Jonny Rubin


I did not read George Okello’s response because I blocked him for refusing to 
stop posting to me privately, these are national matters and must be discussed 
openly. The piece I wrote in series seventeen is very important for it goes to 
the very core of the Acholi violence. His response is exactly what they did 
when in Kampala, in as much as I needed to use this chance to raise the names 
of our people that were denied medical treatment and died so terribly and so 
massively, George Okello now wants to use this chance to plead on how many 
people have invested into HIV research and what I have written is a garbage 
that must not be read. Well let us go to the facts of how Acholis handled the 
HIV virus when it struck Kyotera.


They refused any one to publicly state that we had an epidemic, the churches 
that tried to talk loudly and ask the government for assistance because so many 
Baganda were dying, were continuously frustrated and threatened to be closed. 
HIV became a disease talked about secretly as villages and villages were being 
obliterated. Because there were so many reports coming into Mulago Hospital, 
doctors decided to set up a study into Kyotera and Rakayi, that study was 
conducted among others, by Doctor Nelson Ssewankambo, a now I think Principle 
Makerere School of Medicine and Doctor John Wilson Carswell, who used to work 
in Mulago hospital. They went into Kyotera and wrote a very critical report on 
what is happening to our people, in that report Dr Carswell stated that it is 
very unwise for the government of Uganda to deny that an epidemic exists in 
Kyotera, and very many people are losing their lives. Dr Carswell went on to 
state that what is happening in Kyotera and Rakai is very similar to what 
happened in Chernobyl. These very good friends took a stand that HIV does not 
exist in Uganda and those claiming that it exists are working for western 


Dr. John Wilson Carswell a Scottish physician was one of the first medical 
researchers working at Mulago to identify HIV/AIDS in Uganda. He was the doctor 
in the film "the last King of Scotland played by James McAvoy" After he wrote 
that report and handed it to these friends, they arrested him  that very day 
and drove him to Entebbe airport, deporting him out of Uganda at a notice of 6 
hours. The man came to North America and used the information he had got out of 
the Uganda HIV cluster and begged The American government to force these people 
to send treatment into Kyotera and Rakai. In fact Carswell was so concerned 
about Uganda and those dying of HIV that he ended up becoming President George 
Bush senior’s presidential adviser  on HIV/AIDS. That is the very same man that 
they deported out of Entebbe. This man took a great stand against these friends 
to a point that even when Bush the son came to power, he  continued to campaign 
for Uganda which resulted to George Bush sending a whole whack of money to 
Uganda to pay for the cocktail of every one.  It is important to note that had 
this man abandoned HIV as Acholis did, half of Uganda population would be dead 
today for we have managed to control HIV in Uganda because Bush pumped the 
money. The information he used was from the very same man Acholis deported out 
of the country.


Yes I timed this series to be posted this weekend as we hold the World AIDS 
Day, because in as much as we recognize the danger of this disease, we can also 
remember those that died for they were neglected.  Friends in as much as many 
people were pushing Uganda government to feed Acholis that were in camps, I am 
glad that we pushed to make sure that those in camps get a cocktail access as 
well, and as far as I know many Ugandans have been using that medication, 
including Acholis. This is a very serious discussion because these are facts 
that we need all to get educated upon.


Until the removal of Tito Okello government from power, it was illegal in 
Uganda to state that we have an HIV epidemic in the country.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 





From: Jonny Rubin [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 11:53 AM
To: George Okello; Robert Atuhairwe;; Fardson; 
akim odong; Hannah Ogwapiti;; Aroma Patrick; Human 
Rights Centre Uganda; Ahmed Kateregga Musaazi; WB Kyijomanyi; Eric Kashambuzi; 
Rajab Ali; bobbymusoke; Frank Mujabi; <>; 
Dr.Edward Kayondo; epojim;; Billie Kadameri; eun 
Nyaronyango; Joseph Kamugisha; Owor Kipenji; jim muwanga;; 
Rehema Uganda; Hussein Amin; Robukui .; Dan Bwanika; Rose Birungi; joseph 
ochieno; beti kamya; Gwokto La'Kitgum; Gook Akanga;; 
Benson Obua-Ogwal; Betti Amongi; allan barigye; Kale Kayihura; MAYIMUNA KENYI; 
P'loreng'a Neko-yat; Moses Nekyon; Nelson Umah Tete; Omar Kalinge-Nnyago; 
yowaana nyamutale; Monsieur Edward Mulindwa; john kwitonda
HIM { ---------*Series seventeen }


Fellow Ugandans At Heart,


I cannot possibly guess what anyone else has in mind after reading this report 
by Mr. Edward Mulindwa and the response from Mr. George Okello but, it threw my 
memory back to the 1980 General Elections in Uganda.


