----Original Message----- 
From: Gook Akanga < <> > 
To: ugandans-at-heart < 
<> > 
Sent: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 14:28 
Subject: Re: {UAH} It does not get any better:City robbery suspects claim they 
are State operatives 


But they all stem from the Head..? IE State House? Its the source we should 
target and close off! 

On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Simon Okurut < 
<> > wrote: 



They are many and everywhere not only at state house; the former title "State 
operatives," fits. We are surrounded! 


Peter Simon 

Harry S. Truman said, " It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not 
care who gets the credit." 


From: Gook < <> >
To: " 
<> " 
< <> 
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 2:47:36 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} It does not get any better:City robbery suspects claim they 
are State operatives


It should have read " state house operatives". There is a difference you know 

 Sent from Gook's iPawn ! 


 “Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. 
Love everything, you will be happiest.” ~Sri Chinmoy 

On 2 aug 2012, at 07:45, KI LUTS < 
<> > wrote: 


From: Allan < <> >
Sent: Thursday, 2 August 2012, 3:53
Subject: {UAH} It does not get any better:City robbery suspects claim they are 
State operatives


The four suspects, who were arrested after a shootout at a hotel in the 
Ministers’ Village in Ntinda, a Kampala suburb, have claimed to be security 


-----Original Message-----
From: 'nuwwahereza fardson kairanga' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community 
< <> 
To: Robukui . < <> >; UAH 
< <> 
>; Hannah Ogwopiti < 
<> >; Hajji Kateregga Musaazi 
< <> >; 
John L < <> >; John < 
<> >; Jonny Rubin < 
<> >; JOe magandazi < 
<> >; rahimu jabendo 
< <> >; Gook 
Akanga < <> >; Gwokto La'Kitgum 
< <> >; Villager 
< <> >; FN 
< <> >; Frank Mujabi 
< <> >; Kasolo David 
< <> >; Kato Paul 
< <> >; Kasulex Moses 
< <> >; Matek Opoko 
< <> >; mitayopotojsi 
< <> >; Abbey Semuwemba 
< <> >; WBK 
Kyijomanji < <> >; Minna 
Salami < <> >
Sent: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:35


The Commandant of the Flying Squad Herman Owomugisha should have been suspended 
after the former Nansana  OC station Kirumira's accusations against his boys.

instead guns were turned to Kirumira for undermining and was accused of 

Kirumira went on to name those officers in flying squad who have been involved 
in all illegal activities, and true to his prophesy these people have been put 
out of action one by one.

After Kirumira's revelation Owomugisha dismissed him as a someone who likes 
being captured on camera tarnishing the name of other institutions.

to me with all the unfolding events and overwhelming evidence there is no 
reason why appointing authority can not ask Afande Owomugisha to step aside and 
a thorough investigation be commissioned on the works and dealing of the 
officers and the office of flying squad.


Robu, some correction Kiwana was immediately put of action and it was another 
person they had who survived and is still fighting for his life. 




On Sunday, 19 October 2014, 18:09, Robukui . < 
<> > wrote:



 Last week on Wednesday at around 6.30p.m at Ndeeba in Kampala, a businessman 
by the names of Geofrey Muhiirwa shot dead two officers and injured one. The 
dead are Cpl Deo Jaya and Matia Kikaya alias Busulwa while the injured is 
Mohammed Kiwana. Geofrey Muhiirwa is held by the police on yet to be specified 
charges since he claims to have shot armed robbers who had threatened his life. 
 As usual, Ugandans have not questioned this incident. They are waiting for the 
international human rights organisations to highlight it two - three months 
from now. 

 Flying Squad is a special unit of the Police force that handles violent crime. 
It is not different from the Violent Crime Crack Unit (VCCU) except that it is 
a product of Museveni's manipulative methods of work whereby he prefers to 
proliferate security agencies by creating parallel ones.  

 The Commandant of the Flying Squad Herman Owomugisha informed the press that " 
On Tuesday night Muhirwe contacted my office calling for help. He informed me 
that Kiwana had intimated to him that he had been hired to kill him by his 
(Muhiirwe) wife over matrimonial misunderstandings. He wanted us not to arrest 
but to kill Kiwana which i did not agree with because we are not allowed to 
kill as an institution." He added "I ordered my officers to try to keep in 
touch with both the businessman and  suspect (Kiwana) because it was dangerous 
to go there at night. In the morning one of my officers explained that it was a 
misunderstanding between the businessman and his wife involving love affairs." 
On the killings the commandant had his to say "I dont know how Jaya (deceased) 
ended up in Ndeeba yet I had assigned him on different duties else where not 
even near that place. I wish  I knew that Muhiirwa had a gun but unfortunately 
it is too late" adding that they had confirmed that the businessman got the gun 
through rightful means. "Kiwana was relieved of his duties long ago. I wont 
deny that he at one time worked with us but he was no longer our employee and 
by the time he had no gun" he added.
 *  Flying Squad cant operate at night!!!

* Was a formal complaint registered with the Police and a case file opened up? 
If so who was the   officer handling the case?