As Dr. Apollo Milton Obote was campagning, some people wanted to know how he 
contributed to the "liberation war" and the questions were directed to him. The 
people told him that they heard of the soldiers who fought, but his name was 
never heard among them. At that point, Dr. Obote showed the people a pen and 
said that with that pen, he fought better than the soldiers.


Fellow UAH, I don't know whether anyone else has noticed what is going on, but 
I wish the time for what I think the purpose for the report was, could have 
been used to find unity for the good of our country, Uganda.


                                                                  BJ. Rubin.


On Saturday, 6 December 2014, 12:49, George Okello < <>> wrote:


Robert Atuhairwe and Comrade Robukui,


On the question of QUALITY, do you require any further evidence of the total 
failure of UAH and why it seems to be set on a path of mediocrity, ridicule and 
 and laughter than this rambling absurdity of an article by Edward Mulindwa? 
How can anybody take UAH seriously when they read this nonsense by Edward 
Mulindwa? And we have just had World Aids Day, just this 1st December. Tell me 
the truth, would any moderator anywhere in the world allow this banal absurdity 
to be posted? If you Rpobert or Robukui were a Moderator or Editor of a 
magazine, would you publish this nonsense, even if you had nothing else to 
publish? Semuwamba's task gets even harder, I can see now, unless he begins to 
get serious about the task required of a competent Editor or Moderator of a 
serious website. Our health economy is one of the most critical issues any 
competent government in Uganda must deal with but how on earth is Mr Semuwamba  
going to attract serious commentators on HIV and its socio-economic and 
political impact on Uganda when they read such garbage? A lot of people have 
done tremendous work over the years to provide Ugandans with proper information 
on HIV/AIDS. Almost all of them will be very embarrassed to read this piece by 
Mulindwa. It just makes me wonder why people like Hannah Ogwapitti call UAH a 
serious blog? Makes you wonder.


George Okello

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Herrn Edward Mulindwa < <>>
Date: Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 10:04 AM
---------*Series seventeen }
To:  <>,  <>,  <>



In 2014 we as society have got a very good understanding on how the HIV virus 
operates but survives. It is transmitted through bodily fluids 
transmission/exchange, either through sexual contact or contaminated needle 
usage. We as well know that it is not air-borne and cannot be transmitted by a 
simple kiss. We as well know that it is currently a controllable disease and 
many live through it and live a productive full life. When Iddi Amin’s 
government was removed out of power come 1979, Uganda was HIV free country. As 
Acholis came from Tanzania we started to get a massive infection in areas that 
they took control of, and it came in following them as they moved from Mutukula 
devastating massively many villages all way from Mutukula, Rakai, Kyotera into 
Masaka. The death toll especially Rakai and Kyotera was devastating for it was 
not only killing individuals but erasing entire homes from villages to 
villages. On driving from village to village  one would find little pieces of 
clothes tied on doorways from house to house as a sign that this house was 
erased, and that house was erased by the disease. Because we never knew what 
was HIV various names of the cause of death in the region were used, for 
example Mukenenya or Kakendeeza. Bottom line families after families were 
infected by an unknown disease start to shrink but die amass. Today we know it 
was HIV and in this series I need to raise a couple of very important points on 
how these Ugandans we just neglected but died. In so doing I am going to be 
using what we did not know then in combination to what we currently know about 
the monster disease.


There are very troubling issues about the HIV cluster in Kyotera and Rakai, it 
is bothersome to find its original starting point, for to argue that it came 
with Tanzanian soldiers, at a time there was never an HIV known cluster in 
Tanzania, there were very many Acholis and Langis that were camped into 
Tanzania who came back to Uganda, if there was a cluster in Tanzania, then it 
would have exploded in Northern Uganda than in Rakai and Kyotera. But we would 
have got a very large number of Tanzanian soldiers infected yet they were not, 
this cluster just showed up in Rakai and Kyotera and devastated the area 
massively. It as well did not develop going back to Tanzania, or we would have 
got a massive deaths In Tanzania as we did in the Uganda cluster yet we did not 
see that happening either. When you agree that it is a sexually transmitted 
disease, then it should have happened in urban centers where there was a 
massive sexual activity, places like Kampala, Jinja, Iganga, Masaka, Mbarara 
let alone Fort Portal. There was a  great joke as we lived in Uganda that the 
moment you leave Masaka and head into Kyotera without a girl you will never get 
any woman until when you get out. This is because that region was a true 
Baganda culturally built region, one man one wife based and very highly 
religiously Catholic, that no one would even dare to date any one. It is a 
known fact that Rakai and Kyotera produced the most virgin women in the country 
for there was hardly any sexual activity in the region, for it was a very 
Catholic based region, and yet that is the very place HIV decided to massively 