* Was Muhiirwa's complaint followed up and if so did a threat on his life exist?
* What was the idea behind the Commandant ordering his officers to keep in 
touch with both the 
   complainant (Muhirwa) and the suspect (Kiwana)?

* What if the Commandant knew that Muhiirwa was armed, what would he have done? 
Maybe he  would have advised his boys (deceased) to be more cautious? 

*  The uncoordinated statements by the Commandant depict a panicky mind trying 
to exenorate 
     himself from both commissions and omissions. 

According to Muhiirwe, "Earlier this year these people informed me that they 
had been paid 30million shillings to kill me but said that if I gave them 20 
million, it would save my life." He added "As I pulled out the money yesterday 
the three turned against me and I drew guns, since they had guns I acted faster 
and shot them."

*  Who are 'these people' because the Commandant is trying to infer that his 
Cpl Jaya was only involved at the last minute. 

*   Why did Muhiirwa take all that long to formally register a complaint with 
the Police instead of simply making a last hour tel call?

 *   It it is true, where does Muhiirwa get the guts to suggest to the 
Commandant that Kiwana should not be arrested but killed?

 *   What shooting skills does Muhiirwe have such that he could outsmart a 
squad of 3 police officers who are skilled in dealing with violent crime?

  *  Was Muhiirwe in possession of a registered  firearm issued by the Police 
or he is in possession of there that are issued out by security agencies to 
Museveni's loyalists? 


Geofrey Muhiirwe found the three seated in a car and handed them the  by 
Browser Shop" id="yiv1477543806_GPLITA_0" style="margin: 0px !important; 
padding: 0px !important; border: currentColor !important; width: auto 
!important; height: auto !important; color: rgb(124, 147, 161); text-transform: 
uppercase !important; font-weight: bold !important; vertical-align: baseline 
!important; float: none !important; display: inline-block !important; 
min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important;" 
href=""; target="_blank" 
rel="nofollow"ENVELOPE containing the money before opening fire on them. One 
operative (Kiwana) ran out of the car leaving his gun but Muhiirwa shot him in 
the stomach three times at  a distance of 20 metres from the car.

*  How was Muhiirwa's life under threat at that material time so that he pleads 
acting in self defence?

* Why did he have to shoot someone who is fleeing moreover after abandoning his 
gun in the car?

* Given his earlier suggestion to the Commandant that Kiwana should not be 
arrested but killed, 
    it is crystal clear that Muhiirwa planned to kill the three and  by Browser 
Shop" id="yiv1477543806_GPLITA_2" style="margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px 
!important; border: currentColor !important; width: auto !important; height: 
auto !important; color: rgb(124, 147, 161); text-transform: uppercase 
!important; vertical-align: baseline !important; float: none !important; 
display: inline-block !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px 
!important;" href=""; target="_blank" 
rel="nofollow"INDEED killed them hence MURDER. 

Kiwana is a re-known notorious armed thug in Kampala whom the Museveni regime 
has overtime been using to kill imaginary political opponents since the time of 
Operation Wembly. He features prominently in reports of both local and 
international human rights organisations. Also see's Operation Wembly. He together with others had 
a licence to kill victims at both Operation Wembly headquarters at Clement Road 
under Col. Kayanja and later VCCU headquarters in Kireka under David Magara, 
Godfrey Musana and Charles Tusiime. He was initially admited at Mulago Hospital 
but he has been transfered to Case private clinic. 

*  It is not correct for the Commandant to claim that Kiwana was not one of 

*  The transfer to a private clinic must be a police arrangement. Either the 
Police is trying to save 
    one of their own or its a trap to eliminate him so as to suffocate the 

This incident is a clear demonstration of of breach of security by the very 
custodians of security. To save its image, the Police is trying to sweep it 
under the carpet. The killing by Muhiirwe is extra-judicial killing that no 
doubt amounts to murder. The government Spokesperson Ofono Opondo also shot 
dead someone in what would have amounted to cold blooded murder had he not been 
a top member of the ruling oligarchy. There is a high possibility that Godfrey 
Muhiirwa has strong connections with the power circles hence the cold feet by 
Police. Another murder of Kasiwukira in Muyenga has successfully overshadowed 
this particular murder. In civilised societies, the Presidential Aide on Police 
Gen. Kayihura ought to have suspended the Commandant of the Flying Squad to 
give way to a thorough criminal investigation into this incident. Successfully 
sweeping it under the carpet has the effect of expanding on the list of 
precedents of extra judicial killings and institutional condonement of taking 
the law in own hands by both  by Browser Shop" id="yiv1477543806_GPLITA_1" 
style="margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; border: currentColor 
!important; width: auto !important; height: auto !important; color: rgb(124, 
147, 161); text-transform: uppercase !important; font-weight: bold !important; 
vertical-align: baseline !important; float: none !important; display: 
inline-block !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px 
!important;" href=""; target="_blank" 
rel="nofollow"SECURITY OFFICERS and the public. 


Posted by Uganda - A Change of Guards! a


Viele GruBe



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