If you use an argument that foreigners introduced it to the society, then it 
would have started from places like Bugiri Iganga Busembatia where you owned a 
massive in transit population, but at a time, Uganda Tanzania boarder was 
closed almost throughout Amin’s government, so we had absolutely no population 
movement from Tanzania to Uganda until when the boarder was forcefully opened 
by the war. There are move very troubling factors on the Rakai Kyotera cluster, 
if HIV is sexually transmitted, then today we would have got HIV orphans from 
Rakai and Kyotera. In every family you look at you have the parents that are 
sexually active, but the children are not sexually active, so one would expect 
the parents to die of the uncontrolled disease, but the children would have 
remained alive for they are not sexually active. The cluster of Rakai and 
Kyotera wiped out entire families, the fathers died, the mothers died, how do 
you explain the deaths of the children who were between the age of 5 to age 15 
at the removal of Iddi Amin? They were too old to breast feed but they were too 
young to be sexually active, why did it kill them? Why did it kill Grandparents 
that were senior citizens at the exit of Iddi Amin? Were we screwing 60’s 70’s 
80’s and 90 year olds in Uganda? And all I am trying to argue here is the 
connection in the family structure of the connection in infection that happens 
in a family of an infected family so that a father dies, a mother dies, and all 
children die with the grandparents dying, were the parents screwing their own 
children and their parents to infect them, and then the entire generations in 
the family ends up wiped out? And this happened in a region so religiously 
controlled and has the least sexual activity, how does this make sense to you? 
And yet tens of thousands of Ugandans,  most of whom were Baganda,  lost their 
lives under the disease which just decided to show up in the area as soon as 
Acholis took control over it?                          -> {Quite bizarre} is 
the term I must incorporate term here.


Friends the HIV cluster in Kyotera is a very complex issue that I cannot dare 
write about, for when I use common sense and the knowledge we have today about 
the disease my reasoning simply does not add up, yet tens of thousands of our 
people especially Baganda lost their lives, and we simply closed  off their 
villages and we walked away, the war continued on to Kampala, the cluster 
remained in Kyotera and Rakai never devastating the rest of the country as it 
so did in the source, till when we started to control the disease and then 
rebuilt the region. What seems to make sense out of what we know  is that it is 
true HIV is largely sexually transmitted, but the very original cluster in 
Kyotera was manually transmitted, and when it reached into the population, we 
transmitted it sexually then it started to spread as a wild fire. That cluster 
has absolutely no origin but to just show up in areas that Amin lost control 
because there is no backward infection in any part of Tanzania let alone 
forward in Uganda. Which brings us to who would manually infect the people of 
Rakai and Kyotera? We simply do not know. Was this disease used as a part of 
the meat-grinder that I explained about in the last series? I honestly do not 
know. Did Acholis bring it and manually infect it to the populace that came 
under their control? I simply do not know that either. Was it manually thrown 
into the population through medical systems by those that wanted to eliminate 
all adults that have learnt about nationalism from I did Amin, and The Acholis 
simply did not know what was going on? Again I am repeating my very standard 
response, I simply do not know. Bottom line I have a whole whack of villages of 
Baganda families that were wiped off earth and I cannot put my finger on how 
they got infected. And my not having an answer to how the virus created a 
controlled cluster in the area is simply not helped because among the Acholis 
that came out of Tanzania to attack and remove The Iddi Amin’s government, not 
a single one of them is talking. When Amin was in power all administration 
systems were working all way to Mutukula, as Acholis attacked Uganda from 
Mutukula into Masaka, Uganda government started to lose control of the region 
as the war progresses, the disease progressed as the war progressed, and to the 
day of this writing, the Acholis that controlled the taken over areas decided 
to keep quiet about anything that happened in between the attack of Uganda to 
the exit of Iddi Amin from office, for all information they have is very highly 
classified. I am dedicating this series to the tens of thousands of Ugandans 
that lost their lives into the HIV cluster of Kyotera and Rakai, who we all 
just forgot and simply walked away. 



Stay in the forum for Series eighteen is on the way   ------>



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

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